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Partnership with TestReadyPro (CFAT Prep Training)

My bad if anyone here thinks I am being selfish or what have you, but to me this test was easy, and I have been out of school for a very long time.  If you brush up on what you need to know, it is a total breeze.  But why spend any money period when there is ample ways to learn otherwise.  Like I said before, common sense, brainpower and a will to succeed are all you should need.  The military life is a significant challenge, and if you cannot make your way through an "airconditioned", multiple choice, more time given than possibly being needed test, you really are not ready to handle the daily pressures of life in combat, or other trades.  And for the person whom wrote the comment of "sweating in combat" or whatever it was you said, I'm happy for you, if you are confident having this person alongside you in battle.  I am not thinking of myself, I think of others, always have.  A soldier who does not have the confidence of passing a simple test is not just a liability to others, but also to themself.  I wish anyone who undertakes the CF the best of luck, but be sure of what you want out of it before you enroll.  If its just a paycheck you want, go elsewhere, if you are ready, prepared, and willing to take a challenge with confidence and eagerness, go for it.  That's what we need.  Stay Positive and Stay Safe.
mciver said:
The military life is a significant challenge, and if you cannot make your way through an "airconditioned", multiple choice, more time given than possibly being needed test, you really are not ready to handle the daily pressures of life in combat, or other trades...

I'll bite.  What training or experience do you possess that qualifies you to disqualify others?
mciver said:
My bad if anyone here thinks I am being selfish or what have you, but to me this test was easy, and I have been out of school for a very long time.  If you brush up on what you need to know, it is a total breeze.  But why spend any money period when there is ample ways to learn otherwise.  Like I said before, common sense, brainpower and a will to succeed are all you should need.  The military life is a significant challenge, and if you cannot make your way through an "airconditioned", multiple choice, more time given than possibly being needed test, you really are not ready to handle the daily pressures of life in combat, or other trades.  And for the person whom wrote the comment of "sweating in combat" or whatever it was you said, I'm happy for you, if you are confident having this person alongside you in battle.  I am not thinking of myself, I think of others, always have.  A soldier who does not have the confidence of passing a simple test is not just a liability to others, but also to themself.  I wish anyone who undertakes the CF the best of luck, but be sure of what you want out of it before you enroll.  If its just a paycheck you want, go elsewhere, if you are ready, prepared, and willing to take a challenge with confidence and eagerness, go for it.  That's what we need.  Stay Positive and Stay Safe.

You seem to be talking like you have years and years of military service. Have you even been to BMQ yet? But you are also entitled to your own opinion and nobody here can change that.
mciver said:
My bad if anyone here thinks I am being selfish or what have you, but to me this test was easy, and I have been out of school for a very long time.  If you brush up on what you need to know, it is a total breeze.  But why spend any money period when there is ample ways to learn otherwise.  Like I said before, common sense, brainpower and a will to succeed are all you should need.  The military life is a significant challenge, and if you cannot make your way through an "airconditioned", multiple choice, more time given than possibly being needed test, you really are not ready to handle the daily pressures of life in combat, or other trades.  And for the person whom wrote the comment of "sweating in combat" or whatever it was you said, I'm happy for you, if you are confident having this person alongside you in battle.  I am not thinking of myself, I think of others, always have.  A soldier who does not have the confidence of passing a simple test is not just a liability to others, but also to themself.  I wish anyone who undertakes the CF the best of luck, but be sure of what you want out of it before you enroll.  If its just a paycheck you want, go elsewhere, if you are ready, prepared, and willing to take a challenge with confidence and eagerness, go for it.  That's what we need.  Stay Positive and Stay Safe.

I don't think you're being selfish.  I just think you are talking about stuff you don't have any real knowledge or experience with.  That "simple test" can and will determine the rest of your future in the CF, so people have every right to be worried about it.  And go back and read what I actually wrote.  You still haven't got it right.  And don't presume to know what we need.  You aren't even part of the "we" crowd yet.

