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Paid parking DND property

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Eye In The Sky said:
Ahhh MARLANT.  Home of Unnecessaty Fuckery.


Well Maritime Command does have to come up with money to pay for those 6 MCDVs we were going to tie up....
Ex-Dragoon said:
Well Maritime Command does have to come up with money to pay for those 6 MCDVs we were going to tie up....

Yeah, except for all that money that comes in from DND/CF ... (ever made a cheque out at clothing stores, bought surplus stuff via CADC/Crown Assets & Disposal for example, paid back overpayment on a claim??) ... goes right into the "Receiver General" accounts as per who you make the cheque out to. We don't see it, so you Navy gents aren't going to find a single penny of 5% there or in parking fees.
ArmyVern said:
Yeah, except for all that money that comes in from DND/CF ... (ever made a cheque out at clothing stores, bought surplus stuff via CADC/Crown Assets & Disposal for example, paid back overpayment on a claim??) ... goes right into the "Receiver General" accounts as per who you make the cheque out to. We don't see it, so you Navy gents aren't going to find a single penny of 5% there or in parking fees.

That's not entirely true.  When the cheque is inputted into the system, the deposit paperwork will state which Fin Code it goes to.  For example, if you go on TD and claim for a meal you weren't entitled to, which is later discovered and you are told to pay it back, you write the cheque to the Receiver General, but the money is deposited back to the budget which paid the original claim.  When you write a cheque to the RG for lost kit, that's deposited to a clothing Fin Code, which you never see at the Base level because it's controlled at the national level.
Kinda makes ya real proud to be in the CF huh?

Next they are going to want soldiers to pay for the medical supplies they "use" when injured overseas.
I searched for a newer thread with about this but this seems to be the most direct one, so please excuse my digging up an old thread.

My father in law said he heard on the news that this is coming into effect, any news on this ?

It will be interesting to see how they field a situation like this in Halifax, will they still require X number of years served or will it be a free for all...I could see some pretty pissed off people in the near future at CFB Halifax

Personally I'm all for it on bases where parking is a major issue (I.E. CFB Halifax) but on bases like Pet where I saw ample, times infinity, space I see no reason to "pay for play" so to speak...
Never seen the news story myself, although I heard about it. What I have been told we have to start paying "fair market value" for parking. That could be anywhere from $60-$120 dollars a month. Money that I could better spend on my family >:(
Halifax Tar said:
Personally I'm all for it on bases where parking is a major issue (I.E. CFB Halifax) but on bases like Pet where I saw ample, times infinity, space I see no reason to "pay for play" so to speak...

There is no real market value at places like Edmonton, Pet, Cold Lake and the like so there wouldn't be a charge.
Chief Stoker said:
Never seen the news story myself, although I heard about it. What I have been told we have to start paying "fair market value" for parking. That could be anywhere from $60-$120 dollars a month. Money that I could better spend on my family >:(

I hear you. I guess I'm just willing to pay it so I don't have to park in the ghetto or get to work at 6am so I can get a spot in the ghetto and not on the other side of the commons... Sounds to me like a good way to spend a good portion of my PLD. But again that's just me and were all different!
MJP said:
There is no real market value at places like Edmonton, Pet, Cold Lake and the like so there wouldn't be a charge.

Fair enough! No qualms from me on this...
I guess there are a lot of mechanics to be worked out. For instance what happens if you are paying and drive in to find all parking spaces filled, I know that would piss me off. All I know that's a lot of money being generated.
Chief Stoker said:
I guess there are a lot of mechanics to be worked out. For instance what happens if you are paying and drive in to  find all parking spaces filled, I know that would piss me off. All I know that's a lot of money being generated.

I know I'm using common sense when I say this, and that doesn't count for much in the CF sometimes, but I would suspect they can only sell/rent the number of spaces that actually exist with no overselling and prompt towing of those who park with no paid for pass...
I guess time will tell, I suspect some sort of msg will be coming out about it soon.
Sweet! I go back to work on the 31st so Im sure I will find out all I need to know then! Thanks Chief!
Depends on where your Father-in-Law read the news article.  If it was the Ottawa Citizen or Ottawa Sun, then it is relevant, as these events have indeed happened in Ottawa.  As for across the country, that should have no affect on any other locations. 

I can see this happening at Bases in metropolitan areas, if parking fees are charged, but not at the Bases out in the sticks.  It would be a municipality by municipality decision.
            So would they be charging you for parking out side the base or in it ? IF its in the base than that's a load of crap .  If I where you guys I would be checking this one out and following it very closely .  I don't think any Employer should be able to charge there employees parking fees for them to come to work .  If my boss did that at the Long Term Care Facility where I work I would tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine .
karl28 said:
I don't think any Employer should be able to charge there employees parking fees for them to come to work .  If my boss did that at the Long Term Care Facility where I work I would tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine .

Sometimes, when free parking is provided by the employer, Canada Revenue Agency rules the spots to be taxable benefits.
This all came up because Treasury Board does not like to give out things for free and that if the civil service in Ottawa has to pay for parking then all of civil servants throughout Canada must pay. So with this reasoning not only will soldiers at CFB Wainwright will have to pay for parking, Parks Canada employees at Riding Mountain National Park (West Central Manitoba) will also have to pay. The administrative nightmare (collecting the fee and policing the offenders) that this policy will produce far outweigh the amount of revenue the TB will bring in.
FSTO said:
This all came up because Treasury Board does not like to give out things for free and that if the civil service in Ottawa has to pay for parking then all of civil servants throughout Canada must pay. So with this reasoning not only will soldiers at CFB Wainwright will have to pay for parking, Parks Canada employees at Riding Mountain National Park (West Central Manitoba) will also have to pay. The administrative nightmare (collecting the fee and policing the offenders) that this policy will produce far outweigh the amount of revenue the TB will bring in.


Parking Charges

Employee parking shall be provided at fair market value unless otherwise authorized by the Deputy Minister. Where there is no fair market value, there will be no charge. Where the fair market value has not yet been determined, there will be no change to any current charges.

Government needs to cancel plans to charge Canadian Forces members for parking at bases

Read more: http://www.ndp.ca/press/government-needs-to-cancel-plans-to-charge-canadian-forces-members-for-parking-bases#ixzz1ByDO145o

OTTAWA – The Conservative government should rescind their directive to DND to charge Canadian Forces and DND employees for parking at military bases across the country, says Peter Stoffer (Sackville—Eastern Shore), New Democrat Veterans Affairs Critic and Jack Harris (St. John’s East), New Democrat Defence Critic.

“It is a slap in the face to the men and women in the Canadian Forces for this government to begin charging them for parking,” says Stoffer. “CF members and their families sacrifice so much in service to our country. Members of the CF face multiple deployments, frequent moves, long hours without overtime pay, and occupational risks that many public servants never face. They see free parking as one of the small workplace perks that they have.”

“This is a ridiculous idea,” says Harris. “It is an example of how this Conservative government says they support the troops but then nickel and dime them for something like employee parking. We urge the Conservative government to put a stop to plans to charge military members for parking.”

A recent memo circulated by Maritime Command indicates they have ‘absolutely no choice’ but to start charging for parking for those who have assigned spots. And charges will likely be coming soon for those who have ‘scramble’ parking.

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