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Kat Stevens said:
And maybe some kewl spinner rims, and a lowering kit, maybe a rad airride system.....yo, werd  ;D

and a big a$$ stereo system?
and a big a$$ stereo system?
the idea is to drive people away.... not bring em around, not to give em a reason to wanting to blow us up.... IMHO
geo said:
maybe we can get the windows tinted so people can't have a look inside.
That was done with most of the old Nyala before we got in country, and is the option the BG chose to explore with the new models.
There are a couple other problems that have come to light as the temperature increased between May and now.  When I left 2 weeks ago many RG's were down with overheating problems, as well as electical problems.  Coy Tp told me they are looking at inproved water pumps or something from Africa and larger capacity alternators to handle all the comms gear and magic stuff.
    When the Stab mod arrives, the remote weapon system will be near perfect. As it is RWS is about the most user friendly for training gunners I have ever seen.  The thermal and day cameras rock.
    Troops inside IMHO wear flack vests but tac vests under the seat as you must be sitting properly in the seat to strap yourself in.  And you must be strapped in!!  Otherwise when You get IED'd and all the wheels and engine compartment get blown off and there is just the crew tub sitting on its side on the ground, it will be scrambled eggs when I open the back door.
    Also, everything inside the vehicle must be strapped into a seat.  ie)  Manpack radios.
    Minimize the kit inside that will hinder your getting out or my getting in or that will just plain fly around in there.
    Bottom line, these things save lives big time, you just got to use them right.  my platoon was using 2 to replace a LAV that will never get replaced as was c/s 12 after they had to blow up one of theirs.  Coy HQ had a RG IED'd with 4 AT mines and the injuries were relatively minor (no intention of downplaying the crew's sacrifices)
Whats the difference between the Nyala, and the APV

http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_display.asp?product=73  - APV

http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_display.asp?product=76  - Nyala

The APV can do exactly what the Nyala can do, if they attached the Nyala armour onto the APV.
I have pictures of the one that struck that IED a few months back.... Am I breaking any rules posting em up?
While in theatre I overheard that it was not approved to post battle damage photos (they might give away armour weaknesses that can be exploited).  At the same time, I have seen several publicly available pictures taken by embedded media of battle damaged vehicles.
MCG said:
While in theatre I overheard that it was not approved to post battle damage photos (they might give away armour weaknesses that can be exploited). 

Based on this, and an interesting thread in the News Forum, i've decieded not to put these up. I'll leave that to the fellas who were directly involved.
I assume you've inherited the huge photo library that I held for the Fd Sqn?