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Nova Scotia Power Outage


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How have all my fellow bluenosers made out during the power outage?  Are some of you still waiting for power (obviously using a computer elsewhere)?

We were out for about 40 hours and things weren't too bad considering it's November not February!
Only without power for a night... but being an Eastlink employee has me watching my back this time of year though ;)

My folks live in the valley, my mom was saying they're not expected to have any power back at all until thursday or friday.  Beautiful eh...
Good ole Cape Breton made out rather Fine Ive Yet to loose my power  :o
Although it is Looking pretty Nasty outside right now  :-\
Spr. WIlliamson said:
Good ole Cape Breton made out rather Fine Ive Yet to loose my power   :o

Jeeze, I didn't know you guys had power to begin with ;)

We are getting hit with it now. Central Newfoundland is shut down, and St. John's is flooded. The beautiful west coast is grey- Bright spot, because Gander is shut down, we had 4 vipers and a KC135 land in Stephenville today.
I'm in the north end of Halifax and I didn't lose my power at all. Some guys at 423 lost theirs but not I.  ;D
My god i feel terrible for you bluenosers! You had a crappy winter last year and know your getting it early!
weather sucks but it's great for goose huntin,goin tomorrow 0dark30.gotta love cape breton weather(sometimes) ;)
I live very close to Burnside Industrial Park which was crippled by the power outage and I didn't lose my power at all (I was lucky) I should mention to that pretty much all around me has/had no power. I made er' good this time.. ;)
What can I say...the last bunch in my area got theirs on last night.  My friend just received a $4000 supply of meat last week, and that is now ready to get up and walk away by itself :P  In all honesty, Nova Scotia losing power is starting to become more of a common occurrence, then news headline...at least in my area.  Downtown Halifax, all you see is green grass.  Come out to my area, however, and you have to creep out of the driveway because the snowbanks are still too high to see the traffic.  It's quite unbelievable, but something I've come to accept over the last few years.  Now if only I could get this Sunday Shopping Monkey off my back and on the streets!  One of these days I may actually enjoy living in this province :-\  When am I posted again, sir???

P.S.  Kudos to all those Hydro workers that were working long hours in terrible conditions.  Nothing like being up in a cherry picker/boom during gusting winds, eh?  It's the little guy that works hard which often gets blamed for the poor organization of management.  "Organization of management" was that an oxymoron? :)

There was a good editorial cartoon in the chronicle herald yesterday
It showed NSP asking "Is it a bad time to ask for a rate increase?" but they were holding a candle and standing in the dark.

Wish I saw it!  Yes, the whole irony of the rate increase request was like some sort of poetic justice.

Tell me about it,
Do you know that if they get the rate increase they requested, that we would have some of the highest power costs on the continent (Per Capita I believe, or something like that) 4th after new york, boston and another similar city.
I lost power for about four hours on Sunday after the storm.
I guess that is pretty good though! :)
Question for you: I saw on the news where an individual that had lost power in NS was upset at the Power Corp. His words were "they knew it was coming, why didn't they do anything?"

Made me wonder why, if the guy who lost power knew the storm was coming, and that he'd probably lose power, he didn't go out and get a generator, or at least an invertor to run off his car.

What ever happened to taking care of yourself? Maritimers were pretty self sufficient when I lived there....

I guess I'm pretty lucky too.  I live in Dartmouth (right near Dartmouth High) and didn't lose power.

On the other hand, I had the pleasure of picking someone up at the airport last Saturday night.  An hour each way...tons of fun...  :(