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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

I wonder if Taliban Jack knows who ELSE is backing his position on CAN in AFG????  Don't know whether to be sickened, to laugh out loud at the irony, or what.......

White supremacists support NDP on Afghanistan withdrawal

"The puppet President of Afghanistan (and ex-oil executive and Halliburton Corporation executive) Hamid Karzai, put in by American imperialist aggression and propped up by a mercenary-military alliance (the troops of NATO, including Canadians), is visiting his neo-con Zionist backers in our fair capital of Ottawa. Karzai is looking for more Canadian cannon-fodder for the meat grinder and encountering resistance to establish another McWorld whorehouse in that ancient civilization. He knows that Canadians have served with bloody distinction as fill-ins in past conflicts throughout history, from the Boer War in South Africa, to Korea, to Afghanistan today. He knows Canada’s ruling elite are a bunch of liars, just like the recently-admitted "ex-commie" government in Hungary."

From the Nationalist Part of Canada web page, an open letter to Jack:


"Regarding the cartoons of your propagandists, bashing Jack Layton and his peaceful position on Bush's wars in Afghanistan:

Let me quote an old adage from Gandhi:

"First, they ignore you,
Then they ridicule you,
Then they fight you,
And then, you win."

Bob Smith
Nationalist Party of Canada and
2006 Toronto Municipal Elections
Mayoralty Candidate"
From the "nationalist party site":

Free speech my arse.  THESE freaks would probably support this mission if they realised that the Germans were there. 

Max Flinch said:
I was in discussion with some acquaintances last night. I generally don't talk politics at social gatherings, simply because it can be a divisive thing. They were in agreement with what Layton was saying. I printed up one of Laytons statements on the computer, and read it to them substituting "German" for "Taliban" and "Europe" for "Afghanistan." Minor silence, and then an admission that it meant something to think about our efforts now in terms of our efforts then, and how the world would be changed if we'd listened to people like Layton in the 1940's.

And, in the same context, I can't resist:

You owe me for the rum and coke soaked keyboard I just ruined
von Garvin said:
Layton said he was more convinced than ever that Canada needs to withdraw its troops from southern Afghanistan.

In spite of Karzai's direct contradiction of his delusions.  [Bugs Bunny Voice] What a maroon! [/Bugs Bunny Voice]
At then end of the day, this Jack bloke is a national embarrassment to Canada, and if anything thing, he has not only sealed his fate, but the party's nationally. We all know they don't really stand a chance anyways, and I see them as a weak stale simple fart in a strong prairie wind. Only the weak minded snivel libertarian left with side with him, not the mainstream Canadian population.

He should be ashamed of himself.


From the "nationalist party site":

Free speech my arse.  THESE freaks would probably support this mission if they realised that the Germans were there.

Am I the only one who finds is somewhat ironic that Taliban Jack finds himself siding with neo-Nazis on Afghanistan? ::)  The "Nationalist Party" site makes for interesting reading. 

Care to explain, Jack?
I too find it ironic.  It sort of reminds me of Ribbentrop (Droege, Zündel et al) and Molotov (Layton, Chow, McDonough).
Is it not a little bit insulting to say that our soldiers died for "no good reason" ?

At then end of the day, this Jack bloke is a national embarrassment to Canada,

I couldn't agree more.
I got this from another retired mil net.  Thought it was very well written!

Here’s one for Talban Jack from an old RCAF pilot who seems to have a handle on the situation.
Subject: Views on Afghanistan

Your views on Afghanistan
Here is a message for Jack Layton from a retired Air Force Warrior that survived his days in WWII and the cold war flying fighters in Europe.

