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NB Lib's Win ?


Army.ca Legend
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The cbc is calling the NB election in favor of the Lib's. If this comes to pass how will this affect the national balance of power ?

Not much.  Provinces fight with the federal government regardless of who is in.
Yup, according to ATV/ASN

Lib 29
PC 26

Not a big win though.
Keeping the Tories in would have been better ,but  at least Taliban Jacks dingbat cousins got shut out...... I guess Im a glass is half full guy :)
Hello out there from NB
Last night there was a very minor shift in the political landscape here.
Some points to note:
there was a redistribution of ridings from last time.  Had these ridings been laid out as they are now for the last election, the Libs would have won.
The NDP popular vote dropped by 4% overall.
The Libs and PC both increased by about 2%.
The PC won more of the popular vote.
In all, there was a net gain of 2 seats by the Libs.

In all, a minor shift in membership in F'ton, but a new gov't. 

I'm waiting for my 3.9 cents/litre reduction now :D
Von Garvin

    If it had been the PCs you would have gotten an 4.5% drop in fuel tax and :

8% drop in Income tax
500 dollars for sports
500 dollars for tools for trades people
protection of seniors assets on entry into seniors care
3% cap on property tax
120 million rural economic funds
240 million for schools
new seats at medical school
reduction of student teacher ratio

As a Campaign Manager for one of the PC candidates that lost by 218 votes it is a big change for us. Can we still have a balanced budget and lowest unemployment rate in 30 years with a Lib government? I dont think so. We have done it again here in the maritimes we have choosen a government that is opposite to the feds again. We are F*&^ again.
I've heard that in New Brunswick, the Liberals are much more free-market orientated than the PCs.

Is there any truth to this?
3rd Horseman said:
Von Garvin

    If it had been the PCs you would have gotten an 4.5% drop in fuel tax and :

8% drop in Income tax
500 dollars for sports
500 dollars for tools for trades people
protection of seniors assets on entry into seniors care
3% cap on property tax
120 million rural economic funds
240 million for schools
new seats at medical school
reduction of student teacher ratio

As a Campaign Manager for one of the PC candidates that lost by 218 votes it is a big change for us. Can we still have a balanced budget and lowest unemployment rate in 30 years with a Lib government? I dont think so. We have done it again here in the maritimes we have choosen a government that is opposite to the feds again. We are F*&^ again.
Just trying to be positive

PS: I voted for "the blue team" ;)
Yes....we voted that way, too.  Our candidate here was successful.  Any new government has new ideas to bring to the table so I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt (at least until they really screw up).  The new hospital they are building in this area is well on the way to being finished and the new government is already talking about keeping other hospitals open and reducing the number of beds in the new one.  Fiscal responsibility??????  I'm sure there will be more decisions like this to come......... ::)
Im wondering if the new Gov will push ahead with the single Provider Ambulance Service that the PCs were almost ready to sign with Med V ( Blue Cross) .
For all those who want to help out with the Federal nomination in Fredericton we will be starting that fun event this week and ending in the next 60 days with a nomination event in Freddy in Nov possibly late Oct. PM me if you want to play politics. For those that are serving love to have ya but you cant play this close to the flame, unless you want a behind the scenes placement.

Edit added: We are running a good ex soldier RCR this time, he has a very good chance of winning so if you can help we need ya. Better yet all you military types that cant help you can join the party and go to the nomination and nominate this great guy. So if you want to join the party (which you are allowed PM me)