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NCM Subsidized Education Plan (NCM SEP)

I am wondering if anyone did the NCM SEP program that OT into their trade. I am currently going to be applying to OT Marine Engineer but need to decide if I want to apply for the NCM SEP program and go to the marine institute in St. John's. I am currently an Artillery soldier and the BPSO said I have a really high CFAT score and could go for my commission but I'm not interested in that.

The question I have is has anyone OT into this who is married? I am posted here in Shilo, MB and would not want to leave my family here well attending school for 2 years.

Also I have already done BMQ so what other training would I need to do besides program at MI?

Do people in the NCM SEP program in St John's get PLD? The only reason I ask is right now I get $306 LDA and would lose that leaving a field unit so the $149 PLD would cushion our loss. I could get by without it but it would be nice.
Hey guys im part of the reserves and I want to get into the SEP program either for MRAD tech or a MED tech and start school at september 2013. My question is what are certain actions that i need to do so i can go to school by next school year. I know i need to do a CT to the regs but ive done a lot of research and found out that a ct can take a very long time. Any help and info is very much appreciated. And if theres anyone that already went to the same process can you share me your experience and actions taken. thanks
"So my question is how long does a CT for NCM-SEP take (approximately) and would I have enough time to get in before the school restarts?":
Reply #514.

"Has anyone gone through NCM SEP by CTing from the reserves?":

"For the NCM-SEP, individuals may be accepted as civilian applicants joining the Regular Force, as serving Regular Force NCMs through voluntary occupation transfers, or as component transfers from the Reserve Force.":

Some discussion of NCM SEP Paramedic programs here.
"Today I received an e-mail from the CFNRCC, and it was regarding NCM-SEP because Med Tech is an open trade at the present time.":

I hope these help. There are lots of other SEP discussions.

hey guys, im already a reservist and i want to do the sep for mrad tech. I know i need to do a ct but my question is where do i give in my unconditional acceptance from a college and how do i know even if that certain sep programs are open and available
parina453 said:
my question is where do i give in my unconditional acceptance from a college and how do i know even if that certain sep programs are open and available

"Your application to NCM SEP does not guarantee a spot in an accredited program at a Canadian college. We strongly suggest that you apply to an accredited program through the college of your choice at the same time as you apply to NCM SEP."

where and how do i apply to the ncm sep program if im already a reservist. I know i need to do a ct and since ima reservist cfrc told me that they cant really help me
parina453 said:
where and how do i apply to the ncm sep program if im already a reservist. I know i need to do a ct and since ima reservist cfrc told me that they cant really help me

Have you applied to an accredited program through the college of your choice?

That is what the Recruiting website "strongly" suggests.
safetysOff said:
Necro thread but what would you like to know George?  I'm currently going through it.

I'm currently in the application process for NCM SEP in hopes of becoming a MED TECH. I've already applied to my accredited colleges and to the Forces, just waiting for my backcheck now. I was just wondering, how long did it typically take before you found out if you were accepted to NCM SEP? Was it long after you were accepted to your accredited college?
I believe you have to get accepted to a college in question before they move forward with the application. Basically apply to the CF and get the application as far as possible and wait out for the acceptance letter and once it is in send it to the CFRC that is dealing with your application and then they should proceed with the application.
I have been in the forces for a number of years now, in an occupation that has been both challenging and rewarding. Now that the operational tempo has slowed down quite a bit, I am looking at some of the programs available to us NCM. One program that is looking rather interesting is the NCM SEP. To be honest, some of the medical related trades (x-ray or lab technician) seem very interesting. Has anyone been in these programs recently? How was your experience from the day you sent your memo up the CoC to wherever you are at today? Thanks. - Chimo.
I joined originally under NCM-SEP.  There were four of us in our two year college program; two off the street, and two remusters (one with 7 and the other with about 13 years in).  What I can say about NCM-SEP is this... Remember that you are essentially leaving the CF for one to two years and transplanting yourself into a civilian educational institution.  Now, you don't have your trade listed in your profile, so I don't know what part of the CF you come from.  What I can say about the two remuster guys was that they had a difficult adjustment at the start.  The CF conducts training in a certain way; most colleges are quite different from that.

If you can handle classmates coming in late and falling asleep at their desk without your head exploding, then you will be fine... Personally, I prefer the civilian style of learning to the military way, and would choose to attend a civilian institution over a military one any day (assuming equal educational outcomes), and highly recommend the "break" from the military.  If, however, you are of the "head exploding" variety, maybe stick to the DND route :-p
I'm hoping someone who has gone through an OT with the NCM SEP program can answer a quick question for me.  As I understand it, for everyone one month of paid schooling, you accrue two months of oblig service.  Does anyone know when that obligatory service would start?
A little background info, OT with the NCM SEP program, graduated college but posted to the BTL waiting to complete training (must go for some PO's that are not taught in civi college).  They keep bumping course dates.

I guess what I'm really asking is: Does this time count toward obligatory service, or does one have to be fully QL3 qualified before it counts?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!
GoTraffic said:
I'm hoping someone who has gone through an OT with the NCM SEP program can answer a quick question for me.  As I understand it, for everyone one month of paid schooling, you accrue two months of oblig service.  Does anyone know when that obligatory service would start?
A little background info, OT with the NCM SEP program, graduated college but posted to the BTL waiting to complete training (must go for some PO's that are not taught in civi college).  They keep bumping course dates.

I guess what I'm really asking is: Does this time count toward obligatory service, or does one have to be fully QL3 qualified before it counts?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

Not sure if obligatory service is the proper term.  However, if you applied for and accepted a VOT, then you will be subject to an RRD/P (Restricted Release Date/Period) which will NOT be less than 36 months after reaching OFP in the new occupation (ie; after completion of QL3).  And YES, you did sign a paper acknowledging the RRD!!!
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I do have obligatory service, because I accepted a VOT through the NCM SEP program. Basically, they paid my tuition and salary to go do a two year diploma. The obligatory service I acrrued is two months owed time for every one month I attended school up to a maximum of 60 months.
I did get the answer I was looking for today though, after some digging around.  In case anyone has a similar question in the future, your obligatory service starts once you've graduated from the college course.
As an aside, I also seem to recall that you can't incur more obligatory service whilst still serving on obligatory service. For example if you were to apply to a post graduate programme while you were still "paying off" your initial round of obligatory service, you probably wouldn't be accepted.
Canuck_55555 said:
Would I be able to apply to NCM-STEP if I wanted to pursue a career as a artillery soldier?

No, it is only available to specified trades. The recruiting website should list whether a trade is available for the entry-plan.
Canuck_55555 said:
How would I be able to get a education plan and be an artillery soldier (not under ROTP)?

The only way to do that as an NCM without an education program is to enroll in the trade, make it to the unit and put in a memo for ILPs (individual learning plan).

I recommend Athabasca University, they have a really good online curriculum and will work with you in terms of catering to exercises and deployments.