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"Over There" TV Series (Merged Topic)

I think Semper's characterization of Over There was bang on - stressed dialogue, contrived, but somewhat entertaining nonetheless.

I grew up on Tour of Duty... it was one of the things that fostered an already high degree of interest in the military. I still watch the show whenever it's on. I liked Combat too, when they still showed it at 3 AM on the History channel. Band of Brothers was spectacular, though I doubt there'll be another of such quality for some time.

I've never seen TDV though I've wanted to for some time. I can't afford satellite and haven't been able to find anywhere to download the episodes from. Hint.

There was a show called "Combat Missions" a while back that was like Survivor but with special forces/swat team guys and the challenges were different missions w/ pyro and MILES gear. They had FIBUA missions, anti-armour missions, recce missions (which invariably turned into fighting missions when a convenient "target of opportunity" arrived), POW rescues, etc. Pretty entertaining, though the enemy force acted more like something from a Rambo movie (IE jumping out of a perfectly good foxhole to run upright over to a small desert bush for cover or using an
AK-47 instead of the MG when you're sitting right there in the turret with the bloody thing staring you in the face) than the ex-military personnel they were claimed to be.
I'm hoping to see 'Over There' tonight (re-run) on History.
I prefer Operation Homecoming...the last one I saw, a guys brother (both Military) gave him his purple heart...it was so nice.
Plus, it's real

Slim2 said:
I prefer Operation Homecoming...the last one I saw, a guys brother (both Military) gave him his purple heart...it was so nice.
Plus, it's real
My wife watched it while I was deployed. She now thinks Canadian military wives have NOTHING to complain about.

I saw a couple episodes with her while home on leave, I have to agree.
Forgotten_Hero said:
Actually, I'd rather watch Over There over Band of Brothers. BoB was quite good, but theres lots more action, and a more effective mood is being set in Over There.

LOL, how can you even compare Over There to Band of Brothers??

By the way, I saw the preview of next episode of Over There, "Bull" from Band of Brothers is going to be in it interrogating their new prisioner.
it's not gas bad as I tough..... it's Hollywood .....It can't compare to Band of brother but it's entraining. I like the fact that it cover modern guerrilla warfare.
Armymedic said:
My wife watched it while I was deployed. She now thinks Canadian military wives have NOTHING to complain about.

I saw a couple episodes with her while home on leave, I have to agree.


Slim2 said:
I prefer Operation Homecoming...the last one I saw, a guys brother (both Military) gave him his purple heart...it was so nice.
Plus, it's real

I really like this show as well. I found it pretty emotional to watch though. But, I guess seeing how things really are can only put the situation more into perspective for me.
Card_11 said:
I really like this show as well. I found it pretty emotional to watch though. But, I guess seeing how things really are can only put the situation more into perspective for me.

Yeah, I found it super-emotional...I always get teary-eyed when watching thses types of shows...

Saw the Third one.  Seems like a bit better than the first 2.  Love the PsyOps >:D

Side note.
Did anyone see the Extreme Home Makeover that aired tonight?
There was a Medic who lost a leg from an IED, and continues to work in the US Army teaching other Medics.   He actually helped develop a Simulated combat Room for Medics to practice under adverse conditions.   His wife got a Scholarship to finish her Masters, so she can properly council others Soldiers families to cope with tragedies.

One of the touching parts was the American Flag that was raised on his new front lawn was actually one that was flown on July 4th at one of there Bases in Bagdad.
My wife had tears going threw most of the 2 hour episode.
I love that show as well, Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
It's a truly amazing and touching...

well my wife like that show !!! We should have some touching story from N-O soon ...
Has anyone out there been watching "Over There"? It has been on History Network here in Canada. It follows a squad of US soldiers (US Army 3rd Infantry Division), during their deployment to Iraq. How realistic is this show?
I love the show its seems to be fairly realistic. But again its going to be propeganda style videography.
Dh loves this show and now has me addicted to it.  :) I'm not sure how "realistic" it is but some US soldiers who have been to Iraq seem to like it.

A quote from a US Marine in another forum:
That show is out standing I went to Afghanistan a month after september 11 and I have been to Iraq twice and I am glad that someone is actually telling our story how it is I'm a Marine not in the Army but it shows what its really like and shows the pain and struggles we go through not only out there but with our familys back home. It shows what we really go through and that were not just sadist killers I wish I could meet the guy that makes this show to shak his hand and thank him.

Who knows though, people will put a spin on anything for ratings.  ::)
I'm trying to give the show a chance but last week they had a segment where someone blows himself up with a toilet seat shaped out of C4 - it was dangerously close to being an SNL skit - porta-potti jihadi.  :o

cheers, mdh
i like overthere but i like some episodes more then others. i liked the last one it was good number 12 i think
kimmie said:
Dh loves this show and now has me addicted to it.   :) I'm not sure how "realistic" it is but some US soldiers who have been to Iraq seem to like it.

A quote from a US Marine in another forum:
Who knows though, people will put a spin on anything for ratings.   ::)

Awhile ago there was a few articles about how much soldiers in Iraq disliked the show and how unrealistic it was.

The show isn't bad, but it's no "Band of Brothers". They do a lot of stupid stuff in the show,  for example in the first episode near the end when their riding in the convoy, something happens so all the trucks get off the road an go onto the dirt that has marked land mines..... You never go off the road onto dirt, especially if you know theres landmines in that area.