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Me and my wife want to join the Army

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If your student loans are the only concern, you have a couple choices. Provide your Income Tax results from CRA, proving that your are paying some of your loans back. This option is less than ideal.

Better yet, look at how much you are compelled to pay anyhow in taxes and make a written agreement with CRA to voluntarily pay that back each year. This will reflect better on you when applying to the CF or any employer.

Look for solutions and act on those ideas instead of thinking they will stop you from applying.
accord27 said:
:cdn:Me and my wife want to join the Army. We want to know how hard it is to get in the Army life. From what Im reading on here, we don't really stand a chance. We are both 31, we have 3 small kids, My wifes family is in the army 20 years plus. I want Infantry, and she wants to be a Mail Clerk or something. I know we can do Basic Training, but is it hard to get in the army to even start Basic Traning? We want this very much, it is our dream to fight for canada.  :salute: :yellow:

Didn't you and your Wife have this Gung-Ho before you had three Children and now why ?.

On the down side, three Children could be left without the Nurturing of a Mother and farmed out to Relatives or Grand Parents.

Its been my experience that no matter how much Grand Parents Love and Spoil their Grand Children, their child raising duties are over and they are usually glad when the last Chick leaves the nest.

Now it Kudos Points for your enthusiasm to join the CF's, but for both of you at this stage in your family's life, leaves at lot to be considered as to why not.


Wow, such an important discussion - I'm in my very early 30's, and am not having children, personally. Due to that, I'm willing to go anywhere with the Infantry, but if I DID have children, there would likely be no way I'd even enlist. I'd probably take a by-law/customs job or something. That said, there's danger in everything as well...But to join the military would certainly add to the risk I would imagine (from a stats perspective).
I just want to let everyone know that, me and my wife have 3 kids. They are my sisters kids, She was killed, so now me and my wife own them, I did want to tell my hole life story on here, but I dont like some of your comments. Its pretty bad I can't ask a question with out people write to me saying things they know nothing about!, Me and my wife never had kids of our own, we had to put our life on hold for the past few years. Thank-you. This message was mostly for CDN Aviator.
accord27 said:
This message was mostly for CDN Aviator.

Dont think for a second that i'm going to lose sleep over this post. I'm sorry about the loss of your sister but i responded to your post just like it was.

You'll find that some of our members have trouble keeping this thread in mind when they post - Tone and Content on Army.ca.  Leaping to conclusions and overreacting is a common error of many in internet postings.  Hopefully, those who require it will review that thread before they contribute further.

Milnet.ca Staff
accord, if I may.  I think someone else already suggested this, but I think it may be a good idea. 

Why not have one of you apply now, and then once the first has completed training the second can apply?  That way there isn't as much disruption for the kids.  The CF will still be here, and they'll still be hiring.  I'm also very sorry for the loss of your sister. 

My husband is currently serving, and I am just playing the waiting game for BMQ.  We have 2 kids.  There are plenty of service couples out there who have children.  They make it work, so will you and your wife if it's what you both really want.

Good luck to both of you. 
Or try to apply for reserve as a first step if a unit is not too far from your town as someone previously suggested.

Don't give up and keep focus on your application, stay in touch closely with your CFRC.

Take advantage of your civilian status, so feel free to ask them questions. Once you are in, well seems that questions can come when they tell you so!  ;D

I am new in this forum, but I am convinced that everyone here that takes time to read your thread reply with a good intention but at the end of the day, as you know, you are the only one that is going to make it real.

Yeah, I think thats what we are going to do, One of us will go first. It is the best thing to do for now. I want to thank you all for your replys, but Im not going to use this site anymore. When I ask a question, then thats fine if you want to answer it, but telling me I should have thought of something  in my past before hand, when you don't know my story. This is not a soap box room for drama. Now for the rest of you, I got the ball rolling, and everything looks good. Just waiting for calls now. And my student loan is fine. Cheers everyone, and good luck to those who are thinking or joining the family! Always know that you can do anything long as you put your mind to it! Your only strong as you let yourself be
OK!  Can we change this topic title to "My Wife and I want to Join the Army"?  The current one makes us all look like uneducated louts.
Good luck, but I do hope your skin is thicker in real life than it is on the internet if you hope to succeed.

accord27 said:
Yeah, I think thats what we are going to do, One of us will go first. It is the best thing to do for now. I want to thank you all for your replys, but Im not going to use this site anymore. When I ask a question, then thats fine if you want to answer it, but telling me I should have thought of something  in my past before hand, when you don't know my story. This is not a soap box room for drama. Now for the rest of you, I got the ball rolling, and everything looks good. Just waiting for calls now. And my student loan is fine. Cheers everyone, and good luck to those who are thinking or joining the family! Always know that you can do anything long as you put your mind to it! Your only strong as you let yourself be

Good to hear, HOWEVER, you may want to sort out your attitude, if you have taken the first step to enrolling in the CF.  You will find that your instructors will not treat you very kindly if you keep that attitude (as exhibited above) while on training.  Your life will be made very miserable.
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