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NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

George Wallace said:
Wear red "Support our Troops" T-shirts.

How about a version of the good old leftie chant
"Hey Hey Ho Ho...Jack Layton has got to go!"

Nate M:

"Are Alexa McDonough, Dawn Black and Olivia Chow ready to go to Afghanistan, find the Taliban, and start negotiating" ;)

"When Alexa, Dawn and Olivia go to Afghanistan will they dare show their faces?"

"Jack: Why don't you support a mission unanimously madated by the United Nations Security Council?"

"NDP social policy: No school for Afghan girls and women"

"NDP justice policy for Afghanistan: Public capital punishment for women in stadiums"


[quote"Hey Hey Ho Ho...Jack Layton has got to go!"


   Now that made my day  ;D
So far we have;

"Mr. Layton, You don't know Jack"
"Support the Taliban: Down with Women's Rights"
"Negotiate With the Taliban, It Worked With the Nazis"
Nate M said:
So far we have;

"Mr. Layton, You don't know Jack"
"Support the Taliban: Down with Women's Rights"
"Negotiate With the Taliban, It Worked With the Nazis"


I love em!!
Does anybody even really pay attention to the NDP anymore, hell even Peter Stoffer disagrees with his leader on Afganistan. The NDP has gone from the party of hard working people to a bunch of snobbish radicals who know nothing of the world other then the United States is evil, and we are responsible for all of the worlds problems. I can't wait till they get wiped in an election.

Nate M said:
So far we have;

"Mr. Layton, You don't know Jack"
"Support the Taliban: Down with Women's Rights"
"Negotiate With the Taliban, It Worked With the Nazis"
I'd be looking for something short and to the point that media can take a snapshot of....

I honestly would try to say something that relies less on history (because neither journalists nor viewers have the attention span to remember back to 1945), and something more inflammatory, specific and target Jack Layton personally.

"Jack Layton believes Afghan Girls don't deserve to go to school."
"Jack Layton, for women's rights and gay rights....except in Afghanistan."
"Jack Layton, there are 3.5 million women students in Afghanistan that think you're wrong!"

Anything that highlights his hypocrisy in really stark terms like that.  Of note, if you can pull it off, try to print a bunch 1-pagers and start distributing them tomorrow that the student body starts asking themselves these hard questions rather than falling on back on the traditional hippie "We won't fight George Bush's war." nonsense.

Matthew.  :salute:
(Below are a few one liners - these are to be taken lightly with all the seriousness of "this hour has 22 minutes" after so many humourless posts,  I'm going to try to not be such a sourpuss)
    "Our of Afghanistan and into Darfur",  "When the going gets tough,  we wanted to quit a long time ago", "We have no problems calling our own soldiers terrorists,  yup we feel that safe",  "Vote for the NDP,  we promise to say anything to get the next vote no matter how offensive",  "NDP Because doing the right thing should be easy",  "NDP Dissidents without an oppressor".  "NDP nouveau dissident party - we want to stand up against oppression,  and we don't care who we step on to do it"

    I've listened to many many NDPers give their opinion on Afghanistan,  "Brutal imperialist occupation" came up a few times.  "We're just in it for the Oil" more often than not. I understand why they believe what they do,  and 95% of the time if I simply remind them of the underlying facts they begrudgingly accept what we're there for and that we need to tough it out.

    Although,  it would be nice if some of our other Nato members would kick in a little more, (you're not in Jr high,  you can stay out after dark) and it would have been extremely helpfull if certain other NATO members didn't start a whole new project for no good reason ... but whats in the past is the past.
Sorry there NDP, it looks like the Taliban don't want to talk.

Taliban refuses Afghan president's offer of talks
Fisnik Abrashi, Associated Press
Published: Saturday, October 28, 2006

KABUL -- Taliban leaders have ruled out talks with President Hamid Karzai's government as long as foreign troops remain in Afghanistan, a purported statement from the hardline militia said Saturday.

On Friday, Karzai told reporters he was ready to negotiate with fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Omar if he stops receiving support from neighbouring Pakistan -- where the Afghan leader alleges Omar is hiding.

