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Not Sure, can somebody clarify this for me.

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For those not briefed on the alphabet soup, OTU is?? (Operational Training Unit?) And HPMA(??) EW (electronic Wafare??) and SERE(??)

aesop081 - Your correct. I'll keep the wise arse zingers to myself until I have earned the right to dish em. Cheers.

The Greatest Lies in Aviation

Pardon me, ma'am, I seem to have lost my jet keys.
I have no interest in flying for the airlines.
I fixed it right the first time, it must have failed for other reasons.
All that turbulence spoiled my landing.
I only need glasses for reading.
I broke out right at minimums.
The weather is gonna be alright; it's clearing to VFR.
Don't worry about the weight and balance -- it'll fly.
If we get a little lower I think we'll see the lights.
I'm 22, got 6000 hours, a four year degree and 3000 hours in an F-16.
We shipped the part yesterday.
I'd love to have a woman WSO.
All you have to do is follow the book.
This plane outperforms the book by 20 percent.
We in the military aviation are overpaid, underworked and well respected.
Oh sure, no problem, I've got over 2000 hours in that aircraft.
I have 5000 hours total time, 3200 are actual instrument.
No need to look that up, I've got it all memorized.
Sure I can fly it -- it has wings, doesn't it?
Your plane will be ready by 2 o'clock.
We fly every day -- we don't need recurrent training.
It just came out of annual -- how could anything be wrong?
I thought YOU took care of that.
I've got the field in sight.
Of course I know where we are.
I'm SURE the gear was down.


No problems.  How far along the pilot pipeline are you ?

OTU : Operational training unit
MOAT: Maritime operational aircrew training
EW : Electronic warfare
SERE: Survival,Evasion, Resistance and Escape
HPMA : Human performance in military aviation

As for HPMA....well, i don't want to ruin your fun !!

Basic EW course is taught here in winnipeg and is a requirement for my MOC as EW is a large part of our employement.  SERE is manditory for all aircrews and is taught by CFSSAT here in winnipeg.

In regards to those lies.....scares me that i have heard some pilots actualy say that stuff

Well, if we are going to use the pipeline analogy........ I am waiting to be plopped into the toilet, to be flushed, to enter the pipeline.

*waiting for DEO board November 17-18*

Bograt said:
Well, if we are going to use the pipeline analogy........ I am waiting to be plopped into the toilet, to be flushed, to enter the pipeline.

*waiting for DEO board November 17-18*

The pipe is the training system, more of that wonderful military lingo!

A little more alphabet soup so you'll know what the hell the guys are talking about when you get further down the pipe.
AMT -  Aeromedical training, you do AMT basic pilot, SERE and sea survival prior to going to Moose Jaw
IP - Instructor pilot
QFI -  Qualified Flight instructor, same as an IP, just depends on who you're talking to
ICP - Instrument Check Pilot, these are the guys that give you your instrument rating or ticket as we call it
IRT - Instrument Rating test, you go on an IRT with a ICP and you get your ticket (hopefully!)
ICHT - Initial Clearhood Test, you'll do one of these on PFT, one in MJ and one at BHS
BHS - Basic Helicopter school, or ball hockey school  ;)
RUET - Roll-over underwater egress training, or dunker, basically, a helo is top heavy and will turtle 99% of the time when ditching, this course teaches you how to get out of the helo while upside down under water. It's a life saver for sure.

Anyhoo, there's about a million of them, when in doubt, ask someone.

Inch said:
ICHT - Initial Clearhood Test, you'll do one of these on PFT, one in MJ and one at BHS

I would have preferred it if you said PFT, BFT, and advanced
There is something unnatural about helicopters. How can something go round and round and up and down?- sounds a bit too naughty for this small town guy. ;) Besides I don't pass the height requirement for helicopters, my knuckles don't touch the ground when I walk.

Bograt said:
I would have preferred it if you said PFT, BFT, and advanced
There is something unnatural about helicopters. How can something go round and round and up and down?- sounds a bit too naughty for this small town guy. ;) Besides I don't pass the height requirement for helicopters, my knuckles don't touch the ground when I walk.


Ouch!  :'(

Actually we also call BFT "Phase IIa"  that's why I said Moose Jaw, and I said BHS because you're probably going to go there, half the cockpits in the CF are flingwings.  ;) A man's gotta dream though!
more smart ass remarks ...............

AMT was ........fun...........
not looking forward to RUET
dont forget stuff like CDU, PCU, APU, PTU, ADC, DADC, IFF, ISAR, ATIS, ILS,TACAN, RVR, VORTAC, NDB, .............OH AND DONT FORGET THE T-H-I-N-G !!!!

Have fun Bograt !!

