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'Military Mistress' talks about alleged crime spree

Michael OLeary

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'Military Mistress' talks about alleged crime spree


(CBS 8) - A woman accused of marrying military men and taking off with their money is speaking out in an exclusive interview with CBS affiliate WAKA.

Bobbi Ann Finley has arrest warrants in several states, including one in San Diego county.

Last week, Finley walked into the Montgomery, Alabama TV station and started talking about her criminal past.

Finley has a 17-year history of marring military men, giving birth to their children, and then cleaning out their bank accounts. As a result, she's been nicknamed the "military mistress".

"I wouldn't say it was a coincidence because I am attracted to the clean cut, all- American hero," Finley told WAKA. "I wrote bad checks. A lot of these guys would go and get credit cards in their name and then say, ‘Here honey'."

During the interview, Finley defended her past actions with servicemen.

"They're using me at the same time that I was using them," Finley said. Asked what Finley was using the servicemen for, Finley responded, "I thought somebody would love me."

Court records show the 34-year-old has at least four San Diego county victims and dozens more across the country.

Family members say Finley has at least nine children. All of them abandoned and some living with relatives.

"I loved every one of (the children) but I loved them enough to give them a better thing than I could give them," Finley said.

One of Finley's cousins told News 8 in an earlier interview that Finley neglected her children and lost them to child protective services. The cousin, Billie Smith of Northern California, adopted three of the children out of foster homes.

A San Diego arrest warrant and associated felony complaint details hundreds of dollars in bad checks Finley wrote in 1996.

In April of 2005, a Marine Corps brigadier general finally signed an order prohibiting Finley from setting foot on local military bases.  The order was issued under one of Finley's numerous aliases, Bobbi A. Wynne.

After hiding out in Alabama for the past several weeks, Finley says she's tired of running and plans on surrendering to authorities in Washington state.

"First think when I get off the bus, somebody will be waiting for me and I will go in and turn myself in," Finley said. "That's the only right thing to do."

The day after WAKA aired Finley's interview, two additional Alabama victims came forward. The Montgomery sheriff's department issued a new arrest warrant for Finley based on those allegations, WAKA reported. Finley remains at large.

(More links from Google)
Useless without pics:

Ahhh.....I've seen her before......in the WalMart Citizen pics....isn't she the one with.....ewwww....yeah, that's her....
"I wouldn't say it was a coincidence because I am attracted to the clean cut, all- American hero," Finley told WAKA. "I wrote bad checks. A lot of these guys would go and get credit cards in their name and then say, ‘Here honey'."

Were these guys blind, on top of being plain Dumb?

Before I saw her picture, I was imagining ;


Not lady Moo-Moo.  She is a beast!

I guess staring at goats for over a year, in some God forbidden desert will do weird things to a military man...


Now now... like often attracts like. I would like to see the guys she pinned down. Probably happy to have a little attention. Just not having it go this far.
Reminds me of Grampa Simpson expplaining how he came to have an illegitimate son.

She'd do things other girls wouldn't - like have sex for money.
WOW as soon as I saw that picture of her I heard Jeff Foxworthy in my head from one of his standup routines "Oh my God that's a woman! And she's got KIDS!! Somebody slept with that WOMAN!!!!!"
gunnars said:
Now now... like often attracts like.

As said on an episode of House, "eights don't marry twos"

...and he's a doctor, so it must be true  ;D
Journeyman said:
As said on an episode of House, "eights don't marry twos"

...and he's a doctor, so it must be true  ;D

I disagree completely.

Your girlfriend is at least an eight...
dapaterson said:
Your girlfriend is at least an eight...
Who obviously has very poor eyesight and/or a shitload of bad kharma from a previous life to burn off  :nod:
Journeyman said:
Who obviously has very poor eyesight and/or a shitload of bad kharma from a previous life to burn off  :nod:

...or is currently secretly filiming a reality show starring you...

But the question is, which network will air it?  Discovery?  O?  Cartoon Network?
the 48th regulator said:
Were these guys blind, on top of being plain Dumb?


I guess staring at goats for over a year, in some God forbidden desert will do weird things to a military man...



If you think that being taken in by a skilled con artist makes you either blind or dumb, you obviously haven't ever encountered one. (Note the word skilled. I agree that your average con artist is a blind *********** anyone could see through.) These men were taken in because when you fall in love with someone (unless you're extremely paranoid or have major self-confidence issues) you don't automatically think "I'd better be careful around him/her because they could take my money and run off to another state". The fact that she wasn't good looking just means they weren't shallow enough to only care about what she looked like. I know it might be a strange concept to you, but some people look for more than looks *gasp* when it comes to their mates.

Your attitude towards these men is insulting and heartless. If what you said was a joke it was in very poor taste.
Journeyman said:
Sanctimonious is good.  :nod:

Maybe overly indignant, but hardly feigning it.

I have a close friend who was taken in by such a woman. It took him years to heal emotionally, never mind to repair the economical damage she managed to do to him. That someone would insult people in his situation and make it seem that it was a failing on his part angers me.

Okay, on rereading I'm sure no one meant to insult or blame the victims. My first post was a knee-jerk reaction to the way I read that post, and I'm sure it wasn't meant the way I took it. But it was still very insensitive, and I completely disagree with the viewpoint.
Cerulean_Sky said:
Maybe overly indignant, but hardly feigning it.
Not all definitions include that one pretend indignance; most simply focus upon an attitude of "holier than thou." For safety reasons, this also suggests one take care when dismounting from a pony at such an elevation.

Personally, I don't care about the issue one way or the other.
But I do suspect the site owner was being very intentional when he named this section Radio Chatter.