Karzai made a similar offer in an interview with The Associated Press in January, telling Omar to "get in touch" if he wanted to talk peace. Fighting in the country has since escalated sharply as a resurgent Taliban has battled NATO and U.S.-led coalition forces in the bloodiest clashes since the hardline regime fell in late 2001.

Over the past two years, hundreds of Taliban supporters, including some senior officials, have reconciled with the government, but there have apparently been no high-level talks with the rebel leadership.

The purported statement from the Taliban, sent by e-mail Saturday to The AP by militant spokesman Muhammad Hanif, dismissed Karzai's latest offer of talks and called his administration a "puppet government."

"We say even today that there is no possibility of any talks when the country is under occupation," the Pashto-language statement said. "Any talks with aggressors would amount to selling the country."

It said the Taliban leadership "has sworn to expel aggressors and would bring puppets to justice."

It wasn't possible to verify the authenticity of the statement sent by Hanif, whose exact ties to the Taliban leadership are unclear.

At a Friday news conference in Kabul, Karzai was asked if he would negotiate with Omar. He said his government was ready to negotiate with anybody in the interests of peace and security in Afghanistan.

"If anybody, including Mullah Mohammed Omar, wants to have negotiations with us, we are ready," Karzai said. "But they should not be under the influence of foreigners," he said, in a clear reference to neighbouring Pakistan.

The whereabouts of Omar -- whose government hosted Osama bin Laden -- remain a mystery. Karzai told The AP last week that the Taliban leader was hiding in the Pakistani city of Quetta. Pakistan says Omar is in Afghanistan.

The U.S. government has offered a US$10 million bounty for Omar.
Protesters demand withdrawal from Afghanistan
Updated Sat. Oct. 28 2006 2:37 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton spoke at the Toronto [event] . . .

Speaking from the rally, Layton told CTV Newsnet that Canadians are not protesting to discourage the troops, but rather to support them.

"We are raising these questions to support our troops," Layton said. "Our job as citizens is to make sure we're asking them to do the right thing in the world...there is a sense that this mission is the wrong mission for Canada and that it is not helping to achieve the goals we all have in mind for Afghanistan."
Mr Layton, constructive criticism involves offering opinions one what the correct action is.  When will you recommend what should be done in Afghanistan?

Oh, yes.  You do discourage the troops.  Nothing was more discouraging that being over there and seeing people like yourself postulating that my friends & coworkers were dieing for a frivolous & unappreciated cause (especially groups the CPA that goes so far as to call us war criminals; why is it you are willing to speak for thier events?).
We are raising these questions to support our troops," Layton said. "Our job as citizens is to make sure we're asking them to do the right thing in the world...there is a sense that this mission is the wrong mission for Canada and that it is not helping to achieve the goals we all have in mind for Afghanistan."

Why is it not the right mission for Canada? Have any reasons been put forth?

What is not helping Canada to achieve its goals is uh.. THE TALIBAN.
Every time Talban Jack jumps to support a wing nut cause that is contrary to the well thought out position of the government and of the CF, it makes the country's job of winning the war that much harder. And this is all aided by the unethical, sensationalist journalism we see in Canada.  Don't these people see that this just provides more fuel to the enemy and more troops coming home via a ramp ceremony ? My Gosh, we do not even expect the police to sort out the Mafia or Hell's Angels in our own country over night, how can you ask us to deal with the Taliban in a few months ?

Thats a good question...where would jack like us? Im sure if we went where he wanted us...he'd still bitch about it.
Jack wants us on a UN mandated mission to a third world nation.

Oh, wait, I think maybe he doesn't.  Or does he?  I'm confused...
von Juarez said:
Jack wants us on a UN mandated mission to a third world nation.

Oh, wait, I think maybe he doesn't.  Or does he?  I'm confused...
Well,  I think he wants a UN mandated mission to a third world nation where there are no difficulties or risks. If we went to Darfur... no UN mandate, no clear definition victory and choosing sides unilaterally.. but apparently that is something we should do...
I think if he knew about Darfur....and the years of war there...and the fact that once again..we would be shot at...he would pull us out of there as well.