If you want more insentive to succeed as a pilot.......if you fail....you'll have to be a navigator !!!!

I think I have a problem with my smart arse remarks. Admitting you have a problem is the first step- only 11 more to go. Hey, but referring to myself as a piece of poop must be my "rock bottom"

Quick questions.

At what point do you mention the type of aircraft you want to fly? I am guessing it goes like this. Sometime in PFT you are asked to choose between multi, fast jet and rotary. After BFT you are streamed. Sometime during your advanced course your asked which airframe you want?

Inch or Zoomie, do you have any idea how long the wait is to get PFT? I have heard that SLT is being waived.

aesop081- Don't you have to be smart to be a Nav? I vaguely remember the nav exam at ACS. Lots of pretty numbers. If I fail, I'll be a logistics officer.  ;)

i was just poking fun at a freind of mine who is here at the nav school with me...he is on is basic nav course !!!
Bograt said:
Inch or Zoomie, do you have any idea how long the wait is to get PFT? I have heard that SLT is being waived.

Last I heard, there was virtually no wait for PFT.  Your biggest delay maybe just getting to St. Jean for BOTC.

They don't care about slot selections at PFT, that is a civilian operation and has no impact on your career progression (expect for the vaunted PASS).

In Moose Jaw your Course Director will ask you what stream of flying you are interested in most.  (ie Jet, Multi, Helo)  He may ask you three times over the course's duration, just to make sure that you are being practical. 

Once you are selected for your Advanced Flight training, you go through the selection process all over again for your particular posting choices.  In the end, the Career Manager produces his list of where he wants your course graduates to go and you get what is closest to meet your desires.  In my case I asked for (1) Hercules - Trenton, (2) Dash-8 - Winnipeg, (3) Buffalo - Comox -->  Initiallly I was given Aurora's, Comox.  So I got the posting I wanted just not the airframe - as it turns out I really got what I wanted in the end.  I was up flying the Buff last night, shooting PARs and visuals to rwy 30.  :)
Thanks for all the information guys. Hopefully I'll get the word this month. My understanding is offers will be made for a January Botc. I heard St. Jean is very beautiful in the winter. Don't they have that snow hotel around there? Simply stunning.

I certainly would like to buy a pop for y'all. Thanks again.

I love you guys.

I am so looking forward to starting BFT, if and when I get there.

*Still waiting in Verification of Former Service Hell*

Zoomie said:
I was up flying the Buff last night, shooting PARs and visuals to rwy 30.   :)

rwy 30 ??? Did they change the number this year or something, or were you 10 degrees off (I can see the response now: "damn, that's what I was doing wrong"   ;D)
Runways change with variation/deviation shifts - the 10,000' strip at YQQ is now 12/30 vice 11/29

I was flying the Cormorant Sim (CPT actually) today and noted that the runway marker was still 11 at the button.  I guess it really isn't that big of a priority to change the coding for the software.
It doesn't even have to shift the full 10 degrees before they change it. When I was in the Soo, the runway heading changed from 295 to 296 so the runway number changed from 29 to 30. It's pretty amazing how that stuff can get ingrained into you, I think 90% of the RT contained the phrase "......rwy 29, I mean 30".

Inch said:
It doesn't even have to shift the full 10 degrees before they change it. When I was in the Soo, the runway heading changed from 295 to 296 so the runway number changed from 29 to 30. It's pretty amazing how that stuff can get ingrained into you, I think 90% of the RT contained the phrase "......rwy 29, I mean 30".

I'm pretty sure my first few radio calls would be missing the "I mean 30"

I got my glider license in Comox a number of years back as a cadet, and spent a couple summers working there as well. All of it was with 11/29, so it's just going to take some getting used to for me. Damn variation...

Zoomie said:
Runways change with variation/deviation shifts
I would be quite scared if they started adjusting runway numbers for deviation. The guys swinging the compass could have endless fun with that one   ;D
I would be quite scared if they started adjusting runway numbers for deviation. The guys swinging the compass could have endless fun with that one   ;D

Whoa- good observation!  I had to think about that one for a few minutes and I am supposed to be a qualified Air Navigator...

SeaKingTacco said:
Whoa- good observation!   I had to think about that one for a few minutes and I am supposed to be a qualified Air Navigator...

Loose any aircraft recently   ;D (sorry, couldn't resist)

Honestly though, it's understandable. I alwas have to think back to "TVMDC" to remember which one is deviation and which one is variation. As long as you can remember that TV Makes Dumb Children it's all good.

Variation: Angular difference between TRUE north and MAGNETIC north

Deviation: Angular difference between MAGNETIC north and COMPASS north

ooops...nav exam passed....must flush this to make room for curve-of- pursuit homings !!!

What the hell is TVDMC ?