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Milnet.ca Medic Q&A

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you on this.

I'd run across some of these trials before during searches, and perhaps I need to take a closer look at them, as I'm not sure I'm convinced about them. Perhaps more tellingly, neither are the designers of the Resuscitation Outcome Consortium trials on HS and HSD.  I'm no statistician, and I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn last night (just the econolodge in Edmonton for the past 6 months  ;D) but if there was an adequate body of evidence that showed these treatments to be harmful to the trial population there wouldn't be the ongoing trials.

Now, I'm not saying these are the be all and end all of resus fluids, but as I've said before on here and in other venues, we don't know, and until we conduct some really well designed trials with a very large sample population, we won't.  I guess the only thing to say is that the jury is still well and truly out on this, but there's lots of military and civi health care professionals awaiting the verdict with baited breath.
hello again. My trade is starting to access some of the new operational medical equipment, but info on what products are currently used in theater is difficult to come by as an airforce operator. Does anyone know how to access ECL for TC3 trauma kits, as well as current medic jumpkit (overseas)? Any self administered analgesia in Canadian Prehspital care? I am trying to push inclusion of NPA, as you may gather from previous posts, as well as chitosan dressings. Please provide insights as to some less glamourous new or recycled med gear coming to the pointy end, so I can try and get some for this little splinter at home.

As far as pre-hospital care goes I really think the King LT A/W is the way to go as opposed to an LMA and the NPA for sure! It has been a standard of care for a long time on civvy street.

Something I'm most impressed with are the Fentanyl "lollipops" We don't use them currently but since I was introduced to them at a seminar in September by 2 CF Medics I have really thought about using them.

2 weeks ago we had a guy 390 pounds trapped in a car very nasty but isolated tib fib fracture, lots of pain. Not a lot of damage but this guy normally would have had to have squeezed into his car on the best of days, now with damage to his car he was very stuck. Again he was in a lot of pain! It took us a while to get him out. There was no hope of getting an I.V. I gave him Fentanyl 50ug x 2 I.M. but with his size the uptake wasn't there and I would have loved a Fentanyl "Lollipop" for him. Again same thing last week with a Ski-doo crash victim, would have been nice.

I believe it's 400ug of Fentanyl. Definitely on my wish list right now.

As well I find 2-4 mg of Versed is great for sedation, esp. head injuries Pre-Intubation if your looking at that.

I can say for certain that NPA are taught as doctrine to TCCC soldiers. Used as a more patent airway because it is less likely to dislodge when transporting a cas over rough terrain and long distance. I suggest maybe PMing Saint Micheals Medical Team to answer some of your other questions. Ref self administered analgesia I know on my last tour that there was none in the scope of practice for TCCC members but the Medic did have Morphine. Keeping my ear to the ground I think it maybe changing or has changed in terms of scope of practice for the regular TCCC soldier but I am not 100% sure. Maybe someone from the following TF (all after 3-06) can say for sure.
Fentanyl lolli's are definately self administered. Tape it to the pt.s thumb. They suck on it. Before they get too sedated it falls out of there mouth.
I am aware of fentynol lollis, but didn't know if Canadian medics were using them. I have also heard of a Ketamine inhalor (think Kazoo). there are tons of great products in the market, I am mostly interested in products already in CFMS, since the time lag in attempting to acquire them for SAR Tech use would be shorter.
Fair enough. I do know that Fentanyl lollis were presented to us during a discussion/presentation by 2 Sgt.s with 2 field Amb. So someone in the CF is using them.
I have no idea if this is the place to ask, but I'll give it a shot.  I won't get into all the details, but I'll explain a bit, and if anyone can answer a few questions, please PM me.

I'm an AVN.  I'm getting posted to Cold Lake, which requires a semi-isolated screening.  I'm good to go for everything but the medical.  Just today, my doctor put me on a T-CAT, telling me I wasn't going anywhere.

Now, I am not sad about Cold Lake, and I don't want to be on CAT.  I told her this, but she said, "It's for your own good."

Now, I'll explain more in a PM, but I don't want my med info on a public board.  So I guess I'm wondering if it's still possible for Cold Lake to say screw it, we can handle her, send her up, or does the CAT prevent that?  I know Cold Lake is different than other bases for that, but I'm just wondering if anybody has any info that could help me.

Thank you.

EDIT:  I have some T6-CAT codes on my chit, wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what they mean?  This CAT thing is all new to me.  =(  I have GST6 and O3T6
Uhm, G6T6, not GS?

Short answer, you don't get posted on a t-cat.  Feel free to PM me and I'll tell you what I can, it's been a while since I administered such things, but I do have some idea.
Sparkplugs said:
EDIT:  I have some T6-CAT codes on my chit, wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what they mean?  This CAT thing is all new to me.  =(  I have GST6 and O3T6

I can probably answer most of your questions but please read the link below before you PM me. Specifically read the medical category system in Ch 3.

hi i have a series of questions  ;D, I'm planning on being a reserve med tech at 23 field ambulance in London Ontario, and my element is army.
first question is do reserve med tech need to do SQ? I looked for threads and it seems reg force med tech don't have to sometimes.

and if you do need SQ,"QL3" is the first trade course for all medtechs after BMQ and SQ right, or is the first trade course after BMQ/SQ called something else for the reserves? 

next is when do QL3 courses run, how long is it? and do you need it to be a private trained?

last question is that can you do reserve BMQ (20 days i think) reserve SQ (another 20 days, assuming i need to take SQ) and QL3 in one summer (4 months for me from may to august since im in university)

thank you so much and if i repeated a question im sorry, it's just that i looked at the topic sticky and couldnt find this info
These have been asked and answered before, but since I'm procrastinating, I'll give you the answers again, even though this thread is for health related questions, not medical tng questions.

Most Res medics are land element, so SQ is a must.

The Res training is now a modular version of the Reg training.  Your first trade course is QL3, which is about a third of the Reg F QL3, and then you do QL4, which is the middle third, and then some get loaded on Primary Care Paramedic, which is the last third of the course.

Res QL3/4 run during the summers in Borden, Ontario.  You won't be a Pte trained until you complete at least the Res QL3.

Some have been able to do all three in one summer, but it's very rare.
thank you ;D em just wondering how long is reserve QL3 for med tech ;D last question i promise
MedTechStudent said:
Well, I guess this falls under "Training."  And I know this sounds really basic but I could NOT find this anywhere on the Institute site.  After the first 16 week section of MOC training in CFB Borden, how long is the MOC Training at the Justice Institute?

Cheers, Kyle
MedTechStudent said:
I know its been forever, but can anyone answer my question back on page 1?

Pretty please.

The next course training at the Justice Institute is going to be 6 months in length. We are starting sometime in May, and will be the first 6 month course. (has just been extended from 3-6 months) See this link, for updated info I have posted on course lengths: Course Updates
I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the medical side of the military. Am i supposed to go to the MIR for typical "family doctor" issues?
mustard said:
I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the medical side of the military. Am i supposed to go to the MIR for typical "family doctor" issues?

A rather interesting question.  Are you in the CF?
yes, reg force. I don't know, i've only had to go to the MIR a few times but that was for work related injuries.
mustard said:
I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the medical side of the military. Am i supposed to go to the MIR for typical "family doctor" issues?

If you're Reg Force - yes.  Now I have a question - wasn't that explained to you in Basic?
