PLEASE take your identifiers off of your old uniforms prior to disposal.
I have a HUGE issue with unwashed, unshaven, long-haired protesters bad-mouthing everyone from the government to anyone who disagrees with their views, all while wearing old kit with rank and flashes because they think it looks cool and makes them badasses ... some kind of environmental (or whatever) "warriors" or something.
I don't really think they're fooling anyone into thinking they're ex-forces or representing the CF, but it bugs me none-the-less.
I have consistently refused to participate in the Christmas tradition on changing ranks with my superiors ... I haven't yet earned that rank, I will not wear it until I do ... so I don't think these people should be allowed to wear any just because they had $10 in their pocket while at an Army/Navy surplus store (don't get me wrong, the tradition of the Jr member becoming the CO for the day/night is fine, it's when everyone starts drunkenly changing ranks with everyone else that I start to squirm).
OK, end of rant ... please return to the scheduled thread ...