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NWT to CSE Officer


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Hi, Im looking for guidance possibly from  Personal Selection officer or a CSEO who's done what im thinking about doing (a lot of them have) that may be lurking on this site, this is the first time ive looked into this.

-Im a QL4's qualified LS NWT who's thinking about going CSEO
-Im one of the marine ist. super tech's so what ive heard is a lot of my university credits from there can pass over to DalH
-I know theres a lot of CSE officers who have done super tech and went officer this way so im trying to get some info about it.
-Im thinking about doing this because of the WET tech program, i don't want to be a SONAR (sensors tech) which is probable because i haven't been loaded on my QL5 and they didn't even give me a trade choice because of it.

Anyways if theres anyone on here who knows the process works and how please post or PM me.

Please only posts regarding the change and not about the WETtech program, thanks
You need to book an appointment with the BPSO. Asking for info on here is good and you may get some good advice. However, nothing beats getting it from the horses mouth. Also you may want to look up in either CFAO's or DAOD's on Commissioning from the ranks. It has all the info there in black and white.
Definitely, get ahold of the BPSO to find out what your options may be.  But first, go through your COC to keep them in the loop.  As a supervisor, I always hate getting blind-sided by things.

Also, consider speaking with your CSEO or A/HOD, and speak with one of the Phase VI officers doing their packages on the ship....see what it is that they think about it, and what they're doing.  The Phase VI package will require you to learn most of that "SONAR" gear anyhow, so if you want to avoid it by going CSEO rather than WEng SONAR, you're actually lining yourself up for a whole lot MORE work, rather than less. 

Oh, and really, as a SONAR techie myself, what is the matter with my trade?  I'm going to be getting Torpedoes, Nixie, C-5, and the CANTASS Wet end....so I'm becoming an NWT through this trade amalgamation.

Thanks for your replies.
BPSO stands for?? selection officer?
does anyone have any contact info ie email or such?

I realize the extra work that comes with it, (big thing going to school for engineering)
The main thing im trying to find out is if i can get accepted for it. Id like to know that its possible before i run around asking about specifics about the job.

I figured someone may take offense to me saying i dont want to be sonar, but thats not what i meant to imply. Just the gear i like best is going armament, the guns work makes the bs work worthwhile, also feels like i got kicked in the head cause of so much time ive spent training on armament kit as compared to the cantass, torps etc.
BPSO stands for Base Personnel Selection Officer.  They should be able to help you out.  The other option is to discuss your career aspirations with your Div System and see if they can help you out.