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PC Games

  • Thread starter Thread starter babicma
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CBH99 said:
Operation Flashpoint - by far, the best FPS of modern (Cold War era) battlefields.  The maps are HUGE, ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS...and the gameplay is extremely realistic.  (The more you run, the more tired your guy gets, and the less accurate your crosshair is, etc, etc).

Also has some AWESOME Canadian mods for it....Griffons, G-Wagon, CADPAT, Canadian weaponry, Coyote, LAV 3, etc, etc.  Great game.

The newest version of OFP is being released soon. It's called Armed Assault (ArmA). And the militarized equivalent (VBS2) is going to be released in Alpha version very soon (I have the pleasure of getting to use the militarized version of OFP (VBS1) at work, and will be receiving training from the company (Bohemia Interactive Australia) next week (alas, it will be done in Gagetown, not Australia  :'( ). We will also be receiving the Alpha version of VBS2 at that time to see what improvements it has over VBS1.

With any amount of luck, every soldier in the CF will receive a "lite" version of VBS1 (and/or VBS2) so that they can use it to conduct training, at home or at work. The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has done this, and the USMC is in the process of doing this. Watch and (virtually) shoot.....

Link for Armed Assault: http://www.armedassault.com/

Link for VBS1: http://www.virtualbattlespace.com/

Just a quick note: VBS1 can be purchased by consumers (AKA civvies), but the price tag is steep: about $1000 once you get all the modules. VBS2 will only be for the "serious" market (defence, emergency services, etc).
This thread is so old.... anyhow Americas Army just released 2.7, its pretty neat 2.5 gigs though  ??? anyhow heres the link


Vehicles now usable
New renders, engine fixes
CO-OP and AI play
New maps

- Cheers
- Syed
doesnt work for me :(

Keeps saying I still have americas army installed(i dont)

But I can't wait to get operation flashpoint OR armed assault..I might end up renting OFP:Elite for xbox
The graphics might be dated but there is no game out there that can offer you such a combination as realism, fun, tactics and teamplay as WW2 Online Battleground Europe

I played all those BF1942s and CoDs and AA games I played Close Combat, DoD, CS, Blitzkrieg, all armour games I could find and nothing will grab you and never let you go like WW2 Online. Its like WoW for WW2 geeks like me!
I have to suggest Counterstrike (mod of half-life) the team play is unreal if you get a good group of guys. (used to be a nerd but no money to fix comp). Something a little newer i recommend American Conquest Divided Nation... It is pretty much like Ages of Empire but you control up to 200,000 men to your disposal for some crazy civil war battles.
Dangerous waters is cool. Its a naval war simulation...but a non lame one with good graphics.
Santa brought me Company of Heroes. It's having issues with my video card - good excuse to get a new one, but from what I've played so far, it's worth getting. And there is a demo available.
Santa got me Battlefield 1942 the complete collection (Secret Weapons of WW2+Road to Rome+Bf:Vietnam)

And my best friend got me Commandos 3

Commandos 3:VERY VERY HARD!!!

Battlefield 1942:Very Very fun. Except the fact I can only play like one or 2 maps at most before my computer says "Please insert the Correct Cd-Rom and press ok and restart application"
Then I need to restart Computer in order to play again, or insert the expansion pack discs (I uninstalled those because I reinstalled the whole thing and didn't want to wait to install those again)

No idea why it does that and it makes me VERY angry at my computer.

Fun though
I'd have to suggest battle field 2 for PC.  and if you got the time and a little bit of credit on that visa then go to http://www.bf2combat.net/ and you can join a war.  you apply to one of the teams, and they put you through boot camp, and train you to work as a team, different strategies and tactics.  its all ranked.  and pretty realistic.  lots of fun when it comes to the battles and online team play. 
I wish I had Battlefield 2. My computer doesn't have a good enough video card though. But, when i get a job, First or Second Paycheck,I'm getting that video card and game and Yay!.

I just hope flying a helicopter is easier in BF2 than it is BF:V
skinz said:
I'd have to suggest battle field 2 for PC.  and if you got the time and a little bit of credit on that visa then go to http://www.bf2combat.net/ and you can join a war.  you apply to one of the teams, and they put you through boot camp, and train you to work as a team, different strategies and tactics.  its all ranked.  and pretty realistic.  lots of fun when it comes to the battles and online team play. 

I agree with skinz: it's pretty fun, but a LOT of work and commitment involved. Be careful of which team you pick, though: you will end up having to do a LOT of practices and scrimmages  (I learned a crap load of skills and techniques that I wouldn't have by just muddling around on public servers), but if you don't commit to the practices, scrimmages, meetings, etc, good luck getting included in the matches. I ended up quitting, because most of the practices that I was able to attend were at 2300hrs on a Fri or Sat night, when I could, and some were at ridiculous hours, due to the truly international aspect of the teams: guys from literally all over the world are playing this.

I would advise to pick a US team, as it seemed that the majority of people on those teams were situated in the CONUS (Continental US), but no doubt they had members from US bases overseas playing as well, so they would have to make allowances for them for practice times.

Things may have changed somewhat from when I was playing (this time last year), but it is worth looking into, if you have the time to commit and want to really improve your BF2 skills.
