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Military Attaches

Gunner said:
DAA - Military attache postings are a plum job.   I have never heard any complaints mate!   Cheers

And you never will hear a current or former CDA complain about such a position.  Sure the job is plum, but you have to be willing to take the pits that come with it too.
PPCLI Guy,  you have the rank but all of our CDAs have to have had command.  Geordie in Pakistan did that through his time commanding a reserve unit.  Ernie did his through his time in the school.  From outside looking in, CDA here is going to Africa and will be accredited for seven countries.  His reasoning for taking that "plum job" from here is his way of repaying the Army which he says has been good to him.  Is CDA a good job?  Heh, it is exciting and you do "neat" things from what I can see, other than the cocktail circuit.  Isn't doing "neat" things why we all joined in the first place?  If you are serious, check into it.  I know if I ever reach yours, or others lofty heights it definitely interests me.

As an aside, I am a misplaced Patricia as you can see by my profile, but the DA office here has been an immense support.  When we are an army this small, it is nice to have the "family".  Yeah I know its regimental day, I'm feeling the effects, I'll stop babbling now.
Sandbag said:
PPCLI Guy,   you have the rank but all of our CDAs have to have had command.  

That, of course, is more or less out of my hands - but hope springs eternal...

Bringing back this topic for a mo'.  Was reading a Keegan book (Intelligence in War) in which he breifly discusses the British attache system.  He notes that attaches used to be invaluable in the past for gathering intelligence on foreign military capabilities, order of battle etc etc but with such information now more readily avaialbe through open sources and advances in technology attaches have become less important.  He argues that most attache postings are considered "dead-ends" for senior officers who can't break to the higher ranks.  They perform mostly a ceremonial function now, and a great deal of their work involves promoting their country's defence industy.

Any thoughts from a Canadian perspective?

A question I am interested is to what extent do attaches promote the defence industries of their respective country?  Do Canadian attaches do alot of this sort of thing?

Also (If the answer to this question is not "classified"), do military attaches still perform some "ad hoc" or official Int functions?
Here is some reading for you that will explain what the function of the UKDAO is.


"He argues that most attache postings are considered "dead-ends" for senior officers who can't break to the higher ranks."

Could be true, but I have seen several foreign DA's promoted while on post and also some Canadian DA's promoted upon departure from the post.  I can honestly say that the experience they gain for dealing with OGD's and NGO's (Other Government Departments/Non-Government Organizations) is priceless and could never be learned anywhere else!!  A definite key element in todays global operations where humanitarian assistance is being coordinated by OGD's/NGO's, UN, etc.