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OT/Decommission Questions


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I am currently not MOC qualified. For the purposes of this thread, lets hypothesize  I have completed BMOQ and BMOQ-L (CAP) and my trade is Inf O (00180). 

There is a part of me that is very interested in becoming a SAR Tech.  I understand that that is not only an OT but it also means I would have to decommission.  Is this possible, in any way shape or form prior to being MOC qualified, or do I have to complete Phase 3 and 4 of my training?  I know that last year an officer that was MOC qualified did this, and I know there is another one in selection this year. 

If it is possible what are the steps that I need to take to make this happen?  Additionally what are the repercussions within the military for someone to give up a commission and join the ranks?  Would one be black balled in any respect? Would it still be possible to get a CFR later in my career?

Thanks for any help!
  I'm sorry that I can't help answer any of your questions, however I am interested in hearing the answers for sure.  I'm sure a visit to or a quick email to your base PSO's office would help you out.

  Blackballed?  Hell no.  SAR techs are hugely respected and you would become someone who's job is to save lives.

  What would happen if you decomission, go for SAR tech, and for some reason were unable to pass selection?  You would have to keep in mind other NCM trades you might be interested in I assume?  Or would you get your bars back and go back to your old trade?
Either way...good luck to you.
First of all ship's are decommissioned or paidoff. Officers resign their commission.

Okay, I have known several officers that have resigned their commission to take NCM occupations. Not a big deal, no one I know of though any less of them and they progressed through the ranks just like everyone else. As for going SAR Tech good on you. Just make sure you can pass the prelim and and all the pre tests. If you visit your BPSO he/she will be able to help you out.

I have a buddy who is a SAR Tech out west and has told me if anyone wants any info to just email him. If you want his name send a PM I don't think it's right I post his name on here.
Would the OP get any credit towards the minimum time in trade that is required to apply for SAR Tech? It was 48 months before you could apply previously, unless they changed the standard. It might be important to the OP to know he just can't resign his commision and become a SAR tech, that he will likely have to become MOC trained in an NCM trade and then apply. 
..Good question Capt.  Hastings, get a hold of the PSO and let us know how you made out.
I can think of one case of an officer going through prelim, not sure of the outcome.  It would make sense to think that you would have to be MOC qualified to be eligible.  There are some SAR guys around that would be able to shed light on your situation.

Disclaimer:  Not a SAR Tech, or associated with them.  Just things that I know are factual.
This happened to me,
I was forced to give up my rank and go NCM.

I gave up my rank in July of 2009, however Im STILL an OCdt doing EWAT waiting to speak to the BPSO about NCM trades.  POrepare for a long wait in limbo if you have done this.
I fear that this may be a bit more complicated than you want.  Ref the above replies I believe they are right and you will need to be trade qualified before apploying.  In addition last I checked, to speak to the BPSO you would go through your Chain of Command.  That is your first point of contact.