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Muslim anger follows Pope's comments

Pte. (R) Amlin said:
Why do Muslims care what an infidel like the pope had to say about them?

Also why do we put up with these Zionist burning churches and killing a nun? This hypocrisy is hurting my head.

A little dyslectic are we?  ::)
Pte. (R) Amlin said:
Why do Muslims care what an infidel like the pope had to say about them?

Also why do we put up with these Zionist burning churches and killing a nun? This hypocrisy is hurting my head.


They are the infidels, not the Pope.  It is a word coined by the Crusaders, old French, derived from Latin meaning not of faith.  It was used against all those that were not Baptized. Definitions can be read here;

Catholic Encyclopedia

And here for a shorter version;

Catholic forums


Ha, those cartoons made me laugh here in this world of shyte, finally some comedy for me.

Hey you should be here and see this for real. There is not ONE thing positive I have to say about Iraq, Kuwait and the city of Baghdad.

No wonder they wanna leave and come to our countries.


Feel free to.

We have spoken about this ad nauseum I will agree, but make no bone about it they do not have "More Blood on their hands" than other religions.


the 48th regulator said:
We have spoken about this ad nauseum I will agree, but make no bone about it they do not have "More Blood on their hands" than other religions.
I'll back ya up on that one. I think I've made my opinion of organized religion in general fairly clear, but in terms of the Catholic Church being "more bloody" than any other, I have to call bullshit. Islam has slaughtered far more people in it's day in the mae of religion (in large part because they have so much a larger base of people to slaughter) and I would go so far as to say that more people have died for/because of the Hindu Faith than the Catholic Church, and probably Christianity in general. Christians have gleefully (and still do) killed millions for God, but they're still amateurs when compared to the true masters.

Y'know what I fervently hope? That the Druids, or the Aztecs had it right. I can picture all these billions of souls gathered outside Paradise, glaring balefully at a handful of priests, imams, and rabbis who are looking sheepish and saying "Who knew?" I'd spend Eternity giggling to myself in purgatory, or wherever. (Okay, I'd sneak my way over to Valhalla, and party. Who am I kidding?)
paracowboy said:
I'll back ya up on that one. I think I've made my opinion of organized religion in general fairly clear, but in terms of the Catholic Church being "more bloody" than any other, I have to call bullshit. Islam has slaughtered far more people in it's day in the mae of religion (in large part because they have so much a larger base of people to slaughter) and I would go so far as to say that more people have died for/because of the Hindu Faith than the Catholic Church, and probably Christianity in general. Christians have gleefully (and still do) killed millions for God, but they're still amateurs when compared to the true masters.

Where are you getting this idea from?  I find it silly to call Catholic fervor "amateur" when one looks at the tragedy that occured in the Americas.

Anyways, since when did we chalk up a body count (which is impossible anyways) to see what religion is more hardcore?  C'mon....
Infanteer said:
Where are you getting this idea from?  I find it silly to call Catholic fervor "amateur" when one looks at the tragedy that occured in the Americas.

Anyways, chalking up some bodycount to see which religion is more hardcore is kinda lame anyways....

Tradgedy in North America?

Then we might as well talk about all of the forcing of religion a tradgedy...because North America has become the continent of superpower in our modern society.  Christianity has been around for 2006 years, Catholocism, less than than as an organized religion.  Are you say that they have reaped the most destruction?

C'mon now.


it is lame. But, then comparing anything about religions is, at best, silly.

I just feel, (and I don't have any facts, nor do I have the interest to look it up, so this post is worth...well, what most of my posts are worth, I suppose) that Islam, having a much larger base of followers to hack each other up, and having conquered more ground than Catholicism for longer, has butchered more people than Catholicism. I also think that the same holds true of Hinduism, especially if we go back a few centuries to when they were on a big expansion, then got their asses handed to them by various Muslim invaders. Now, they gleefully go at each other all over the sub-continent every year.

