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Our Dead, Our Flag and the CUPE

It is an unfortunate reminder of the "ME Generation".  It is a shame that so many were raised to think only of themselves and their personal career and wealth, as opposed to what they could do to improve their nation.  Hopefully we can see a change in that trend.  If not, this 'civilization' is doomed as that of all past civilizations who became decadent in self-indulgences, etc.
One of Canada's most beloved characteristics, is freedom of speech... it is a right accorded even to morons.

Weakly paraphrasing Voltaire,  I disagree with what they say, but I will defend with my life their right to say it.
I can't beleive that some union clown would make a stink over something like this  >:( Too bad !
scoutfinch said:
One of Canada's most beloved characteristics, is freedom of speech... it is a right accorded even to morons.

Weakly paraphrasing Voltaire,  I disagree with what they say, but I will defend with my life their right to say it.

Of course... No one here is suggesting that they be put on trial or squelched... Simply because you have the right to speak doesn't mean that you must... And your quote pretty much sums it up... The disagreement that I have is that the people who died for their right to speak are the ones that they profane. Which, really, inspires me to use the same freedom of expression to express my disgust.

Even if I do not always agree with the politics that send soldiers where they go, I do not deny them the respect that they've earned by being there. And if they must die, then we owe them all respect and consideration for the sacrifice that they have made. $120 worth of frivilous money isn't worth metaphorically spitting on someone who just died in service to your country.
I have actually been in contact with Mr. Hodgson, the councillor that did the lowering that started all this (Very nice fellow, by the way). I just sent him a quick email thanking him for his actions (through the township's website http://www.township.scugog.on.ca/) and not really commenting on the union side of it. Thought it would be a nice gesture to let him know.

As far as CUPE is concerned, it is interesting to note that the union rep did not withdraw the protest because they were wrong, but due to the  attention this thing got. Ummmmmmm, hello....you were wrong!!!!! Either stand by your convictions and beliefs or shut-up. Do not start something like this and not even have the balls to admit when you were wrong.
I suppose the best part of this whole thing is that the employee gets to remain unnamed - so his stupidity will never be recognised for what it is.

Crap like this solidifies my opinion that unions had a place in the mills of the industrial revolution, but have truly outlived their usefulness.
Wookilar said:
I have actually been in contact with Mr. Hodgson, the councillor that did the lowering that started all this (Very nice fellow, by the way). I just sent him a quick email thanking him for his actions (through the township's website http://www.township.scugog.on.ca/) and not really commenting on the union side of it. Thought it would be a nice gesture to let him know.

I didn't even think to look, but after you mentioned it, I sent him an email thanking him as well. Standing up for what is right is a good practice to encourage.
Just because I see were this is going, I am going to pipe in with this despite my personal beliefs:  The union by law has to pursue the grievance of the employee to a certain level.  This does not mean to arbitration but they have to represent this employee regardless of what the union officers think.  For example S37 of the Canada Labour Code (Duty of fair representation) [note this act does not apply, it would be the provincial act, but it will contain a similar clause.

I would tend to agree with you.  There is probably one ME generation individual that does not see the light - refused to do his duty and was reprimanded.... then he filed the grievance which the union was obliged to process..................

Och.... the price we pay for our freefom
The union by law has to pursue the grievance of the employee

No, they don't...while there are certain articles in labour law stating that a Union employee is entitled to a certain level of representation there are also articles pointing out exceptions. Specifically, by joining - and paying dues - an individual assigns the Union as an agent in any negotiations with company management. 'Negotiations' means everything from Collective Bargaining to trying to save your ass when you get demerits for showing up late. A Union - unless expressly written into the Collective Agreement - has the right to put forward your grievance or throw it in the trash.....much the same way they bargain and settle contracts without ever speaking to the membership.

Sugar coat it all you like...this was about greed and stupidity.
The Union says it wasn't about money but communication,..... ???

How about COMMUNICATING your petty and pathetic "my job, your job" squabble in a more mild manner (like maybe COMMUNICATING the matter / problem with the parties involve) specially since it centers around such an emotionally sensitive issue as our fallen.
Teflon said:
The Union says it wasn't about money but communication,..... ???

How about COMMUNICATING your petty and pathetic "my job, your job" squabble in a more mild manner (like maybe COMMUNICATING the matter / problem with the parties involve) specially since it centers around such an emotionally sensitive issue as our fallen.
I would like to communicate something to the union with my middle finger
had a friend who attended a meeting when one union was trying to replace another.
he had 1 question:
If we go on strike (at your recommendation) do you stop getting paid, the same way we do?.........

He never did get an answer