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On menstruating, sharks, and parts --- a thread I recommend only for girls!!

Shamrock said:
I wonder if the author here is saying that, on average, less women are attacked by sharks or most shark attacks as are against men; in the latter, that could be attributed to more divers being men.  This is a pretty useless correlational statistic.

Hard to tell, that particular site links through and refers to a study by Samuel Shelanski, M.D. called Diving and Menstruation, which was published in Scuba Diving Magazine. Apparently one must be a subscriber to view it's contents -- and I'm not. It is possible that his study accounted for less women divers and ergo went based upon a "per capita" basis, but I can't confirm either way.
ArmyVern said:
I knew there'd be an eventual link to something military to legitimize this thread!!  >:D


Since when does it need to be military related to be in Radio Chatter  :-\ ?

I'm sure I brook that rule a few times  :D !

P.S. It SURE does interest military people  ;D !

Add :

Shamrock said:
I realize I have at best a passing familiarity with them, but don't tampons stop most blood from leaving?

Maybe because of the hours when you post this, but I didn't link it with water and sharks...

I never go into water (pool/lake/ocean) with a tampon or anything else. None of my friends either.
Even with the good chore in a pool, I'm not sure what it would do to the "toxic shock". There may be something write
on the little paper in every box about it, but I don't have any near me at the moment...
Hey can I join in this thread?

ArmyVern, I think us women should be allowed to claim a thread on menstruation for ourselves. It seems their are fewer women than men in this on-line community.

Yrys, you are hilarious. I've been reading this thread and  :rofl:

I used to scuba dive and the water pressure takes care of "things down there."

It's funny that ArmyVern  gives a "girls only warning" in the title of the thread yet the "sharks circle" anyway. (Big Grin!!)

On a serious note, I lived in a remote area of Northern Ontario for about 15 years and the locals held that if a menstruating woman went into the bush during moose rutting season, she'd get mounted. I'm not making this up either. People would tell stories about it.  Even though the idea seemed ridiculous to me, I never tested it out.

Anyone heard of this before?
Hé leroi,

why wouldn't you join a thread in the public part of a public web site ?
(OH Gosh, it is public, isn't it  :-[,  WHAT have I done  :blotto: ?)

Men (and some women) have thread for razors...

Well, I'm glad to be fund hilarious.What pop to my mind after that was about Africans albinos, probably less hilarious...
Are they more genetically related to Caucasians then others Africans ? I've seen Caucasian albinos, does the opposite exist
like a Caucasian with pigmentation in overdrive that make him dark of skin?


I wouldn't call men circling the thread as shaRks  :D ...

Never heard it toward the moose, but read something along the line of "it's a myth that bears would attack more women when they are menstruated" in the MUM web site last night. Full of informations, that site is :)
Hahaha this has been wonderful to read thus far! The sharks and bears have crossed my mind once or twice on field exercises though. Seems to be a common thought!

I am imagining you as a very intellectual student:  Philosopy of science?  Anthropology?

You are an original thinker. I hope Mike Bobbit doesn't censor this thread; hopefully ArmyVern will protect us. ;D

Unlike you, my mind is going into slow mode and I can only contemplate the smooth, albino whiteness of my pillow ...

Bonne Nuit!  :cdnsalute:


Crap on a cracker, I am killing myself here I'm laughing so hard.  This thread is beautiful.
Oh, come on now  >:( !

I can't be the only one to have questions about everyday's life, no  :-\ !

Let's be honest, here  :P ! After all, it IS the internet  :D !

Shoot away, people, dare to expose some inner (seemingly) unanswerable questions  >:D !
Okay I have a question

Dear Mamma Bear:

Is there any way of keeping a man away from you during that "cycle" we are talking about?  If I hear one more time "What's wrong with you?"  I might have to beat someone.


Cranky this week
Dear Cranky this Week,

I've found the only way to keep my XY bear at bay is to switch up tactics so as to confuse the PapaBear.  Never let them know what you are going to hit them with this month! 

