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Not sure when BMQ starts

I'd like to stay away from those, but man if there's coffee.... Haha but who knows maybe I'll take anything I get during sleep depravation and exhaustion
You will not experience sleep dep or exhaustion on reserve part time BMQ.
I imagine it would be hard to do that in one weekend yes, but who am I to say haha.
Norris95 said:
I imagine it would be hard to do that in one weekend yes, but who am I to say haha.

You're right though. 'Tired' we can do. 'Exhausted' is a different beast entirely that you'll meet in time.
Strangely enough I can't wait until such times, perhaps I'm anxious to see what I'm made of  ;D
Didn't even see that you were on part time BMQ, nevermind to what I said! You'll be tired, but you probably won't be passing out haha.

I did mine full time in the summer; and five hour energies/red bull really did save my hind a few times. Those 18 hour days are a lot longer and more painful when you can't stay awake. I'm sure there will be lots of coffee available on your course, there was on mine anyway... more so for the instructors probably!
I wish I had the summer course, but they were full and the September course was the soonest one. I hope to do as many courses as soon as I can so I took the weekend bmq instead of waiting a full year for the summer option. Can reservists do SQ during the summer?
Norris95 said:
I wish I had the summer course, but they were full and the September course was the soonest one. I hope to do as many courses as soon as I can so I took the weekend bmq instead of waiting a full year for the summer option. Can reservists do SQ during the summer?

I did my BMQ from Oct to Jan, and my SQ immediately after in Feb to May, then my DP1 in July to Aug (although they also run DP1's June to July).
For now worry about getting through BMQ.
Norris95 said:
I wish I had the summer course, but they were full and the September course was the soonest one. I hope to do as many courses as soon as I can so I took the weekend bmq instead of waiting a full year for the summer option. Can reservists do SQ during the summer?

Yes, BMQ, SQ, and DP1 can be done in the summer... probably lots more too.

You will probably do SQ right after BMQ on weekends, and do your trades course in the summer. Your unit will let you know, though.

Another question is about kit. I know I'll get a list to bring but when I bring it should I try have everything in order? i.e. no wrinkles, stringies, not a huge mess of random kit, etc. Also when I was trying on the pants the person who was fitting me said to not worry that they seem a little big, yet they were past my feet unless I hiked them up past my belly button and still I felt like Eminem because they were wide and low in the crotch :-\. Is that just how they are? Thanks.
Norris95 said:
Another question is about kit. I know I'll get a list to bring but when I bring it should I try have everything in order? i.e. no wrinkles, stringies, not a huge mess of random kit, etc. Also when I was trying on the pants the person who was fitting me said to not worry that they seem a little big, yet they were past my feet unless I hiked them up past my belly button and still I felt like Eminem because they were wide and low in the crotch :-\. Is that just how they are? Thanks.

Yes. Get rid of any lint, threads, strings, etc. on your uniform. That includes your tac vest, fleece, winter gear, etc. Don't worry about the undergarment green t-shirts so much.

You should have your beret formed and with no lint on it. The capbadge goes over the left eye and the extra material should be brushed to the right. There should be a kind of "flop" down to your right ear.

Make sure you have boot bands, or at least elastics. Practice blousing your pants. Your pants themselves should be bigger than a normal pair of jeans, as there needs to be enough material at the bottom to blouse your pants over your boots. There's a lining on the inside that goes inside your boots, sort of like splash/winter pants. If the waist is too big, you may need a size smaller, but usually a belt will work fine. You should have been given a green belt with your kit.

Forming your beret is so important though... if you show up looking like an idiot, they'll treat you like one. Best trick for forming it is to soak it in warm water, put it on your head, and then take it off like you're still wearing it and let it dry. Having a shower with it on works even better!
Are recruits allowed to do things like forming the beret before bmq? I don't to show up with my beret formed wrong and then have them show everybody how to do it the proper way.
Norris95 said:
Are recruits allowed to do things like forming the beret before bmq? I don't to show up with my beret formed wrong and then have them show everybody how to do it the proper way.

