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Naval Weapons Tech

  I can't help but laugh a little bit when I read the last two posts on this thread.........If you walk into the recruiting centre and tell them you want to join the navy...that is usually followed by the fastest enrolling and swearing in they can manage!  Especially a naval tech trade.  The navy is desperate for bodies.  I know the NET trades are the worst off....but I'm pretty sure they need NW's bad too.
    When I was in CFNES, I knew alot of NWT's who had NWT as their third choice on their application, and were still given that trade. 
Anyway....relax.....and if you only want NWT, make it your only choice on your app......you'll be fine.
CHeers :cdn:
Hello everyone.  I can add a couple of things to this conversation. I haven't been in long, almost three years now, having entered as semi. I can agree that we are short staffed and that we seem to be a close knit group. In my experience NET's are usually willing to lend each other and the NWT's a hand. So if you get in the trade and make it into the CSE world, get to know the people you work with, be positive( as much as you can, we all have our days) and lend a hand when you can. It is usually returned back to you.
hey HanrattSea. to calm your nerves a bit theres a good chance you can get what you want. I was in the same boat as you a few years ago. 75% highschool and my grd 12 credit was chem. I got into NWT course at Mun MI and am doing decent with it. so dont do anything foolish like join the airforce ;D. It depends on how many people are applying for NWT which there was a lot more this last year. before last year they werent even filling this course half full, dont know how many CFNES halifax are pulling through but stick with it. you have a good chance (if you already havent got the call yet)
HanrattSea said:
I had my transcript situation sorted out and took my aptitude test. I did very well with a 51 and was offered a job as an Aerospace Controller for the Air Force. Although it's tempting, I don't want to be posted in cruddy little towns throughout Canada and have to move every 5 years. I know I'm giving up a huge opportunity in terms of salary, but when looking past all of that I would rather work in a field that I would find most interesting such as working with my hands. Sooo I decided to stick with NWT and have my interview tomorrow.

You should have nothing to worry about, the latest OCC meeting in Ottawa said that all of the NE/NW Tech trades are below in recruiting (below PML).  Grant it, the NWT trade is the best off of all of them, the trade will be needing techs shortly due to the changes in the fleet (refit of CPF, etc).  So don't worry, there will be a trade for you to go to jsut stick to your guns and insist with CFRC that you want NWT.

As for the salary...  Uh, if AEC is a spec trade, they make the same as an NWT with flight pay vice sea pay if they are in an airborne unit.  If they are not spec and not posted to an airborne unit, they make less than NWT's.
HanrattSea said:
I was told I should have heard back weeks ago but I know these things take time. I've had my bags literally packed and ready to go for two weeks now :D.
About the AEC, it is an officer position so my understanding was I would start out around 15k more per annually. The money isn't why I'm joining though, so NWT is where I belong, I believe.

Congrats.  Keep calling the recruiting center.  They handle a fair amount of files and from time to time they need a reminder. :)  You will have a good time at CFNES, I know that I did.  Oh, as for the AEC... You are right...  Sorry I was thinking of the NCM controller MOC, my bad. :)