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No jobs in the army, need advice.

eurowing said:
Have you considered any Navy or Air Force positions?

I actually thought about navy, but currently I have a company that transports people bye boat charter to a trail head hike, that takes about 2 days hiking 4 hours boat to a nice little waterfall in the Vancouver Islands back country, navy would feel to much like work. and the air-force seems to technical, and I'm floating with a grade 10 education, keep in mind I'm a little old I'm 28. I would probably not be a very good candidate for the air force unfortunately.
28 is not old.  Do some searching (and reading) here in the recruiting threads.  Plenty of people have joined at more advanced ages.
mikewalker28 said:
I actually thought about navy, but currently I have a company that transports people bye boat charter to a trail head hike, that takes about 2 days hiking 4 hours boat to a nice little waterfall in the Vancouver Islands back country, navy would feel to much like work. and the air-force seems to technical, and I'm floating with a grade 10 education, keep in mind I'm a little old I'm 28. I would probably not be a very good candidate for the air force unfortunately.

You should rethink your decision to become an infantryman, or perhaps even joining any trade in the CF, if you think the Navy will be too much work.
CDN Aviator said:
As was already mentioned to you, there is a reserve force infantry unit on Vancouver Island.

Yes I understand this, and I appreciate all of your help on the subject. unfortunately the Canadian forces are not currently looking for infantry soldiers, part time.

And with all the back woods information floating around the internet I was misinformed about militia - part time, being 2 different things, in Canada.

They have the following as accepting applications.

Cook, Combat Engineer, Geomatics Technician, Medical Technician, Mobile Support Equipment Operator, Traffic Technician

Keep in mind I'm a civ trying to find a job, and do a little research before I phone a recruiting office, asking for a job that is not hiring, this is why I'm using these forums on this website, to educate my self a little before phoning a recruiting office. Or moving, life choices are a SLOW process they don't happen over night, just sensing a bit of hastiness in some of the reply's here, and would like to clear the air so you know where I'm comming from.
mikewalker28 said:
Thank you for the correction, so no reserve no full time

Hello UK  :salute:

Sadly, you are too old for the British Army. 18-26 only.

Besides, they are in far worse state, financially, than this Army. You'd have a hard time actually getting in the careers office, nevermind actually getting an application in.
dangles said:
You should rethink your decision to become an infantryman, or perhaps even joining any trade in the CF, if you think the Navy will be too much work.

I see what you did there, I apologie for the misunderstanding, what i meant bye that comment was it will seem to much like work, i.e what I've been doing for the past couple of years.
CDN Aviator said:
"by".......not "bye".

Ahh, yes lol. And this is why the Air Force is not an option for me.

I'll end this post with BYE
I'm going to read some more.

Thank you again for all of your help man. 
dangles said:
You should rethink your decision to become an infantryman, or perhaps even joining any trade in the CF, if you think the Navy will be too much work.

Why don't you share your knowledge of the Navy as compared to the Infantry training you've done then.  You HAVE done your infantry trg right?  Then tell us why life at sea is so easy...or is this the limit of your actual experience?

dangles said:
I can attest to this. I did BMQ on weekends and that was 10 weekends total, and the BMQ-Land is 11. Like Bomber for Life noted, my DP1 will be a full month in the summer, but most subsequent courses I can choose to do will be offered on weekends.

Point?  Its best if you stay in your lanes.

One last question so I have this 100% correct,

Full time INF = Full
PT INF = Full
Militia == PT = Full

UK INF = A bad option ?

Does anyone know if the American military is taking forgin NCO's ?
I know from reading years back a non American citizen can't become an officer in the military, does anyone here know anyone that has had experience with the American military, and could possibly help me with my decision ?
the only way you will get correct information on if they are hiring any Regular or Reserve Force infantrymen is to...talk...to...a....recruiter.





Talk to a recruiter

Militia and Part time and Reserves are all the same thing.  There is Regular Force (full time) and Reserve Force (part time). 

Normally I'd be going  :brickwall: right about now, but I am actually laughing.  Tks for the chuckle.
mikewalker28 said:
One last question so I have this 100% correct,

Full time INF = Full
PT INF = Full
Militia == PT = Full

You're not getting it. I'm not going to try and explain it to you anymore.

UK INF = A bad option ?

It is not an option, you are too old.

You got to meet residency requirements to get in the Yank army.  My ex-Sgt sent a year living in the US to get in the Marines and that took a year of paperwork to stay in the US.  He ended up working for the USMC Museum restoring a M2 howitzer for the year before he joined.  The fact is that every country in NATO is having issues and they are not looking for recruits from other nations, except maybe the French Foreign Legion and in order to join them you have to show up at their barracks in the South of France, past the PT test and sign your life, rights and language away.
You are too old for the USAF and USCG. You are currently at the age limit for the USMC.
Eye In The Sky said:
Why don't you share your knowledge of the Navy as compared to the Infantry training you've done then.  You HAVE done your infantry trg right?  Then tell us why life at sea is so easy...or is this the limit of your actual experience?

Point?  Its best if you stay in your lanes.


From my experience as a reserve infantryman, I have a big enough grasp of my job to know that a lot of work is the norm in my trade. It is true that I am still waiting to do DP1 in July, but from what I hear of my friends who are going through the June course, a lot of the stuff from BMQ-L carries over into our DP1, although we do go into greater detail and depth. [for ex. section attacks]. So I am staying in my lane on that regard.

But yeah I didn't mean to disrespect any Navy guys from that comment or infer that I am a primary source for what you guys do. I just meant that if he thinks the Navy will be too hard, then he probably will find all of the CF to be too hard [not because the Navy is somehow inferior]! Instead, I took it like he was not prepared to join the CF due to a poor work ethic.

Anyway, it has already been cleared up that he simply meant it would be too much like his current job, so my comment was misguided.
Eye In The Sky said:
the only way you will get correct information on if they are hiring any Regular or Reserve Force infantrymen is to...talk...to...a....recruiter.





Militia and Part time and Reserves are all the same thing.  There is Regular Force (full time) and Reserve Force (part time). 

Normally I'd be going  :brickwall: right about now, but I am actually laughing.  Tks for the chuckle.
We'll, hey. If it was really that bad, You would have stopped replying. I'm not going to sit here and have a nerd battle with some burnt out forum geeks.

I have 'Spoken with a recruiter'.
I must have misunderstood the purpose of this website, I thought it was a forum for information, and this was the 'recruiting' section of the forum.


Talking and punching enter is fun.

I'd bang my head against a brick wall as we'll but I'm actually laughing at your dilemma being anger - frustration from some one looking for basic information about recruitment, I really hope for your sake your personal life and job do not stress you out as much as a single person on a web site does. If that's the case you might want to consider a hug ?
I'm not sure if you grasped how it was stated, but in order to see if there are jobs at a reserve unit, you have to contact the actual reserve unit. If you look the force.ca website, you don't get an accurate picture of what jobs are available  at different reserve units around the country. Each reserve unit has intake numbers of their own, and a contact person that can let you know if their specific reserve unit would be accepting applications for something such as infantryman. That is why people gave you the website info for that. You have to call each individual reserve unit to see what positions each offers, whether they accept new applicants or previously trained applicants. (if you look on the application process samples thread, you will see that some people have been accepted into reserve units for different trades, trades that may not appear open on the forces.ca website) I hope that helps, good luck