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NHL Playoffs @ BMQ

Brutus said:
Are you delusional? Have you SEEN the standings?!?! The Ducks are barely in the playoff picture right now and the Canucks are leading the NHL.

The only sport the Ducks will be playing in May is golf.

Are you crazy? Have you SEEN the Canucks in the playoffs the last few years?!?! Can I say choke? The Ducks however, know how to win it all (won in 2007), while the Canucks don't (won in...never)  :nod:.

The only thing the Canucks will be doing in May, is waiting on sick parade, licking their early playoff exit wounds  ;).

But all jokes aside are there seriously TV's in the laundry room now?!
Dou You said:
Are you crazy? Have you SEEN the Canucks in the playoffs the last few years?!?! Can I say choke? The Ducks however, know how to win it all (won in 2007), while the Canucks don't (won in...never)  :nod:.

The only thing the Canucks will be doing in May, is waiting on sick parade, licking their early playoff exit wounds  ;).

But all jokes aside are there seriously TV's in the laundry room now?!

Yeah, I have! They lost to the eventual Stanley Cup champs last year...what did the Ducks do? Oh yeah, they didn't make the playoffs. The Oilers have won a bunch of Cups, but there aint a snowballs chance in hell they will even make the playoffs this year...so much for historical precedant.

I'm not saying they will win it all this year, but will bet my morning donut they'll go farther than the Ducks will...and if they should meet it would be an easy series for the (so far) NHL leading Canucks over the mediocre not-so-mighty Ducks.
Brutus said:
Yeah, I have! They lost to the eventual Stanley Cup champs last year...what did the Ducks do? Oh yeah, they didn't make the playoffs. The Oilers have won a bunch of Cups, but there aint a snowballs chance in hell they will even make the playoffs this year...so much for historical precedant.

I'm not saying they will win it all this year, but will bet my morning donut they'll go farther than the Ducks will...and if they should meet it would be an easy series for the (so far) NHL leading Canucks over the mediocre not-so-mighty Ducks.

I'll raise the bet to my morning coffee. I've got faith in my Ducks, when they make the playoffs they always seem to upset the top teams (Detroit, San Jose, and Calgary). That's three first round upsets over the last 5 playoffs.  I'll just let the team do the talking in May and June though...you'll see. You'll be hopping on the band wagon and chanting Quack....Quack....Quack.
Dou You said:
I'll raise the bet to my morning coffee. I've got faith in my Ducks, when they make the playoffs they always seem to upset the top teams (Detroit, San Jose, and Calgary). That's three first round upsets over the last 5 playoffs.  I'll just let the team do the talking in May and June though...you'll see. You'll be hopping on the band wagon and chanting Quack....Quack....Quack.

No Niedermeyer, no Pronger, no chance. Just like last year.
Dou You said:
Are you crazy? Have you SEEN the Canucks in the playoffs the last few years?!?! Can I say choke? The Ducks however, know how to win it all (won in 2007), while the Canucks don't (won in...never)  :nod:.

The only thing the Canucks will be doing in May, is waiting on sick parade, licking their early playoff exit wounds  ;).

But all jokes aside are there seriously TV's in the laundry room now?!
I know that when I went through basic (March-June 2010) there were TVs in the blue sector laundry rooms.

One the day I showed up (Feb 27th) they were packed the brim with folks watching the gold medal game VS the US and a few weeks later it was full of folks (myself included) watching the Habs run to the ECF.

Sadly, I was stuck in a classroom with the rest of my course while my master seaman left to watch the overtime.

So unless things have changed, Blue sector (not sure about green) laundry rooms have TVs in them.
Brutus said:
No Niedermeyer, no Pronger, no chance. Just like last year.

No Niedermeyer, no Pronger, no problem. Ducks won over the Canucks 4 to 3 last night. Oh and the Ducks have taken 5 of a possible 6 points this year against the Canucks. And now with Getzlaf back, the Ducks are going to be on a roll heading into the playoffs.
Dou You said:
No Niedermeyer, no Pronger, no problem. Ducks won over the Canucks 4 to 3 last night. Oh and the Ducks have taken 5 of a possible 6 points this year against the Canucks. And now with Getzlaf back, the Ducks are going to be on a roll heading into the playoffs.

Don't mistake a meaningless game in Feb for a playoff game in April. If they get there.
Brutus said:
Don't mistake a meaningless game in Feb for a playoff game in April. If they get there.

That's a little contradictory don't you think? If you think the Ducks won't make the playoffs then there's no way that these games, as we approach the playoffs, are meaningless. You'll see...is it usually the overrated, underwhelming team or the underrated, hard working team that usually has a long run in the playoffs? Just look at all of the Eastern Conference teams in the playoffs last year...

Hard work is what wins games in the playoffs, and frankly the Canucks are not a playoff team...many years of underachieving. Only time will tell though, maybe it is their year (but I'll bet my morning doughnut it's not ;)).
I went of BMOQ last summer and let me tell you, the morning after the habs got beaten out of the playoffs was not fun to say the least..
dbouls said:
I went of BMOQ last summer and let me tell you, the morning after the habs got beaten out of the playoffs was not fun to say the least..

Oh, well I won't have to worry then. The Habs will be long gone by the time the start date for my course comes along  (May 9th) >:D.
Yes it was pretty sombre in my world as well but hopefully the boys can work together as a team and get hot at the most important time of the year :)
Predictions for the first round?

I've got Chicago, San Jose, Phoenix, and Anaheim in the West. Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, and Pittsburgh in the East.

Prediction for finals: Anaheim vs. Boston.

Seeing as I have predicted both Canadian teams to be beat out in the first round, let the chirping begin...  ;D
Dou You said:
Predictions for the first round?

I've got Chicago, San Jose, Phoenix, and Anaheim in the West. Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, and Pittsburgh in the East.

Prediction for finals: Anaheim vs. Boston.

Seeing as I have predicted both Canadian teams to be beat out in the first round, let the chirping begin...  ;D

I believe Montreal will be knocked out in the first round, They don't have Halak to stand on his head this year in net.

I have to disagree with Vancouver, I know their shotty history with the playoffs, but I got a feeling they're definatly getting through the first round.
I think all teams suck except for Calgary  :P (sorry just had to say it even though we didnt even make it this year)