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New CFRG sanctioned CFAT practice test

there was a fourth part on my test, assuming its Advanced Cognitive Ability, but we were told the scores that we got on that would not be taken into consideration, it was jsut an experiment on how well people would do if they were to make it an actual section on future tests...so I don't think you should worry about it to much, unless things have changed since i wrote it exactly a month ago, ask around some more but thats what the situation was when I wrote it
Maelstrom said:
I have my test on Wednesday March 5th in London. I've done the practice test and other recommended practice and feel confident about writting the real thing. Now I am just wondering what Advanced Cognitive Ability is (this is the first I have heard the 4th section referred to as this). Without giving away anything important, could you tell me what it is?

Looks like were scheduled for the same day, best of luck... 
Maelstrom said:
Now I am just wondering what Advanced Cognitive Ability is (this is the first I have heard the 4th section referred to as this). Without giving away anything important, could you tell me what it is?

I don't want to get into specifics, as we take an oath when we do the CFAT not to discuss it afterwards. Let's just say they are standard IQ-type questions. I don't believe there is anything you can really do to prepare for it other than to be well-rested, eat a good breakfast, and pay attention to what you are being asked. If it makes you feel better, do one of the online IQ tests ahead of time. There are plenty of them on the web if you do a search on IQ tests. The four tests on the CFAT are timed, so you might want to try a timed test for practice.
Ya I agree sleeping more than 2.5 hours and eating more than a bagel will be an assest to your results  :-X
Not overthinking it really helps.......i cant stress that enough

styles_888 said:
Looks like were scheduled for the same day, best of luck... 

  Same to you. I plan on getting a good nights rest and waking up early tomorrow.  Working with fractions was the most difficult for me, the 10th Problem Solving question especially.
Had my CFAT today and I have to say the verbal skills in the practice CFAT weren't NEARLY as difficult as the official CFAT, maybe I'm the only one who's thought this but the realy thing seemed much much harder then the practice.
Good practice test. I can see how it could help to identify possible weak area's and help with possible anxiety or time management.. Only suggestion would be to make it twice as long.
ghyslyn said:
Had my CFAT today and I have to say the verbal skills in the practice CFAT weren't NEARLY as difficult as the official CFAT, maybe I'm the only one who's thought this but the realy thing seemed much much harder then the practice.

Well, I guess it can't help you with the test since you already did it, but for anyone else who thinks their vocabulary could use some work I recommend freerice.com. While I'm not entirely sure on whether they do actually donate rice, it's definitely good at improving your vocabulary.

I pretty much agree with everyone else that the only section that wasn't terribly representative of the actual test was spatial ability. Otherwise it was good practice.
Thanks one and all for your comments. The fourth section of the test is in fact in the trial stages. More to follow as it develops. Good Luck to all who write the test.
Bumped up for more comments. Thanks for all who tried it and provided feedback. 
I found the practice test to be a rather easy in comparison to the actual CFAT.
The practice test gives you an accurate idea as to how the questions will be worded and what they will look like. However, it is slightly deceiving as to difficulty level.
Never the less I easily managed to achieve the scores required for all my career choices.
Good luck to everyone and quit stressing the easy stuff.  ;)

