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Mother says her 3-year-old shot her


Army.ca Dinosaur
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Mother says her 3-year-old shot her

GAFFNEY - Cherokee County authorities worked Monday trying to determine how a 3-year-old accidentally shot his mother. Sadie Ann Davidson, 27, of 409 E. Junior High Road, told sheriff's deputies she was sleeping Sunday afternoon when the 3-year-old fired a small handgun, striking her in the mouth.

Wow, Mom, way to look after your kid and baby-proof your house.  ::)
Holy hell....
Thats just sad.... however I'm happy that the toddler didn't turn the gun on himself while playing with it. Things may have been worse.
That'll learn her to leave him un-attended...
I'm so glad this headline didn't read "Mother says 3-year-old shot themself".

Awesome fucking mothering/parenting happening here; and, somehow, I'm happy it was her that ended up shot instead of the child or another child.
Shouldn't this be a lesson on why you should keep you guns locked up and unloaded at the same time? (I really doubt a kid who's 3 years old could figure out how to load a handgun) At least no one got killed from this incident...
DarkFire said:
Shouldn't this be a lesson on why you should keep you guns locked up and unloaded at the same time? (I really doubt a kid who's 3 years old could figure out how to load a handgun) At least no one got killed from this incident...

or don't keep a round in the chamber

Worlds #1 MOM  ::)
You all stated part of what i was thinking, but also want to throw out there, why is she sleeping with a 3 yr old running around at 1:45pm??

Top notch parenting going on there!!
Just an assumption, but it sounds like a botched suicide blamed on the toddler to me... I mean, how the hell is a three year old even going to hold ANY handgun?
Delicron said:
Just an assumption, but it sounds like a botched suicide blamed on the toddler to me... I mean, how the hell is a three year old even going to hold ANY handgun?

You may be right, but don't underestimate the amazing ability of a curious toddler to get into just about any kind of trouble. If the stupid woman left a loaded handgun where the child could reach it, I'll bet it could have happened.

I'm guessing the child welfare people are having a bit of a chat with Mom about this...
I have no sympathy for this moron. Hmmm. Here's a novel idea, keep your gun out of reach of your child and maybe he wouldn't have capped you. Of course maybe she ticked the kid off and he wanted to off her anyways. ;D :o
What about the fact that her boyfriend was there at the time of the shooting? Perhaps an argument and he pull it pistol to threaten her and it "went off" and now since the kid can't really defend him self he becomes the scape goat?
Thus and many other reasons why human beings should need a licence to breed.
Hmm - trigger locks, safety lever, unloaded, weapons vault.  How about more marksmanship practice for the kid. Good golly Miss Molly, Gosh darn, Mom lived to tell about it. ;D
Methings this mother was doing the proverbial "shooting her mouth off".
The 3 yr old is the convenient scapegoat... what she doesn't know won't hurt her kinda thing.