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MMA Anyone?

I believe it was the back of his heel. He did it in such a way that it looked like an acident, but there was some decent force behind it, so Im dubious. i just threw the ouside leg in and went for a drop into the side mount and half way there, got my marbles shaken.
Oh well, I dont mind it actually. It seemed my team was more frustrated with the shot than i was. All I remember hearing was "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT, SHAKE IT OFF, PUT IT TO HIM, MAKE HIM WISH HE HADNT DONE THAT!", all the while thinking "man, it IS a fight, and nothing is broken.."

Oh well, I took that fight by points so it was all good.  ;D
Steve said:
I can't begin to describe how eager I am to learn more..

So far I've learned just one defensive movement, but 3 moves within that movement. It's designed to combat someone armed with a knife (but could just as easily be used to keep those nasty hands at bay).

Let's see.. Assuming you know the stance (right arm bent 90 degrees, stick held above right shoulder facing backwards), left forearm across stomach, under right elbow, stick facing backwards as well.

Anyhow from there, right hand brings stick down in a diagonal slash, then its quickly drawn upwards as the left hand immediately lets a backhand strike fly across the rib area, right hand now does a vertical backhand downwards as left hand places stick above same shoulder - ends up in the same stance as beginning only arms reversed. When done fast and fluidly it almost forms a "figure 8" pattern in front of you.

But it's enough for me at the moment.. I have to get the stance down pat and get my strikes in order. What I'm looking forward to are the kata with these babies.

You've done more kali than I have already ;D. Anyhow as with most things, remember that without the basics, fancy stuff is nothing. I am sure you know that better than me though.
All the fancy stuff, is based on the fundamentals. So you're entirely right Gaisford
Sh0rtbUs said:
I lost my first fight, which sucked immensly. After picking myself up, i came back to take my 2nd fight after a greuling 5 minute round. i then lost by an armbar in the 3rd fight...
I certainly learned what needs work, and had a blast despite a hyper extended elbow (almost had it broken), a swolen face and black eye, and bruises on top of bruises on every inch of my body. oh yah, and suffered from heat sickness after my 2nd fight.

As a bonus, i got to spend the day hanging out with UFC fighter carlos newton who was there to support team marcus Soares.

I know this reply is a bit late (I just discovered that there were MMA fans on this board recently (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33104)) but don't beat yourself up on losing your first fight. Most people lose their first due to nerves, inexperience, whatever... and if they do manage to win their first they lose the second due to overconfidence. I lost my first BJJ match by a decision back when I was with Purebred in Kyoto. It shocked me at first, but drove me to continue even harder.

I am looking forward to being in Kingston soon and checking these guys out: http://home.cogeco.ca/~mmafighter/. Anyone had any experience with them?
Gladiator club is a good club if you already have a good MMA bases and are wanting to train for a fight. If not and you are looking for bases there are some good tai clubs and Jiu-Jitsu in the Kingston area. You can find a good mix from sport clubs to clubs that are a little more combat oriented.
Steve said:
I can't begin to describe how eager I am to learn more..

So far I've learned just one defensive movement, but 3 moves within that movement. It's designed to combat someone armed with a knife (but could just as easily be used to keep those nasty hands at bay).

Let's see.. Assuming you know the stance (right arm bent 90 degrees, stick held above right shoulder facing backwards), left forearm across stomach, under right elbow, stick facing backwards as well.

Anyhow from there, right hand brings stick down in a diagonal slash, then its quickly drawn upwards as the left hand immediately lets a backhand strike fly across the rib area, right hand now does a vertical backhand downwards as left hand places stick above same shoulder - ends up in the same stance as beginning only arms reversed. When done fast and fluidly it almost forms a "figure 8" pattern in front of you.

But it's enough for me at the moment.. I have to get the stance down pat and get my strikes in order. What I'm looking forward to are the kata with these babies.

Kali is alot of fun I have been training in Kali for around 6 mounths now. Remember what ever you can do with a stick in your hand you can do with a knife or empty hand
Just a heads up, this November 13th I'll be fighting in the Joslin Tournament. i believe it is in the Mississauga area, but will double check. Anyone wishing to attend, feel free to PM me and I'll get you details.

It should be interesting, a lot of amazingly high calibred fighters make their debut or repeat appearance at the tournament, (some UFC and Pride fighters have a tendancy to show their faces there as well).
Sh0rtbUs said:
Just a heads up, this November 13th I'll be fighting in the Joslin Tournament. i believe it is in the Mississauga area, but will double check. Anyone wishing to attend, feel free to PM me and I'll get you details.

It should be interesting, a lot of amazingly high calibred fighters make their debut or repeat appearance at the tournament, (some UFC and Pride fighters have a tendancy to show their faces there as well).

Well good luck, I know Joilin's Dojo turns out some pretty good fighters. Saw one of them fight at Fredom Fight 2005 great fight that was man those two were messed up
Hello all, I am relatively new to Petawawa and am trying to find some information. I have taken some Kali in the past and am looking for either someone looking to teach, or someone to practice with so I can keep learning? Love it and want to continue.