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Patrol Blues For Health Services

Would you like to wear blues?

  • YES!!!

    Votes: 20 44.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • I Dont Know...

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Looks Too Army To Me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What is Patrol Blues?

    Votes: 8 17.8%

  • Total voters
MedTech said:
... I would love to get a set, and if it's actually allowed, then I will go forth and acquire one, and yes wear it to my wedding. I wander if I can wear it to my mess dinners? :P

You sound much like the young officer I referred to in a previous post.  Much enthusiasm and exhuberence not yet hampered by excessive self control.  Why don't you read Dress Instructions first?  See what current regulations are.  As I said above, it has been years since I looked up the answer to this question, things change.  Then ask your CO.  What one says may not necessarily be what another other says.
Very true blackadder1916. Young and enthusiastic indeed. I don't know if it's something that would be able to be approved at a CO level, I'll do more research into and then get my answers that way.
geo said:
Claymores are for highland units
Armoured & cavalry have sabres... and yes, chainmail epaulettes
(scarlet forage caps too !/?)

Duh... thanks for that ::) After 40 years, most with the Corps, I'm pretty sure of what we carry.  ;) Seeing as Claymore Clothes had been previously mentioned, I figured the connection was a given. Forgot Engineers were minute detail guys though  ;D Black beret for ours BTW.

Tanks! Matt :salute:
Medtech... your unit would ned a real big okie dokie going forward with this.
The medical branch patrol blues were in an era when you were still known as the RCAMC and you had a different cap badge and collar dogs.

Not sure you are allowed to wear with the new medical accoutrements.

I know that 5 CER/RGC's honour guard wears the old Engineer grenades & Royal cypher cap badge - it's recognized as Historical accoutrements....

Also - Officers would wear Pips & crowns instead of bars.
geo said:
Medtech... your unit would ned a real big okie dokie going forward with this.
The medical branch patrol blues were in an era when you were still known as the RCAMC and you had a different cap badge and collar dogs.

Not sure you are allowed to wear with the new medical accoutrements.

I know that 5 CER/RGC's honour guard wears the old Engineer grenades & Royal cypher cap badge - it's recognized as Historical accoutrements....

Also - Officers would wear Pips & crowns instead of bars.

Yup I know :) I like the pips and crowns look and I honestly think that the Blues are such a sharp uniform! Honestly... I've seen CIC officers wear them, yes they were affiliated with an Armoured Regiment, but... its just a tiny bit rediculous that a PRes unit cant.

That's also partly my question. HOW do we get them reinstated as a part of our dress? I mean it is a great intermediate uniform for those of us who cannot afford a set of mess dress, and neither do we have the rank requisite of a set of mess dress. That's just me. Anyone know how we can get them reinstated for the Health Services? it'll be a nice morale booster for those who want it, and it wouldn't be a mandatory set of uniform. I mean... I just cant stress how sharp it looks!
Don't confuse the two. Patrols are 'walking out dress'. Mess kit is formal wear that is not 'normally' worn until after 18:00.
Hmmmm maybe you can clarify for me RecceGuy.

What I meant was that we can wear the Patrols to mess dinners or other events which require a formal uniform that we may not be able to afford. I know that the BCRs sometimes wear their Patrols as their 'mess dress' for dinners and other formal functions. Maybe I'm just confusing myself now. Need to do more researching I guess :(
To wear patrol blues you would have to submit a request to the National Defence clothing and dress committee (NDCDC).

Justify it, detail it, put everything in writing and get the okie dokie in writing.

You'llhave to go thru channels... thus get medical branch approval prior to asking NDCDC for their blessing.

If you refer to CFP 265  (A-AD-265-001/AG-001)

chapter 1 art 55, former uniforms of the canadian army shall not be worn by CF members except for personnel participating in special events as authorized by a commander of a command or NDHQ equivalent.

chap 1 art  58  CF personel who purchased an obsolete dress pattern while it was authorized may continue to wear that uniform until it worn out.  new purchases will conform to current regulations.
MedTech said:
Hmmmm maybe you can clarify for me RecceGuy.

What I meant was that we can wear the Patrols to mess dinners or other events which require a formal uniform that we may not be able to afford. I know that the BCRs sometimes wear their Patrols as their 'mess dress' for dinners and other formal functions. Maybe I'm just confusing myself now. Need to do more researching I guess :(

Different strokes...........Protocal is not always followed. We don't allow Patrols at Mess dinners. Nor should they be, IMHO. No mess kit? DEU with white shirt & black bow tie. You want to wear patrols and eat? Hold a luncheon. Barathea mess kit shouldn't cost anymore than patrols. I have both and the cost was about the same from Claymore (Clothes). But that's just my $00.02.
Reccceguy, some units have adopted the patrol blues as their mess-kit.

Royal Montreal Reg't WOs & Sgts have had the patrol blues as their mess kit by the dress committee.

I believe it's ditto for the Royal Canadian Hussars, 12RBC(M) and Sherbrooke Husars.
Just back after "uncrashing' my PC,  and getting my head unscrambled after a scientific experiment proving that arena ice IS harder than my head, last week.  On the subject of Patrol Blues, they were, in my day of the 50'and 60's, THE formal order of dress for  ALL noncommissioned ranks, BUT NOT compulsory.  Ours in the RCAMC were the dark blue with the cherry stripe on the leg, high collar and appropriate brass collar dogs and rank insignia in gold.  When on my Sr NCO course at the Corps school in 1957, we were 'encouaged' to purchase same, but I don't know of any who did so.  No idea what the price was, but we could not afford it. Pure and simple. Very few members of the Sgts and WO's mess ever did own a set.  Most offficers had mess dress, but seldom wore blues. We had basically four uniforms, 2 winter battle dress in the khaki serge, and the lighter 'tropical worsted' for summer, again 2 uniforms. That was it. Oh yes, in the 50s still we had shorts and shirtsleeve order of dress as well.  But while at NB HQ before and after Gagetown opened, NO ONE wore shorts and shirtsleeves, although I do have several scary pictures on the wall.  We got a uniform dirty, we paid to have Waggs clean it and hope they did it before we needed it again.  Oy vey, such a good life it was, and still is.
Most offficers had mess dress, but seldom wore blues. We had basically four uniforms, 2 winter battle dress in the khaki serge, and the lighter 'tropical worsted' for summer, again 2 uniforms. That was it.

Officers Winter dress
    Serge & sam browne
Officers summer dress
    Pinks ( VS ORs T Dubbs - TW - tropical wore )
    Bush dress

Patrol blues were issued & Mess Kits were optional

( I still have a mint set of TDubbs with the rank of Cpl from 71-72 (just before I got my 1st set of greens.)
Thanks for the reminder, Geo.  I had completely forgotten about the bush dress, although now I wear almost the same thing in the decent weather, tan Tilley pants and shirts, short sleeved. Can't bring myself to buy the jacket though.  My best web belt with the monster Corps buckle is hanging on the wall behind me.  We could certainly have used a "working, or bumming around" order of dress as available now.
Now do I blame the faulty memories on my age or the concussion?  Cheers