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Mutilation horror in DR Congo


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At least 100 people, mostly unarmed civilians, have been killed in a wave of horrific attacks in southern Democratic Republic of Congo.
One survivor told the BBC‘s Arnaud Zajtman in Lubumbashi that militiamen drained the blood of those they killed and put it into bottles.

"After they had cut off the sexual organs, they walked away with them. They took the victims‘ blood in flasks," said Claude Panza wa Losol, 22, nursing a bullet wound in his arm in the town‘s Don Bosco hospital.

The military commander of Katanga province, General Alengbia Nzambe, showed our correspondent pictures of the bodies of seven soldiers who had their faces and genitals cut off.

Our correspondent says that many fighters believe that using the body parts of their victims to make charms will make them more powerful.

Bloodshed fears

The attacks are blamed on a militia led by General "Chinja Chinja" or the Ripper.

Congolese military officials say that he is the last remaining militia leader in the north of Katanga province who is unwilling to integrate into the new Congolese army.

After five years of war, former rebel forces are being merged into a new united army under a peace deal.

Some 10,000 United Nations peacekeepers are in DR Congo to monitor a peace accord but they have not been sent to the scene of the atrocities.

UN spokesman Hamidoun Toure said that verifications were being made.

General Alengbia Nzambe has said that he will neutralise the Ripper.

But an aid worker in the region said that given the atrocities which were committed by the Ripper, he feared that a response from the Congolese army could generate more bloodshed.

Africa is one really ****ed up place.
You should hear the crap that goes on in the drug infested ghettos of any of the major city in the civilized, first world nation of the good ole United States!

It‘s pathetic (what they did in that article) and at one time I would have been horrified and sickened by those actions but now I‘m numb to it because this human vs. human brutality is part of our nature - always had been. The more you read into history the more you will see it‘s always been there. And I‘m afraid to say it always will be.
Looks like that continent could use a few good men.

~ Evil succeds when good men do nothing.
- Edmunde Burke
"Pictures of seven bodies of soldiers who had their faces and genitals cut off."

You know all the people at ogrish are drooling over those.
human vs. human brutality is part of our nature
This will never change
Someone needs to go in there with a Iron Fist and lay it down.
Just an objective question: Would you expect America to do this job or is this a United Nations job? I would say this is the type of scenario that the UN was invented for but look at what happened in Rowanda and how impotent the UN was. Or look at Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo and look at how impotent the UN was in acting. So, my point is everyone expects something to be done or someone to act with an Iron Fist to stop the atrocities but who really is in a position other than America to take these actions? This is what I don‘t like. People expect the U.S. to solve so many problems because of the UN failure and corruption within its own ranks and when we act accordingly to do the right thing we get criticized at home and aborad that we are imperialistic, bullying, dominating, etc. and people resent that.

In AMerica and Canada and other freely elected states people have the ability to change their leaders and their heading in life every few years or so but at the same time some of those people who call for change in their own countries defend brutal dictators like Hussein who brutally rule for thirty years unchecked.

Just some thoughts.
The major reason that the UN is impotent is that the grounds of which it will send humanitarian intervention is solid, however the definitions of the grounds such as "agression" and "breach of peace" are not defined. They are not defined in worries that a loophole will be found and exploited, so they go on feeling pretty much on whether to react (they say suposedly it causes less harm). So really one person sees agression, another may not, they debate it and try to come at a comprimise. Ultimately this enforcer of peace is without teeth because of that. Check the charter if you dont believe me, I think it is quite amazing you could run aon organization like that without defining any of the circumstances you react under.

I dont think that anyone will be doing anything worth while there, nothing that would be a real solution because of that (Dont forget the UN is not a police force). The US is to pre-occupied with Iraq, and in the past shows a tendency to not commit if there is a fear of casualties that may be incured. And the UN will be debating it until they come at a center of the road agreement that accomplishes nothing practical.

As for the differences between our version of democracy compaired to others that are in developing countries with dictators, as you know we have elections. With contries like the one in question, elections arent really possible. So what happens every so often is a military coup d‘etat, which is basically thier form of an election. Because of that it is going to hinder UN reaction, like I said some people may not see it as agression, but the normal goings of their country. What a funny little orgainization, you could be bludgening someone to death with a hammer, and according to them, it may not be an agressive act.

I can almost certainly guarentee that there will be no intervention beyond the second stage(some component force in the area), if it even gets to that. The problem with intervention is that there is no set military template to do so, and because of that it is easily confused with invasion. Just look to our brothers to the south for that one, they are wearing it badly from the world population because of it. Gotta love international politics!(note sarcasm)
....and today in the Bronx, New York City a man was charged in his girlfriends‘s death because she turned down his marriage proposal. He stabbed her to death and cut out her heart.....

Even if a military force went in and did something the peace would only last for a short period of time until humanity recycles itself again. I just don‘t see any answers out their to try and quell human behavior from killing each other, First World or Third World.