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Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

iw2gf said:
What is the proper way to address a Chief Warrant Officer? Do officers address them differently from the NCM's?
For NCO / NCM's


Officers would address them by appointment (RSM) or just Chief Warrent.

simple enough?  ;D
NCM's - "Sir" or "RSM" (if that is his appointment.)

Officers:  "RSM" or "Mr. Bloggins"
it really depends on your rank and what the CWO wants to be called .....if you are below him in rank, usually they are SIR,  CWO or RSM

and if you outrank him still called CWO or RSM, how hard does it get?
I think they cover this in training  on rank structure

only trouble i had after the rank system was explained to me......they never said what the urinal rules were......what does a Cpl do when a MGen wants to use the only urinal in the room...and your standing there and what do you say as he is standing waiting.....
( true event besides hurry yup and get out of there )

MWO's and CWO's are addressed as SIR, or by thier appointment.  i.e.CSM or RSM, BSM.
In the Air Force, they are sometimes referred to by Mister as a sign of respect, or by their designator, FE would be FLIGHT and LOADIE would be the loadmaster. ( I'm not sure if a high rank Traffic Tech would be designated a loadmaster)
You would call all of them SIR or MISTER if you meet them on the street.
I'm VERY sure that if you ever addressed any of them incorrectly, you will be quickly corrected!

"what does a Cpl do when a MGen wants to use the only urinal in the room...and your standing there and what do you say as he is standing waiting"
Hmm, I'd finish my business and flush, wash my hands and say good day sir, then walk out...simple?? :salute:

Urinal Etiquette stipulates that very few words and maybe only a nod are accepted means of communication in or near the urinal.  Under no circumstances is it acceptable to depress your line of sight more than 1 degree below level.  (Yes, most General Officers are men with the same equipment you have, so don't bother looking and they put their pants on one leg at a time)  So Stop freaking out. ::) 
Officer's call CWO's  "Chief" or "RSM".  Only the Commanding Officer will ever call him/her "Regimental Sergeant Major".
iw2gf said:
Do officers address them differently from the NCM's?

No.  Junior officers will address CWO's with just as much fear and trepidation as NCM's do.
As FHG said, you address a CWO however he wants to be addressed. ;D If in doubt, use the fallback position and call him/her sir/maam.
Some of this depends on branch/Corps etc.

As we were a "calvary" unit, we were to follow the traditions and ways of one.  All officers called the RSM "RSM" and all NCMs called him "sir".

Maybe I am wrong but....I am not sure too many RSMs would like being called "Chief", seeing as that is what the CPO1/CPO2's in the Navy are called?
Mud Recce Man said:
Some of this depends on branch/Corps etc.

As we were a "calvary" unit, we were to follow the traditions and ways of one.  All officers called the RSM "RSM" and all NCMs called him "sir".

Maybe I am wrong but....I am not sure too many RSMs would like being called "Chief", seeing as that is what the CPO1/CPO2's in the Navy are called?

Remember, there is only one RSM Appointment in a Regiment, but there may be more than one CWO.  In the case that (s)he is not the RSM, they are addressed as Chief Warrant Officer (seldom as 'Chief'), or by their Appointment.  That 'Appointment' in an Armour Regiment may be as ETSM (or ET); the TQMS (or TQ); or in the QM as the RQMS (or RQ, the QM being the Officer). 
I remember when the new rank system came in the CWO as opposed to WO1 people started to
call them chief unless of course he happened to be the RSM or had some other appiontment,there
was one Master Gunner in the Artillery who under no circumstances was ever to refered to as chief
as he was a fullblooded Indian, Cree  I believe.
211RadOp said:
Never call an army or airforce CWO "Chief". A "Chief" is a CPO1 or CPO2.

Unless of course he asks you to.  I have met a few HSS CWOs (Army & AF) who preferred to be called Chief.
Whatever you do, don't translate "Chief" to "Chef." ...That means MCpl, NOT CWO. (It's especially bad if said CWO is a Vandoo)

But maybe the only people silly enough to make that mistake are at RMC, I dunno...
Yeah "Chief Warrant Officer" is a mouthful. I  keep it simple and call them Sir/Ma'am.  I am still getting use to calling MWO and CWO in the airforce "Chief" (at least in the MPA/MH communities.  It must be the naval roots.)  It just doesn't come naturally after 12 years in the combat arms but I'm working on it.
Topic answered. Thread locked.

Anyone have anything to add PM a mod or the original posting member.


The Army.ca Staff
Searched and could not find an answer to my specific question.

I was at Transport today up at CFB Kingston having something changed on my 404s, and the MCpl kept addressing me as Sir. This is actually common place up on base, whether at Supply, CDU 3 or wherever, the NCMs as high as Master Warrants (that I've seen) address us as Sir or Ma'am.

I know that the proper way to address on OCdt/NCdt is "Mr/Mrs Bloggins".

But how are we suppose to be addressed when the OCdt/NCdts name is not known?

Should the MCpl have left out my name and said "Good day Mr, what can I do for you?"

There is nothing wrong with the use of "Sir/Ma'am" in such as situation.
Michael O`Leary said:
There is nothing wrong with the use of "Sir/Ma'am" in such as situation.

I did not know that, thank you.