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need advice, wait a year for combat engineer or go signal operator now


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hello i recently applied and one of the only jobs avalible right now is signal operator, my first choice is combat engineer, but i have to make a choice soon to go with signal operator or wait till next year and hopfully combat engineer will be open. I really want to go combat engineer, but i dont want to wait a year then find out that their not hiring.. another problem is i dont know much about a signal operator, i tried to find as much info as i could about it but all i really got was the little information on forces.ca.
Yeah, I also had problems with my chosen trades being closed. I went through six of them!

Signal operator was one of the options for me also, but if you're like me and your verbal communication isn't great then I wouldn't suggest it.

If you've really set your heart on combat engineer and you have the option of waiting a year then personally I'd wait.
The main reason I chose Met Tech is because everything is being filled fast and I need a job asap.

So everything depends on you and your situation, we can't really tell you what's the right or wrong choice.
Why join the army when you could have 3 hots and a cot, plus showers and a beer machine that travels wherever you go!  Go Navy  ;D  Seriously.
  But if you really want to join the army, definately wait for the trade you really want.  Been there, done that......it can make life miserable doing something you're not interested in.
nich0lls said:
another problem is i dont know much about a signal operator, i tried to find as much info as i could about it but all i really got was the little information on forces.ca.

It is your career choice. But, since you are asking for advice.....
It reminds me of the old saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
Perhaps if you search "Signal Operator" it might make your choice easier.