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Does anyone else know any motivations, to get someone get back into something, im horriable at it. I just got a friend, who ditched me, after watching the BMQ video. It motivated me but discouraged him, and hes in better shape then i am lol. Im sure the sgt's and officers must know something to motivate someone.
Do you like to be a member of a Sports Team, and he does not?  There are all kinds of people in the world.  Perhaps he is not a "Team Player".  It does happen.  They usually are not well liked in any type of employment, as being a "Team Player" is usually an attribute that most Employers look for in prospective employees.  There are "loners" out there.

Motivation skills are similar in all aspects of life, be it a Team Sport, a job, the military, the Boy Scouts, whatever organization you may be a member of. 

Are you trying to motivate your friend to join the military with you? 

If yes, my response is double sided.  1) what we need in the CF is people, who want to be here, who need minimal motivation.

2) however, challenge him.  Tell him that the CF offers a diverse, unlimited opportunity to do things he'd never ever have a chance to do as a civilain.  For those that want to challenge themselves, the CF is a great place to learn all about teamwork, and others.  But more importantly, it should provide you the opportunity to find out your own limitations, weaknesses and strengths.

I find not getting charged... a healthy and convenient way of being motivated.

Now.. seeing that you're not in yet.. If I were you, think of this as your job...
cause.. well, it is.  You do things in your job you like and hate. PT is one that
falls more into .. dislike..than love.  But you do it anyways.  Its all part and parcell
of the job.

When you are in the Afghan... and you need to move from one position to another
or take cover.. if you are physically unfit.. you're a liability to yourself and others. I could
say that about any tour really, not picking on Afghan. 

I think.. when it comes down to it, the difference between living and dying on tour
is your physical ability.  If you need it badly and its not there..... :-\

Now hopefully you never find yourself in that position.  So.. now that I'm all over the
freaking map in my explanation.. I'll leave now.  ::)
he doesn't want to serve, I don't want him in my Beloved Infantry, or supporting it. Leave him. His weakness will infect you and drag you down. Anyone who has to be "motivated" to enlist will need constant motivation to continue training, to prepare to deploy, to work in the field, and will be a positive liability in a Theatre of War. He's just gonna suck your morale.

Eat your weakest man and carry on with the mission.

Nice to see you here, Alex.
thanks for the replys guys, I think i will just leave him be. Your right there is no point in bringing him along if he has to be motivated to do everything. But i would say he is weak, he fights in UFC ulitimate fighting challenges where anything and everything goes in the ring.
there are different kinds of weakness. He fights for himself, and personal glory. We fight for a cause greater than ourselves, so that others will not have to.

I commend his skills and discipline. But he's still morally weak.
I never did situps or pushups in my life pretty much to say, but i can do 11 fully qualified army pushups now in 3 days is that considered weak, or good?
Its not considered weak, push ups increase as you do more pushups, what does matter though is, is that you can't do 19 push ups, which is the Minimal number of push ups in order to pass the Physical at the CFRC location that you will go to, although sometimes the instructor doesn't care if you do the military style of push up, i know my instructor at the recruiting centre didn't. Para nailed this one dead on with this right here.

paracowboy said:
he doesn't want to serve, I don't want him in my Beloved Infantry, or supporting it. Leave him. His weakness will infect you and drag you down. Anyone who has to be "motivated" to enlist will need constant motivation to continue training, to prepare to deploy, to work in the field, and will be a positive liability in a Theatre of War. He's just gonna suck your morale.

Eat your weakest man and carry on with the mission.

Nice to see you here, Alex.
oh.....i know that im not fit for the army yet, and i prolly wont be for a good year or so. Or even longer it all depends on how fit i get, cause im not going until i can succeed 30 army certified situps and 50 certified pushups and i can run5km with no problem. So when ever that takes, thats when ill be ready for the army.
Stealthybob said:
oh.....i know that im not fit for the army yet, and i prolly wont be for a good year or so. Or even longer it all depends on how fit i get, cause im not going until i can succeed 30 army certified situps and 50 certified pushups and i can run5km with no problem. So when ever that takes, thats when ill be ready for the army.
shouldn't take more than a couple months at the outside.
i do appreciate the inspiration. But i got a big beer belly to get rid of before i can get my fat ass up, and do a full situp lol  ;D
Stealthybob said:
i do appreciate the inspiration. But i got a big beer belly to get rid of before i can get my fat *** up, and do a full situp lol  ;D

I think some good inspiration for you is...

you've now purchased a subscription to Army.ca

We're going to laugh at your fat arse if you fail BMQ!!!    ;D ;D
The reason i signed up is cause i knew my money was going somewheres good, and i prolly lmao if i did fail the course myself, but really there is two reasons i want to go to boot camp, i want to lose my personality and become stricter and also i want to become a soldier of canada, cause i have a hard time not laughing, and im positively sure ill be doing 50 pushups and situps everyday 10x a day cause i have a problem laughing while people are talking with me and the po's and sgt. will prolly think its rude. So BMQ is going to be bloody intensefied and sweet at the same time    ;D
there are a myriad of tips and advice in the Training forum on how to get in shape, gain muscle and lose fat. I recommend starting with mine. 'Cause I'm the coolest!
Stealthybob said:
i do appreciate the inspiration. But i got a big beer belly to get rid of before i can get my fat *** up, and do a full situp lol   ;D

Run, run and run some more, read the training forum its full of countless helpfull tips and suggestions. Ive lost 35lbs in 3 and half months from running 5 days a week and doing sit ups/ push ups im laying off the weights for a little bit longer to make sure my shouldar is healed.
Does anyone have situp tips cause i dont have anyone to hold my feet down for me and the coach keeps moving up everytime i go up, almost like its about to flip. hahaha.  Im not slack on searching, i just like hearing fresh opinions thanks    ;D
find something heavier than the couch.
Find something that is bolted down, or cemented down, or nailed down, or...
Bicycle racks, fences, the stove, a root partially protruding from the ground, the possibilities are only limited by your own imagination and attention to your surroundings.
put your papers in now!!!!!
By the time it comes back to u, yea better be good to go
And it will give you enough time to get your sh$t sorted out
This will always act as a mental reminder for you and a goal
not as a hope. its a written down goal with a due date

do 1 set of push ups and sit ups when u wake up and go to bed (MAX REPS)
Run your 5k or whatever twice a week and do another cardio exercise for a third time (first 2 weeks)
Run once, cardio 2-3 times (third week) save ur shins!!!!
Run 3 times a week cardio exercise for a 4th
Try not to run back to back days until your legs are used to it
get good shoes
Train hard