  You sir have not a clue what you are spouting off about our troops fighting in Afghanistan.
You stupid socialists have always been cowardly and not prepared to fight for what is good and right and it does not matter where these Socialists are.
They were no better in Germany, France or England before and during WW II.
Now you, you stupid son-of a bitch, at this very trying time, are doing your best to undermine our troops and give comfort to the enemy.
Canadians Armed Forces who have for about the past 40 years taken an active part in peacekeeping does not make it a “tradition” as you call it.
You say Afghanistan is the “wrong mission for Canada” and that it has changed from “reconstruction” to “war.”
Obviously, you don’t have an ounce of brains in your head to understand that before you can “reconstruct” you must fight to create the peace in order to reconstruct.
Your ignorant yapping to the media borders on treason and if this was WW II you would have been dealt with much differently.
Notwithstanding that the loss of every one of our soldiers brings tears to my eyes, whether it be by accident or enemy bullet or bomb, the fact remains that in our Air Division in Europe during the cold war, not counting other aircrew losses we who flew F-86 Sabrejets lost 107 pilots.
That era for us was not a shooting war either although at times things did get a bit tense.

So Shut Up from now on and stop endangering our troops.
John L den Ouden

(Royal Canadian Air Force, retired)

Actually, people shouldn't be writing to the NDP with their concerns.  The NDP know full well the facts, but want to play on the ignorance of the populace to win seats in the next election.  We should be writing letters to the editor and calling into talk shows, and talking to our friends and families to educate them on the reality of the situation. 

When the populace is educated, Taliban Jack et al will STFU.

EDITED for clarity.
RangerRay said:
Actually, people shouldn't be writing to the NDP with their concerns. 
What about open letters to the NDP that also make their way to the editors?
MCG said:
What about open letters to the NDP that also make their way to the editors?

Oh, of course.  As long as the public sees them and reads how hypocritical their stand is.  :salute:

I was referring to private letters and emails.  The party is fully aware of the facts, but choose to conveniently ignore the inconvenient facts.  And all you get in return is a crappy form letter, where they basically ignore you anyways.
and talking to our friends and families to educate them on the reality of the situation. 

I think it's a good idea. A lot of my friends, after listening to me incessantly, have come to spite Jack. Word of mouth is sometimes the best advertisement, for better or for worse.
Patrick H. said:
I think it's a good idea. A lot of my friends, after listening to me incessantly, have come to spite Jack. Word of mouth is sometimes the best advertisement, for better or for worse.

    Yes! Yes yes yes!  The best way to deal with the NDP and their 30 second soundbytes of confusion is to sit down with people and calmly explain what is at stake what is going on and what still needs to be done.  Don't just throat punch people who disagree with you,  80% of the people I know who were for us pulling out now support the mission, many were card carrying NDPers.  The other 20% - they just made me sharpen my argument.  (Although one guy refused to accept that Afghanistan wasn't Iraq - I wanted to show him a map but he wouldn't believe me)

    If the Canadian people feel they are sending us into a quagmire,  they will have us pulled out.  They care about us so much they'd rather see a country taken over by terrorists and butchers than to see flag covered coffins coming home.  If you explain that that if we allow the Taliban to take over many more people would die and that we'd simply be fighting them on our soil,  most begrudgingly accept that as unpleasant as this is,  it needs to be done.

    Now,  as for calling us terrorists.... bombing Afghan villages... I've spoken with a few people who were behind the scenes on a few of those and I think their intention was to point out that we're spending 9 dollars on military for 1 dollar of aid. Also they wanted to say how current military tactics are loosing the hearts and minds of the locals.  I asked them why they didn't just say they wanted more money for aid projects and more soldiers so they could better keep the peace,  I didn't really get an answer.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I think their intention was to point out that we're spending 9 dollars on military for 1 dollar of aid. Also they wanted to say how current military tactics are loosing the hearts and minds of the locals.  I asked them why they didn't just say they wanted more money for aid projects and more soldiers so they could better keep the peace,  I didn't really get an answer.

Did they perhaps have an answer for how they will entertain the cost when we start throwing money into construction that just ends up being destroyed and rebuilt? 
I would also bet that those people would like to have no oversight with the money that their "causes" would be being awarded. 

Oh, BTW, this still remains on the NDP web site on the home page:


Which lands you HERE

But that makes perfect sense, since the pacifists generally choose to ignore what doesn't suit them and probably prefer to cut to the petition.  :threat: