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Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

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Always keep in mind that your equipment was made by the lowest bidder.


reporter:"Pte Bloggins, why are you here for Winter Indoc Training?"

Pte Bloggins:"Cause I have to be."

~One of my troops answer to a media question.. what could I say to him? Jack him up? We are a part time unit...hahahaha. Good Old Global News in Aldershot. He did'nt do Fire picket that night.
A soldier does not give up what he does.
He finds the love in what he does.
More of a joke, really, a very old Army joke (for you hooligans i.e.highlanders)

How can the RSM be assured that all of the Regiment is wearing their kilts Regimentally?

They will have dandruff on their boots.
Never stand when you can sit; never sit when you can lie; never lie when you can sleep.

Or something along those lines.
Why Carry the Kit while the Kit carries you...

~RCD Buddy during PLQ

*99 I"m looking your way.
One that has stuck with me through the years from an SSM back in 3 Fld Engr Sqn days.....

"Get off the grass....... And I don't mean the stuff your walking on"
As a young snot-nosed 18 year old pte on PRO PAT1, Petawawa TQ3 '82; "Warrent, how's my trench, do you think it's deep enough?"

Grizzled old Warrent with about 30 + years; "Lad, hope for the best, prepare for the worst..."
When I was first posted to Valcartier from Petawawa my gun Sgt. asked me how long I was in the military. With puffed up chest I said " two years, Sgt." He looked at me and said " I was longer on a message"  Chest deflates.
"Move with a sense of urgency bordering on, but not exceeding, panic."

My troop warrant, 1 troop, B Sqn, 8ch in Pet in the early 80's and something I have continued to live by -

"Any fool can be uncomfortable in the field, it takes intelligence to be comfortable"
"The way the government works: In the Garden Of Eden, the military base would be beside the garbage dump".
Summer, 1975...  CFB Ottawa (N). At that time it was the home of the PDD, better known as the Changing Of The Guard. A GGFG Lt. is walking by the parade square.  RCR MWO on the other side of the square salutes the Lt. The Lt, his mind no doubt occupied with matters of importance such as "it's only 10 minutes to happy hour" fails to notice and return the salute. MWO screams "Sir! I'm saluting you!". Without a pause the Lt says "and so you should, Sergeant Major".

WO to a recruit: "I wouldn't p*ss on you if you was on fire".

- "Move with the speed of a thousand startled gizelles"

Our Sgt after having a week of non-stop running PT
_ "Today i've got a treat! We'r going to go for a bike ride...unfortunately we dont have any bikes, so its going to look at awful lot like running!"
No offense intended to the RCASC,  Take that duece out for a test drive to the Dixe Lee
PTSD?,... I don't get PTSD, I'm a carrier I give it!

Dr. Grossman (U.S. L.Col Retd.)