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Naval Equipment Recognition Thread

Sorry just got home from work, Graf Zepplin is correct, I got the photo from a Kreigsmarine Photo album. I am impressed :salute:

How about that one?

(Please don't look at the link guys....that's cheating!)

Yes, open-source.

Larry Strong said:
Sorry just got home from work, Graf Zepplin is correct, I got the photo from a Kreigsmarine Photo album. I am impressed :salute:

What is the ship/sub/whatever in the forground?
Navy Shooter,
Can't for the life of me remember the working title, but it is a USV.  Unmanned Surface Vessel(Vehicle, can't remember which), for Force Protection and lane clearance.  Maybe someone else can jump in and deliver the coup de grace.
IIRC it is manufactured by a Canadian company but I can't recall the name.
Part of it is made in Canada.  The hull is a Bombardier Sea Doo.  1990-1996 Model SPX I think.  ;D
And here I thought it was from an episode of the Thunderbirds.  Looks like somethig International Rescue would go for.
Didn't mean to stump everyone...


Here is one that every sailor who has been to the Persian Gulf should know. 
The interesting part of this picture is that it shows the extent to which these things are becoming popular around the world.  At a very affordable price, every third rate despot can have this sort of modern submarine.  Almost makes me think next time Canada should buy Russian.  ;D
Nope- and I thought a Victor III had a Pythin TAS like shown below?


It has bow mounted periscopes named after a fish.

One member of this class actually sank-twice.