Wasn't you that said in another thread that you were nervous about a letter you might receive regarding your medical?  Wow, geez, I guess if you are nervous about that then you won't make a good soldier machine that has to rise up to the many challenges you seem to know about.
Crantor said:
Wasn't you that said in another thread that you were nervous about a letter you might receive regarding your medical?  Wow, geez, I guess if you are nervous about that then you won't make a good soldier machine that has to rise up to the many challenges you seem to know about.

It went a little something like this:
"Does this letter tell me that I have been rejected for some reason?  Most people who get their acceptance receive a phone call instead of the letter.  I am very nervous and have dedicated myself 200% to this for the last 8 months"
Sorry folks, but this is starting to get ridiculous. How many threads are on this site about CFAT testing? How did all of us dinosaurs manage to qualify and join the Forces without prep testing and the internet assisstance? Now people are shelling out money (I honestly don't care if it's $1.00 or $100.00) for a test that is geared towards a grade 10 education level.  ::)

Is the quality of todays education that bad that potential recruits need to study for this test? Combine this with the threads on "What happens in basic training" and "What do I bring to basic training" and "How should I fold my underwear in basic training" leaves me shaking my head in disbelief. I knew next to nothing when I joined the military and guess what, my instructors at all levels taught me WHAT I NEEDED TO KNOW TO SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE COURSE. The same thing will happen with todays recruits.

To be honest, if you can't pass the CFAT without studying and prepping for weeks I don't want you working for me. You will end up being too slow and will lead me to have to explain everything 2,3 or 4 times before you end up understanding the bare minimum to do your job.

If anyone takes exception to this rant just remember, "Life sucks but it sucks even more if you're stupid"
2 Cdo said:
Is the quality of todays education that bad that potential recruits need to study for this test?

Yes.  Spell check and the use of calculators for even the simplest math equations are a couple of reasons.

Yeah I come from the old school as well.  I honestly think people are genuinely concerned, not about CFAT, but what the scores mean to their career choices.  Heck, when I joined I got what I wanted (at the time) but I know folks here (and especially Gen Ys) are looking for a career that will make them happy vs going in a little blind. Unlike Gen X (me) and Boomers who were more open to authoritarian rules and worked with the hands that were dealt, the Gen Ys are not willing to settle for just anything - including test scores.

Gen Ys are a different breed my friend - stats have proven that they generally are more educated, more sheltered (not a good thing) and are willing to wait longer to make the right career choices.  In my civvie role I am currently dealing with Gen Ys coming out of University - trust me, they are a pain in the ass to deal with (not all of them) BUT are extremely well-informed and well researched.  There's no doubt they'd be concerned with CFAT and will fork out extra money/time to gain a slight advantage, if any.

My point, It's a different time right now and we are all in a middle of great social change.  BTW the comments about Gen Ys is a general study.  There are exceptions to the rule.  CFAT is a life-altering test and if I get a chance to go through it again you bet I'll be studying up for it.

I am going to try it as I have to write my CFAT for my CFR.

I will give the Forum an honest opinion.
I used this to prepare for my test, which I did today. Very few questions stumped me (and I did the test on ~2.5 hours of sleep) and had enough time to recheck some of my answers and guess on the few I didn't have time for/couldn't get. After the dust settled I did well enough for what I wanted - reg force infantry.

My only gripe with it was there are not enough unique questions... they really should double the amount. (I really only used the program for the practice tests block).
erikh said:
I used this to prepare for my test, which I did today. Very few questions stumped me (and I did the test on ~2.5 hours of sleep) and had enough time to recheck some of my answers and guess on the few I didn't have time for/couldn't get. After the dust settled I did well enough for what I wanted - reg force infantry.

My only gripe with it was there are not enough unique questions... they really should double the amount. (I really only used the program for the practice tests block).

I tought that taking the test was the only CFAT requirement for infantry  ;D
SupersonicMax said:
I tought that taking the test was the only CFAT requirement for infantry  ;D

No, for example spelling aptitude is also measured.

(From an ex-Infantryman) ;)