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Operation Northstar Modification

  • Thread starter Thread starter Abs
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Hey folks...

Just popping in to give a bit of an update. Since the developers have finally released the tools and sample models, I have started on modelling some infantry. Here is a work in progress, as it's almost done. Soon enough, you'll be able to play as one of our own guys in Armed Assault. :D


I still need to model the NVG mounts, and the ballistic eye wear. I hope you like it, and I'm looking forward to some crits on what I've done wrong. :) As work on this progresses nearer to the final stage, I'll post some more pictures.

i was talking to agroup of guys who were thinking of creating a CF mod for COD4 or for battlefield 2142(as it has vehicles, and COD4 has no vehicle code). I used to be in the Half Life 1 modding community years ago, it was a fun time.

Hope you guys release yours, even though i've never played ArmA
Shouldn't the m113 have another road wheel if you want it to look like the TLAV we currently use,
someoen correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks Kr1kit :)...please let me know if you guys do get a mod going...I'd like to follow its progress.

Future Unknown: You're right...if it is going to represent the TLAV, it should have an extra road wheel. As information on the TLAV is limited (at least on the Internet), I wanted to do more research on it before I attempted to make one.

the post you had before with all the models in it, most of the pictures don't show up. Only the cayote and the m113 show up, aswell the remington shotgun and the browning hi power.
kr1kit said:
the post you had before with all the models in it, most of the pictures don't show up. Only the cayote and the m113 show up, aswell the remington shotgun and the browning hi power.

Hmm...it seems I can't modify that post to fix it. I might as well as repost them here.

Here is a picture of our brand new Nyala:

...and the reposts of the pictures that were there before:



81mm Mortar:


Mounted TOW:

Thanks MedTech :)

Another update on the troops we're making. Please note that there are VERY early WIP textures. The final model will most definitely look better than this.


As always, comments are appreciated.

Good job gents on the mod you are doing however every link I have clicked on to see a web site or possible download site has come up error 404.  Was wondering if you moved your site if so repost a link plz.  Also a site that might help you is called www.primeportal.net.  I post pics and walk arounds regualrly on there.  Any questions plz ask I'll do my best!

Yes sir, the links are outdated. The reason for this is because my domain expired, and I haven't gotten around to dishing out $200 for a new web host. :)

I've been to Prime Portal since day one, my friend.  :o It really helped me out a lot with almost all of the vehicles I've modelled. It's good to see that we have one of the people who posts walk-arounds here, so that I could thank you personally. :)

Prime Portal is a great site. I mean some of those walk arounds leave nothing out. They have some other good photos too even a good walk around on a Leo C2. (It looks like the one at the Calgary Stampede).
Hey, long time no speak. :)

So I'm back with a bit of an update. I've been working on modelling the Canadian Troops, and I wanted some feedback from you fine folks. To see the different variations of the troops that I have, please click here.

Now, I'd appreciate any help in determining exactly what makes up a section. I'm having a bit of difficulty in determining the proper grouping I should have, and if I need to make any more modifications to the models to make them more accurate.

As always, any help is appreciated!

Just a quick update on where we stand:

As always, feedback is appreciated :)

...and I'm back with another update. Soon enough, we'll have these bad boys ready and I'll be posting in-game screenshots. For more information on the mod, check out our forums.

A quote from our texture artist.

Ace of Spades said:
Hey all,
Finally i have another update to the troops, this time its the infantry model. Now that i have textured the tac vest and gear etc. texturing the rest of the models should be much faster. Anyways here are some pics of the troops in 3ds max.

Nice work.  I've been following your progress for a long time now, keep it up.  I noticed Sabre has spent some time on your forums.  All good, particularly if some of this were to make it into VBS2.  Ask Sabre about |RE| and some contacts over there he may have.



:) Thanks for the kind words.

Honestly, I don't think that ONS content will find its way into VBS2 as the army has its own team of developers working on making units for the simulator. From what I hear, though, progress is kind of slow.

In the meantime, if you guys have any requests for things you might want to see in Armed Assault instead, feel free to post them here...I'll do my best to accomidate what I can.

I'll let this picture say a 1,000 words for me today.


[NOTE: The C7A2 is not ours. We will develop our own. This one is a placeholder just so that we could show off our first in-game infantry model]
Great Looking Characters Abs! Your texturing is very good, kudos! :warstory:
Thanks mate. It'd be nice to see how the progress of your mod is coming along too. :)
