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Met Tech Info?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Macklinen
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Hi all;
I am currently on Contact training until the 3's.  I got word last week that I am going on the new BOb course, which is running from Sept 8th to March 31, 2009.  The training we will be getting as mentioned before is the briefing and the observing, also, there is the rumour that we will be going to Gagetown for 2 weeks, during the course, for an Upper Air course.
Anyone else going on this new course?
Hey everyone. So my CT is finally through and I head to Winnipeg for PAT Monday and my course starts in January. Just looking for info on the ncm barracks so I know how much room I have to work with and that kind of thing and any other info I should maybe know. I looked around the net but no luck. Thanks!
Hi engineergonemet, I sent you a message.  I just read this though, you may want to prepare for a longer wait than you were expecting as the next 3`s course doesn't start until April sometime.
So I was wondering if there are any Met Techs out there. I have a few questions...:

-Do we go on boats all the time?
-Are we purple as in we can be on any base out there?
-What are the type of shifts that we have?

I know Met Techs can be posted to Artillery units. Role around in TLAVs, etc
hey everyone!

I'm sorry to bump up this thread as its been inactive for a while. but my google-fu has digged some interesting information but i don't understand what it means. As i understand, there are a lot of changes in the trade right now but the recruiting website is still unchanged with a very old video on there

as i understand after Ql3-Ql5 - everyone is posted to Gagetown and depending on specialties you train up to 18 months. What are theses personalities? and what is the likelihood to be posted with Artillery unit (which what i want to do as my boyfriend is an Infantry O  ) rather than air force base? Also, what happens after BMQ, do you go to pretc and are stuck there until our course starts. Do new met tech now do SQ as well as Air Force Qualification (i'm sure that not the proper term for it but what do that entail). Is winterpeg as terrible in the winter as it sounds? (I'm from Quebec). Alot people also do OJT - Where do they usually do that? and what do they do there? I saw an old tread about that as well, but i don't know if that still applies.

Also i'm currently training and getting in shape - i'm planning to apply early december or january.  and i'm redoing advanced 11th grade (Well, upgrading since i only have basic math from high school). Do you think its worth it to upgrade my physics as well? Will it be useful in my trades training? Since, i'm redoing my math course anyways. It's only an extra 5 weeks.

This trade sounds so exciting :) Any insights will be welcome!
jazzy0410 said:
Air Force Qualification (i'm sure that not the proper term for it but what do that entail).

BAEQ - Basic Air Environment Qualification.

Is winterpeg as terrible in the winter as it sounds?

jazzy0410 said:
as i understand after Ql3-Ql5 - everyone is posted to Gagetown and depending on specialties you train up to 18 months

Not sure where you got this info - all the Met Tech training is conducted at Canadian Forces School of Meteorology (CFSMET) in Winterpeg.  The Met Techs at Gagetown (or any other army base for that matter) would be supporting flying operations, or artillery units.
Occam said:
Not sure where you got this info - all the Met Tech training is conducted at Canadian Forces School of Meteorology (CFSMET) in Winterpeg.  The Met Techs at Gagetown (or any other army base for that matter) would be supporting flying operations, or artillery units.

I'm soy i didn't make myself clear. I know the training is at CFSMET is winterpeg. but i meant apparently after graduation - everyone goes to gagetown for on the job training but i was wondering what exactly would would do there?

Info = http://static.canadaeast.com/archives/postgazette/20090411/XFP0411B0164.pdf
CDN Aviator said:
BAEQ - Basic Air Environment Qualification.


Thanks for the info! I guess its good for me that i'm one theses weird people who actually likes winter! :)
Thank you for giving me the proper term - i did a search and found some interesting info on it!
SF2 said:
nice city, when it isn't -40, or +30 with hell mosquitos.

Yeah, those mosquitoes were crap. Looked like little swarms of floating black clouds, made me afraid to go outside! Evil Devil Insects  >:D
Jingo said:
Yeah, those mosquitoes were crap. Looked like little swarms of floating black clouds, made me afraid to go outside! Evil Devil Insects  >:D

I will have you know it will be +21C today!!! So There. (rain stopped)

As for the mosquitoes.....what are you? Some radical PETA thingy? They have to eat too you know....don't like to share? 

As for winter weather....at least you can dress for it!! Nothin' worse than the thermometer saying its a balmy -10C in other environs and sitting there shivering my little tush off because it's a "wet" cold.....didn't anyone tell you guys to measure the wet bulb temperature too!!

