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My little problem ...


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Hi everyone,

First I apologize, English is not my primary language.

I am 27 years old working as a software programmer. I've been interested in joining the Army since a couple years now. For some reasons, this did not go further until just recently. I completed CFAT, interview and medical is about to come back approved from Ottawa. I was always interested in Infantry and looks like things are going that way, according to the recruiter I should be in within 30 days. Therefore, things are getting a little more complex than I thought.

With my current job, I had to sign a NDA and a standard contract. The contract mentions that I have to give a 2 weeks notice before leaving which is ok in the case we are interested in. I went ahead and mentioned that I will give a 30 days notice in the event that I decide to leave the company. That was almost like end of world for my employer. To make it short, he kinda explained that the stuff that I have created is directly linked to 5 other jobs in the company. I personally know these persons and I am also aware that they have a family etc ... So me quitting in 30 days would mean that 5 other persons are going to lose their job.

This is definitely not something that I want. I believe in teamwork and that a team should never leave someone behind. My problem right now is, the recruiting process went a bit too fast I think and I am about to receive a call to get in a BMQ. I've done some research on 'refusing an offer' and find out that you can delay the process if you have a contract that require a notice higher than 2 weeks (which is not the case for me). That being said, I would need more time to settle everything down for my coworkers and leave some time to the company to find another candidate to replace me.

I am really interested in the Army but I assume I will have to refuse the offer because I just can't leave my coworkers behind. It is really sad because with a bit more time I could fix everything. I also read that you can't reapply before 6 months and refusing an offer questions your dedication to the CF.

I would like to hear your opinions or experiences in similar situations or any advices ...
Secup, contact your recruiting center and explain the situation to them sooner rather than later, preferably before you were to receive an offer and things become a bit more complicated.  The reason you have explained for why you would refuse an immediate offer are, in my mind, quite worthy to note, and something that the recruiting center should be made aware of immediately.  To delay by one or more BMQ serials would likely not have a substantive effect on the CF, but to assist your present owner would be significant.  That is a particularly responsible position you have taken, I believe.  All the best to you.


Two things occur to me. 

Firstly - you seem to be a person of honour, EXACTLY what the military is looking for. 

Secondly - I don't know the intracies of your employment situation, but it has been my experience that NO person is irreplaceable.  Despite what your employer has stated, and despite whatever qualities and qualifications you may possess - you CAN be replaced.

If it makes things better for you and your fellow employees, talk to the CFRC about it.  As Good2Golf has stated - the CF can wait for a bit, if that works out better for you and your co-workers.

Best of luck to you,

Thirdly, for someone whose primary language is not English, your post is nearly perfect...

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
well, I do not think that he meant to say he is irreplaceable, but he just needs more time to finish off his project.  I assume that he probably is in the middle of doing a project and that it would be difficult for someone to just come in and understand what he has done for the past few weeks (or months)?  Maybe he just needs 2-3 more months either to finish off his project or explain his work to whoever is replacing him and that does time sometimes especially for programmers.  Best of luck to you Secup.  I am certain that if you explain your situation to your CFRC, they can somehow accommodate you.
Hi again,

Thanks everyone for your rapid replies. I am happy to hear that the CF could accommodate without hurting that much my future career. I totally understand that no one is irreplaceable therefore, in the beautiful world of software programming, projects are often taking 6 months to a year and even more to complete. While programming, you are kinda building something that you and your coworkers understand perfectly because you built it together (core functions, interfaces, methods which are often hyper complex to understand and takes one day just to figure what is going on in there). Project documentation is often done after the project itself, if a new employee were to join the company right now, it will be very difficult for him to accommodate in such a short period. I am assuming that the company was not thinking that I could eventually leave someday and thus was not prepare at all.

I am going to call the CFRC Monday morning and see if something can be worked out. I'll keep you updated.

P.S. As for my English, amen to the Spell Checker button  ;D
Project documentation is often done after the project itself, if a new employee were to join the company right now, it will be very difficult for him to accommodate in such a short period.


That's funny!  I see things haven't changed much in the world of software programming.  Programming in Fortran, I never added comments or wrote up any documentation until the end....that, especially with no line numbers on the code made for an interesting project.  Usually it wouldn't be a problem, unless of course you tripped and spilled the card deck on the way to the reader in the job room.  :(

Secup, please keep us posted on how things go for you.


p.s.  I agree with everyone else, your English is just fine!
The CFRC should be able to adjust your BMQ dates. I often have selected applicants who have accepted the offer but were for various reason (weddings, work commitments etc.) were unable to meet the BMQ dates. Discuss this with the CFRC and they will endeavour to adjust as much as they can. we are now loading early July  BMQ courses so you would have await of roughly 30 days anyway. You just tell the CFRC when you are merit listed that you need 4 weeks notice for BMQ start.  Best of luck and keep us informed as to your progress.


Here is an update:

As stated, I called CFRC Montreal this morning and I have find out that I was merit listed since this morning. I asked first if it was possible to put my file on 'hold' and the person told me that after 1 month they would close it. He asked for what reasons and I mentioned it was related to my work etc .. He then said that he is putting a note on my file mentioning that I need a 60 days delays before going into BMQ.

This is definitely the ideal situation for me. It leave time to fix the situation at work and it also give me more time to work on my fitness (I really fear RFT). As you all imagine, computer personnel are not the most physically active one  ;D

Again, thanks everyone for the assistance provided.
I'm glad that worked out for you.

After re-reading the thread, it appears that my "no one is irreplaceable" comment may have come across as more harsh than intended.  I apologize for that unintended harshness.  In the end, it appears that I've done no harm, and that all is unfolding in a good way for you.

Best of luck.

If CFRC Montreal can't help you I do have some R22eR spots to fill in Hamilton. Don't ask why but I do. This should not be a big issue, let your file stay merit listed with a note in the log that you need 60 days notice. Start getting your present work documentation cleaned up so it won't be a problem later. Best of Luck.
I will definitely do that CFR FCS.

Correct me if I am wrong but :

As I understand the merit list is global within Canada and you can basically pick some guys to fill in 'quota' assigned to each CFRC ?
Merit listing is done nationally but a lot of occupations are selected locally so CFRC Montreal production officer would actually select you for Infantry. I'm sure it will work out for you. 
Hello again,

I've been able to get stuff fixed at work a little bit more, I called CFRC Montreal to say that I now only need a 30 day notice before leaving. Now I would assume that since they are loading the early July BMQ, i would get called shortly since now plus 30 days get to the start of July and thus would normally get scheduled on the next one ...
Hello again,

Here is another update, I'll be sworn in July 9Th in CFRC Montreal and start (french) BMQ July 14Th.

Anybody else with same dates ?
Just thought I would pop out of lurking to say "Congrats and best of luck", as someone who has very recently finsihed in St. Jean I hope you get the blue sector :)