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Online Applications


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I decided that I would take advantage of the new "On-line Application" to join the CF REG Force.  Over all I think the on-line application idea is a great one!  No need to call into the recruiting centre and ask a hundred questions because the current status of my application, exactly what it would be going through at each step of the way, would be well documented.  Not only that but I would have an up to date process of what is coming next, what I still needed, and what had been completed.

The only thing is, is that it is nothing like that.  I applied in August and for the next 4 months, nothing.  I kept checking every other day to see if they received my application, reference letters, transcripts, and the likes.  Then one day I get a letter saying that I have been scheduled for an interview, medical, CFAT, and physical. Which is great, however I received it 3 days before it was scheduled, so I couldn't make it, and had to reschedule.  (BTW, the recruiting centre was excellent in dealing with this! Good Job) So the following week I was rescheduled.  I did the everything in one day, was advised that I should make the April posting and that over all it looks good.

By the end of the following week, I logged on to see what the current application status was and yet again nothing changed.  :-[ 

I guess what I am trying to say here is that I really wish the recruiting centre would make full use of the on-line system and keep on-line applicants posted as to what is going on with their application status.

Has anyone else applied on line, if so how did it go?  Would anyone be able to see my on-line file and update it?  Or should I just call the recruiting centre for updates and give up on the on-line side of things?

Thanks for your help in advance, from what I am able to read on the forums, this group is very supportive, and informative!

I guess what I am trying to say here is that I really wish the recruiting centre would make full use of the on-line system and keep on-line applicants posted as to what is going on with their application status.

When we update your file in our recruiting information management system that information is suppose to be transferred from the recruiting system to the on-line application system on a regular basis.  Since the recruiting system is a stand alone system and the information contained within it is at a higher protection status than the on-line system, the two systems can not interact automatically and therefore the transmission of information is done manually.  When and how the transfer of the information takes place is not under the control of the recruiting centre.  I guess what I am trying to say here is that I really wish applicants you don't hear anything for FOUR months would call the CFRC/D and find out what is going on.  The on-line system is a companion to the recruiting process not a replacement for it.
Quote from Kincanucks,
I guess what I am trying to say here is that I really wish applicants you don't hear anything for FOUR months would call the CFRC/D and find out what is going on.  The on-line system is a companion to the recruiting process not a replacement for it.

I haven't had the privilege of seeing it but does it state that somewhere on the online site that is easily readable?
Personally, I have not seen the section of the on-line site that states it is a companion to the recruiting process, but I very well may have missed it.  What I was trying to express was that the recruiting.forces.gc.ca web site appears to push the on-line application as a better way of applying and allowing you to keep yourself up-to-date in regards to the application process.

Either way I do look forward to being selected in the next intake. *crosses fingers*
First choice was Communications Research, Second was RMS Clerk.  Very Hopeful on the first choice!

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Quote from Kincanucks,
I guess what I am trying to say here is that I really wish applicants you don't hear anything for FOUR months would call the CFRC/D and find out what is going on.  The on-line system is a companion to the recruiting process not a replacement for it.

I haven't had the privilege of seeing it but does it state that somewhere on the online site that is easily readable?

I guess what I am trying to say here is that I really wish applicants you don't hear anything for FOUR months would call the CFRC/D and find out what is going on.  Probably not but common sense prevails.

The on-line system is a companion to the recruiting process not a replacement for it.  Probably not but maybe it should.  Then again you push a button and then you think that is it and you don't hear anything for FOUR months and you complain about nobody getting back to you?
In this day and age??...With the " punch of a finger" generation?
I need tea.
Don't get me wrong or anything, not trying to complain here!  Just more of a hopeful expectation not realized.  I did call the recruiting centre a few times during the four month period, and as it turns out I guess they were waiting for my cadet file to get my service number or something.  So I just didn't let it sit on for four months and then complain or anything.. ;)

In short I was saying that it would have saved both my time and their time to just put a little notation on the on-line account saying, Applications Status - Waiting for Cadet File... ect...

Either way, it is all going to work out in the end.  I think the people in recruiting are doing a great job overall and have a great idea as to the on-line application!
I applied online and it was pretty seamless.  Only problem is that for my TBS 330-23 - Pers Screening it still lists "In progress by CFRC".

Everything else either says Completed or Not Applicable.  I called my actual recruiting center and all they can tell me is that "it hasn't come back yet".

So is this form processed somewhere else?? And I originally applied back in November... should it take this long???
So is this form processed somewhere else?? And I originally applied back in November... should it take this long???

The form is submitted electronically to our security agency in Ottawa where they have the RCMP do a criminal check and another agency do a credit check.  Normally, if there are no problems, it takes approximately three to four business days to complete.  It is usually sent out a few days after your interview.  However, since you are not the only applicant applying to the CF there may be some delays.
Hmm ok.  Had my interview on Feburary 9th.  So technically at this stage it's fairly delayed.  I'll just hope there is some kind of massive backlog due to it being a busy time of year for recruiting.  And hopefully there's not some kind of problem..... my credit probably isn't perfect but I don't think there should be any massive problems...... :-\
I originally applied back in November

Had my interview on Feburary 9th

It is usually sent out a few days after your interview. 

Big diffrence when other people are reading this and feeling sorry for you for waiting soooooooooooo long.
Well don't get me wrong, I'm definately not complaining that I had to wait too long for my application to be processed.  That was rather speedy and I am grateful.  It's just this particular check that has me worried since it's beyond the bounds of a normal processing time.  I can definately wait since I have in total been working on the entire process for about 8 months or more, just hoping nothing is wrong, that's all.
I did my application online and they called me two days after but they left a message and I couldn't really make out what they said so I'm not too sure as to how I go about getting an interview. Do I need to book it? I have called them back and activated my application but I don't know what to do now. :-\
Tyrone_88 said:
I did my application online and they called me two days after but they left a message and I couldn't really make out what they said so I'm not too sure as to how I go about getting an interview. Do I need to book it? I have called them back and activated my application but I don't know what to do now. :-\
When you called, you could have asked about the message that they left and have them clarify what it meant.  Give them a call back or drop in and see them to confirm your timings.  There is no shame in that.
Ok, just an update:

My online application status is now reading that my TBS 330-23 - Pers Screening section is "Complete".  Sure took a while but it's good to see that it's finally done!  Was getting a little worried there.

Well hopefully the completed status means everything checked out too.. not that I have too much that would cause me grief!  :P
When I did the online application, I was under the impression that you must bring a copy of your application, signed, into you CFRC within 3 business days of applying.
Kirt Voth said:
When I did the online application, I was under the impression that you must bring a copy of your application, signed, into you CFRC within 3 business days of applying.

What would be the point then of even doing the online application? Sort of defeats the purpose really... Can we say redundancy???

Anyway, I doubt that is how it works since all these other people in this thread have done it online and it goes through for them just fine...

Kincanucks I'm sure would have advised you guys if that was the case...