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Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

Blackadder1916 said:
I've only seen it identified as the MOWAG Water Cannon. The Roland was a different vehicle.

Unless Rayman has something different, suggest you post the next pic.

edited to include additional pic

Its Mowag alright. The Mowag Panzerattrappe. As well I cant be as hasty with replies in the "prime time" as I work evenings so I get to them when I can. 
Pallas Athena said:
I hope this one hasn't been posted before.
Based on the Christie system, I don't think it's the 1928....or the 1930....still looking though...


Polish, model 10TP

Close, but not quite.

Edit: You are on the right track. (how many time has this bad pun been used in this thread?)
Churchill Crocodile.  Flamethrower.

Sorry, but I don't have a picture.  I hope that does not hurt the flow of the thread.
Koenigsegg said:
Churchill Crocodile.   Flamethrower.

Sorry, but I don't have a picture.  I hope that does not hurt the flow of the thread.

No probs

I apologise, for lack of a picture.  I passed it on.

Danjanou- I can't see the picture you posted, could the link be broken?
While we're waiting for the next photo, let me backtrack a bit and add some clarification to one of the odd vehicles that show up from time to time.
Rayman had posted a series of pics starting at:

There was some discussion about it being milspec, the odd looking "gun" and whether it had actually been used by an army.
Semper Fidelis identified it as possibly a MOWAG Water Cannon and I had confirmed that I had seen it so identified before.  Rayman provided us with the correct name of "MOWAG Panzerattrappe". 

After a little research, I found the following.  "Attrappe" (in German) translates to "dummy" when used in a military context, so the vehicle is a "dummy tank".  While the "gun" looks odd and has been referred to (on other sites) as a water cannon (with the vehicle maybe intended for riot control), it possibly serves no other purpose than to look like a gun for training purposes.  More info at http://www.warwheels.net/AttrapeMOWAGTrainingVehicleINDEX.html
Koenigsegg said:
I apologise, for lack of a picture.  I passed it on.

Danjanou- I can't see the picture you posted, could the link be broken?

Yeah it was, sorry. fixed now  andh ere’s the site i found it at.


Thanks for the extra homework Black Adder,
The vehicle just didn't have the right look for a "milspec" AFV... and had all the hallmarks of a cottage "bodge" job.
As an armoured trainer or an antitank trainer, I think it's a great piece of kit.  I know that even in the '70s I would have found it to be Great value while training on Valcartiere's Plains of Sangro OR Gagetown's Lawfield corridor.