Catholics, especially the Spaniards killed a whole lotta people all over the Americas, but that wasn't really in the name of God. It was in the name of that other deity: greed. Of course, Islam wasn't taking control of everything they could find in pure religious fervour, either, since they tended to focus on the wealthy places first, so the whole conversation is moot, I suppose.

Briefly amusing, though.
the 48th regulator said:
Tradgedy in North America?

Then we might as well talk about all of the forcing of religion a tradgedy...because North America has become the continent of superpower in our modern society.  Christianity has been around for 2006 years, Catholocism, less than than as an organized religion.  Are you say that they have reaped the most destruction?

C'mon now.

I do find it a tragedy that whole societies were destroyed and the population of the Natives in the Americas dropped to (estimates vary) probably 10% of what it was before the European arrival.  I'm not going to stand here and lament the course of history, because that's how the world works - but on the whole, I have no problem stating that the clash of cultures definitely was a tragedy for a the society that came out on the bottom of the heap.

paracowboy said:
I just feel, (and I don't have any facts, nor do I have the interest to look it up, so this post is worth...

Huh?  You're making a statement with nothing to justify it?  :tsktsk:


Catholics, especially the Spaniards killed a whole lotta people all over the Americas, but that wasn't really in the name of God.

That is most definitely not what I've seen in my studies of early colonization - a casual read of colonial Spanish societies doesn't really support it either.  Spanish fundamentalism, like Islamic fundamentalism today, should not be written off as merely a cover to fit an alternate explanation.  It was a powerful motivation for young men driven by the Reconquista and the notion that the battle for souls was a very real and serious thing....
Infanteer said:
Huh?  You're making a statement with nothing to justify it? 
no, I'm expressing an opinion. And that's all anythign remotely connected to Religion is: an opinion. You can't really get into too many hard and fast facts, because Faith gets in the way, and EVERYTHING is distorted thereby.

That is most definitely not what I've seen in my studies of early colonization - a casual read of colonial Spanish societies doesn't really support it either.  Spanish fundamentalism, like Islamic fundamentalism today, should not be written off as merely a cover to fit an alternate explanation.  It was a powerful motivation for young men driven by the Reconquista and the notion that the battle for souls was a very real and serious thing....
oh, I'm very much aware that the Conquistadors mouthed all sorts of platitudes, and brought priests along with them everywhere they went. I know they built churches every 10 feet, and they destroyed anything they saw that was connected to heathen religions. But, I highly doubt any of them would have gotten on the boats in the first place, if it weren't for all that gold and land to be had for the taking.
I do find it a tragedy that whole societies were destroyed and the population of the Natives in the Americas dropped to (estimates vary) probably 10% of what it was before the European arrival.  I'm not going to stand here and lament the course of history, because that's how the world works - but on the whole, I have no problem stating that the clash of cultures definitely was a tragedy for a the society that came out on the bottom of the heap.

And the societies of Spain, North Africa, and the Balkans too a much greater degree by the calling of Islam.  So there is a hell of a lot more blood spilled by the infidels, person for for person, not the volume of land mass.


Troops, gentlemen and ladies.
I highly doubt that God, Allah, Jehovah or whoever does NOT look kindly on people who use His name in the furtherence of violence or injustice.  To quote wassisface from the Cold Mountain (or whatever it was), "I think God is growing weary of being called in on both sides of arguments".
So, any violence "In the Name of God" is probably not really God's work, but the work of men, and we all know how evil they can be at times (see Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, et al)

"Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."
Not condoning the old Catholic geezer in what he said but those Islamists who murdered the nun kinda proved him right. I'm thankfull to be a non believer I can never be on the wrong side of the crappy going to war for god shite.
3rd Horseman said:
Not condoning the old Catholic geezer in what he said but those Islamists who murdered the nun kinda proved him right. I'm thankfull to be a non believer I can never be on the wrong side of the crappy going to war for god shite.

So you, as a non-believer, believe that there is no god?  >:D 

Wouldn't that also make you an unbelieving kaffir like the rest of us non-moslem infidels?