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My story


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hello everyone,

My name is Bryan. I'm 22 years old, and have wanted to join the forces since i was 15. i was skeptical at first about the time away from home but life is different now then i was 15 and im fully committing myself to get in. I applied back in Oct 2010 when i found out the CF was full up on the occupations i was interested/qualified for so i was told to wait until the 31st of january to check back and see if anything opens up. i was researchin around the CF website the other day and found that only certain occupations were opening at the end of january and that my choices were not on the list (Infantry was my first choice) therefore i had to wait until april 1st and even then positions might not open up which sucks. I went through the list and noticed a few occupations that were in demand for the Navy and Air Force but i have my heart set on the combat trades and i didnt think it made much sense to fly off to training for something i didnt like and prolly wouldnt like(im just so excited to get to BMQ :P). So i guess i have a few more months of waiting/excercising to go while and wait for april and hopefully :o some slots open up. I will update as the rollercoaster rides continues  :camo:

        P.S  as far as the CFAT test goes- does anyone know of a study textbook or something like that. Been awhile since highschool and i dont have my grade 12 so i think the math might give me some issue as it is/was my weakest subject  ??? thanks

Bdp said:
        P.S  as far as the CFAT test goes- does anyone know of a study textbook or something like that. Been awhile since highschool and i dont have my grade 12 so i think the math might give me some issue as it is/was my weakest subject  ??? thanks

Try searching the site, you'll find lots of discussion and advice on the CFAT.  It's also an approach that you will find useful for other questions as they come to you.

Milnet.ca Staff

I found an ASVAB prep manual to be quite helpful in my preparation for the CFAT. There is content in the ASVAB manuals that goes beyond what you will need to know for the CFAT but the practice tests are helpful.

This forum has an amazing resource: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/17703/post-673001.html#msg673001 (bookmark it)

Good journey.

I would suggest that you might want to use the time you have to complete Grade 12.  It may not be a requirement, but if everyone else has it (and they likely do) you won't be as competitive in the selection process.  Simply meeting the minimum requirement does not guarantee acceptance.
You can go to Chapters and pick up a GED book or many local colleges have a prep crse for GED (they want people to be able to apply and succeed in college and may need a brush-up).  The GED book could be a good warm up for the recruiting tests too.
You can check with your local school board as to how to write and where and when.
I bought the book while I was in the Forces (N.S.), took a week off work and studied at least 8 hrs a day and wrote the 5 topics over a weekend in Bridgetown at the local H.S. The studying paid off as I was in the 90% range.
You need the Grade 12 for you.  As well as to get in the mode for the studying you will have in your prospective career.
I believe this should be a priority for you. 