I just did the BAEQ course in Winnipeg a week ago.  Course content is:

PO Air 101 - Contribute to Safe Operation on an Airfield;
PO Air 102 - Perform Duties in Accordance With Environmental Protection;
Ed O Air 101 - Describe the Structure of the Air Force;
Ed O Air 102 - Describe the Role and History of Canadian Aviation; and
Ed 0 Air 103 - Describe Basic Air Force Team Concept.

Personally I found most of the course interesting.  It is all classroom lectures, not complete death by PowerPoint, with some interesting clips for movies/history series.  One in particular is the movie on the POWs in Japan and the story/documentary/interview with Air Commodore Leonard Birchall, who was named 'The Saviour of Ceylon' by Winston Churchill.

There are 2 exams (multiple choice, 1 on Day 2 and 1 on Day 4).  If you do the course @ 17 Wing, you'll also likely get a tour of the museum in Bldg 66 from one of the Curators, a former Maritime Patrol-type Nav.  If you do it in Borden, you get a tour of the museum there.

Friday is Jeopardy Day.  Enjoy.
Jingo said:
Yeah, those mosquitoes were crap. Looked like little swarms of floating black clouds, made me afraid to go outside! Evil Devil Insects  >:D

The golf course on base was deadly last night. I think I was completely covered with mosquitoes at some points.
GAP said:
As for the mosquitoes.....what are you? Some radical PETA thingy? They have to eat too you know....don't like to share? 

HA HA HA Sharing?! I thought they are supposed to ask NICELY to bite you... THEY should be the ones using their manners!  :nod:
jazzy0410 said:
hey everyone!

I'm sorry to bump up this thread as its been inactive for a while. but my google-fu has digged some interesting information but i don't understand what it means. As i understand, there are a lot of changes in the trade right now but the recruiting website is still unchanged with a very old video on there

as i understand after Ql3-Ql5 - everyone is posted to Gagetown and depending on specialties you train up to 18 months. What are theses personalities? and what is the likelihood to be posted with Artillery unit (which what i want to do as my boyfriend is an Infantry O  ) rather than air force base? Also, what happens after BMQ, do you go to pretc and are stuck there until our course starts. Do new met tech now do SQ as well as Air Force Qualification (i'm sure that not the proper term for it but what do that entail). Is winterpeg as terrible in the winter as it sounds? (I'm from Quebec). Alot people also do OJT - Where do they usually do that? and what do they do there? I saw an old tread about that as well, but i don't know if that still applies.

Also i'm currently training and getting in shape - i'm planning to apply early december or january.  and i'm redoing advanced 11th grade (Well, upgrading since i only have basic math from high school). Do you think its worth it to upgrade my physics as well? Will it be useful in my trades training? Since, i'm redoing my math course anyways. It's only an extra 5 weeks.

This trade sounds so exciting :) Any insights will be welcome!

Well to answer a few of your questions... It is correct that everyone who graduates from the Basic Occupational Qualification (QL3) gets posted to Gagetown to complete an on the job training package. How long that will take depends on each person and how much they want to get it finished, until it is finished you won't get posted anywhere else.

Infantry Officer is going to be a hard trade to posted with, most Met Techs will spend a few years posted to ships as well as air bases.  The Artillery postings usually only last 3-5 years, so don't plan on a career there.

High School math and physics never hurt anybody (except the odd head banged against a desk...) but most of the course material is at a fairly basic level. If you didn't have a hard time in science in school I doubt anything on the BOQ would be too hard for you. Something not mentioned by most recuriters ao in the recruiting material is the trade includes a lot of public speaking. Providing weather briefings to people is one of the major parts of the job so if you have a hard time speaking in front of people start working on that now. Nobody wants to get three monts into a course and fail because they freeze in front of a crowd.
Well I just got the word from my career manager I am course loaded for the january course.  Nice to have a date.  Unfortunatly im posted to Shilo for the time being (service couple)  the unfortunate part really is the fact the whole Met section is deployed to afghanistan, so OJT is outa the question for now.  I do have th weather manual and ive managed to get a few chapters down range but I would like a bit more direction and guidance as to the material I should focua on for the first portion of the course.  If anyone could help me with that it would be much appriciated.

thanks all!
I am hoping to start in the Met Tech trade any day now. I was wondering where I could get more info about the course it self or any learning materials I could use a head of time to get started. I noticed someone (artygirl) said she had the weather manual and was wondering where I could get it. Any and all info would be greatly appreciaited.
Wow.  You are really getting around. 

Best advise, and probably the best source, is to go to your Ops NCO, or someone in the School, and see if they can get a hold of the TP for that trade and then look up the reference material.  You can then use that list of pubs to retrieve them off the DIN.  You'll kill a tree or two printing off all that stuff.