Yes... I wouldn't have told you to if you weren't. They will show you how to dress properly once you're there regardless if you look like you have half a brain or none at all.. but why show up unprepared.
Sorry to bring up this post again, but I have some more questions. My BMQ starts in the next few days, and theres aloooot of things I'm not sure about (mostly kit). Here's a list of things that I do not know what they are/ if I have them:
"Approved Brass Buckle" - Didn't get any buckle
"Boots Ankle" only got one pair of boots, they were really tall ones
"Dress Leather black gloves" - All the gloves I got had the patterns on them
"Necktie CF" - Didn't get any ties, Do I get them myself?
"Shirt Cf Long Sleeve, Short sleeve" - Not sure which if I have these
"Socks nylon black" - I assume I get these myself?
"Trousers+Tunic DEU"
"Metal shoulder titles"
"Boots CBT, Gortex, Wet Wheater" - Like I said, I only got one pair
"Cap CBT Field"
"Bivy Bag"
"Cover Cam Helm"
"Boots cleaning kit" - I assume I just bring some polish and a kiwi cloth or something like that?
"Issued Thermos" - Dont have one
By the way, when issued my kit we went over several times and I know I got everything in the "Initial Kit List.
Thanks again.
Norris95 said:
Sorry to bring up this post again, but I have some more questions. My BMQ starts in the next few days, and theres aloooot of things I'm not sure about (mostly kit). Here's a list of things that I do not know what they are/ if I have them:
"Approved Brass Buckle" - Didn't get any buckle
"Boots Ankle" only got one pair of boots, they were really tall ones
"Dress Leather black gloves" - All the gloves I got had the patterns on them
"Necktie CF" - Didn't get any ties, Do I get them myself?
"Shirt Cf Long Sleeve, Short sleeve" - Not sure which if I have these
"Socks nylon black" - I assume I get these myself?
"Trousers+Tunic DEU"
"Metal shoulder titles"
"Boots CBT, Gortex, Wet Wheater" - Like I said, I only got one pair
"Cap CBT Field"
"Bivy Bag"
"Cover Cam Helm"
"Boots cleaning kit" - I assume I just bring some polish and a kiwi cloth or something like that?
"Issued Thermos" - Dont have one
By the way, when issued my kit we went over several times and I know I got everything in the "Initial Kit List.
Thanks again.

Unless you're an officer, you're not entitled to DEU until you have a year in and/or QL3. That is, unless they changed the entitlements. As for the Cap, bivy bag, cover, thermos: I'd get used to not getting kit as a reservist. Let your staff know clothing stores did not issue/have those items.
I got the Bivy, still at a loss as to what I do/don't have and do/Don't actually need. Should I keep everything in the plastic bags when I bring it to BMQ or take it all out?
For starters,  why aren't you talking to people in your unit about this?

The cam cover helmet is the camo helmet cover

cap cbt field is the boonie/bush hat

boot polish kit,  is just that, a brush,  applicator and black polish

the bivy bag - it will either be camo or green


If you haven't been issued the kit,  don't worry about it,  you might get it issued while on course,  or you may not.  When in doubt bring everything you have issued,  the staff will tell you what you need or don't need.  Yes take the items out of the plastic bags

"Approved Brass Buckle" - Didn't get any buckle
"Boots Ankle" only got one pair of boots, they were really tall ones
"Dress Leather black gloves" - All the gloves I got had the patterns on them
"Necktie CF" - Didn't get any ties, Do I get them myself?
"Shirt Cf Long Sleeve, Short sleeve" - Not sure which if I have these
"Socks nylon black" - I assume I get these myself?
"Trousers+Tunic DEU"
"Metal shoulder titles"
All the DEU items listed above,  you won't need(you don't have them) for BMQ and like PuckChaser said you will get that issued later when you are entitled to it.
Ok, what abut the plastic wrappings? And should I bring everything to BMQ even though it isn't necessary (Balaclava, winter gloves, etc. because it's still hot out) or do we have to bring it anyways?
Norris95 said:
Ok, what abut the plastic wrappings? And should I bring everything to BMQ even though it isn't necessary (Balaclava, winter gloves, etc. because it's still hot out) or do we have to bring it anyways?

What about the plastic wrappings?  The plastic bags the socks,  and combats come in?  Take the items out and throw the plastic away.  If the winter kit is not on the kitlist for BMQ,  don't bring it.  If you have a car and will be driving to and from your BMQ location, you an keep all the winter kit in a bag in your car and have it just in case.  Or just leave it at home.

If it isn't on the kitlist,  but the staff tell you to bring it then bring it.  Otherwise stick to the course kit list.

Why aren't you asking people in your unit this kind of stuff?  I'm sure they would be more then willing to help you out.