However, since fighting off an amorous bear is much like simply FIGHTING a bear, try the suggestions in this video:


At least some are guaranteed to work on your PapaBear  ;D

Best wishes, and let me know which technique works best for you!
Yrys said:
Maybe because of the hours when you post this, but I didn't link it with water and sharks...

I never go into water (pool/lake/ocean) with a tampon or anything else. None of my friends either.
Even with the good chore in a pool, I'm not sure what it would do to the "toxic shock". There may be something write
on the little paper in every box about it, but I don't have any near me at the moment...


I know waaaaayyyyyyy too many females like this still, but worse. I recall my grandmother being shocked as hell that I'd still be swimming and playing baseball, volleyball, basketball when it was "that" time.

Even young ones today. My daughter started her period at 10. First summer comes up at the cottage ... and she's avoiding the water like the plaque. She loves swimming, but she heard the same crap at school from her friends.

Also had a girl in Pet who would successfully arrive with a chit giving her sick leave. In advance!!! We were going into the field the next week and she actually came into work the week before with a sick chit "No field  X 14 days". I asked her "how the F does one get a sick chit -- in advance?" It had to do with her telling them she was "irregular ... and heavy" but then she pops out the myth about the damn bears. I lost it. Quite simply, lost it. This girl wasn't really that young, nor that naive --- she just came from a family where life was not an everyday topic and thus the myths carried on for generations.

And besides ... we have braids now!!  ;D

Here's one for you (those who shouldn't be reading this thread -- maybe they'll "get" this commercial now!!  ;))


LMAO ...  ;D



Male Tampon Commercial LMAO - something my son would pull off, the goof

ArmyVern said:

Mmmm, did you understand me ? Maybe I wasn't clear.

I go into water whether with menstruation's or not (except first day, when in "heavy flow").
I just don't wear anything for menstruation's into water, tampon or otherwise.
Shiraz said:
Okay I have a question

Dear Mamma Bear:

Is there any way of keeping a man away from you during that "cycle" we are talking about?  If I hear one more time "What's wrong with you?"  I might have to beat someone.


Cranky this week

Cranky this week,

De Law of Nature also deals with this phenonema of XY Bear's and their unwanted advances ...

I suggest to you, a review of the instructional video I have linked below:

Da Law of Nature
Yrys said:
Mmmm, did you understand me ? Maybe I wasn't clear.

I go into water whether with menstruation's or not (except first day, when in "heavy flow").
I just don't wear anything for menstruation's into water, tampon or otherwise.



ArmyVern said:
I suggest to you, a review of the instructional video I have linked below:

Da Law of Nature

Hey, there is a francophone in that one :) !

The "girl in Pet" would have been better serve of with pills for the duration of the training.
Don't take the placebos, don't stop taking them and ... TADA ! A girl can do anything anytimes...  :)
Yrys said:
Hey, there is a francophone in that one :) !

The "girl in Pet" would have been better serve of with pills for the duration of the training.
Don't take the placebos, don't stop taking them and ... TADA ! A girl can do anything anytimes...  :)

That's the Tampax commercial that I remember from my youth ... some famous gymnast doing her thing on the balance beam ... (Cathy Rigby NOT Mary Lou Retton ... although they've both done them -- I'm too old for my "youth" to be inclusive of Mary Lou).

"You can do anything with Tampax!!"

Crap, those commercials aren't any worse that the Viagra ones running these days. I guess that as long as the girl from Pet wasn't popping purple diamond shaped pills ...  >:D

BTW ... I've decided that this thread will last.

Cheeky the Travelling Squirrel has not showed up here yet. When he finally bestows a visit upon us -- we know being watched!!  >:D
ArmyVern said:
Even young ones today. My daughter started her period at 10. First summer comes up at the cottage ... and she's avoiding the water like the plaque. She loves swimming, but she heard the same crap at school from her friends.

Good thing she hasn't heard of land sharks.

Couldn't find the original skit, but that's a close approximation.