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Photo Identification for PT/CFAT

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God**** I am hitting roadblocks every step of the way.

I finally got my birth certificate at the beginning of April, and the very same day, was up at the CFRC handing in my application. The next day I got the call for my CFAT/PT test scheduling, and booked it for 19 April. She said I needed to bring photo ID to the test (which I didn‘t have) but I figured I could just go down to the Licencing place and get my G1 (living in the city, I never needed a car before, so I never got it till just now).

So I took the easy licencing test, and the woman said I passed and my photo licence would be mailed to me within 3 weeks.

Waiting waiting waiting, it did not come by the 19th so I called and rescheduled for May 2, and confirmed that I did indeed need a photo ID issued by the government.

I waited some more, then after 3 weeks I called the licencing place and they said it would in fact take 10 **** WEEKS for them to send me my licence, which would be some time around June. They said they had told the people at the licencing office to stop saying it would take 3 weeks, because it is a lie.

I do not want to wait till June, so I called the health card place and told them I "lost" my health card and would need a new one with a photo ID (my current health card is the old red and white one). They said I could come in and get it taken and stuff but it would take 6 **** WEEKS for them to mail it to me. So it would arrive mid June as well, counting from tomorrow when I can go up and get it.

I realize I will probably have to call back the CFRC AGAIN to change my testing date to mid June and I am not looking forward to doing that again. I really want to get a bloody move on. I absolutely hate waiting, but I have to stick it out because I simply must get in to the Army no matter what stupid burocratic bullshit tries to stops me.

So my question is this: does anyone know of any other government issued ID cards that I could get and that they would accept at the CFRC? I have read about an "age of majority card" you can get from the LCBO, but you need to be 19, which I wont be until 24 May, so it won‘t help me right now. And knowing this government it will probably take a few hundred weeks for them to give it to me.

Is there any hope that I could explain my situation and they would understand? Am I just screwed and I now have to wait until ****ing June to take my tests?

As I said, I will wait however long I have to, but god**** do I hate waiting, and I have already been waiting to get going for over a bloody year...

And sorry for all the *‘s but the inefficiency of the provincial government demonstrated to me over the past year has made me extremely angry with them. And all the bullscheiße excuses they give me of why it takes so long...(The now liberal government blames it on cutbacks given by the tories, to which I respond "Why dont you guys ****ing fix it instead of just complaining about the people who arent even in power anymore!!???")

So yeah if anyone has any advice, it would be much appreciated.
Take a breather..go for a walk or somthing lol...
One of the common sayings in the Army is "hurry up and wait"... My advice is get used to waiting... everything takes time, specially in the Army.. Complaining to us about how the government is doing this to you and the government is doing that doesnt help anything.. It just makes you sound like a chump that cant cut it.. I kinda had the same problem as you when i joined up because i was getting my name changed during the middle of my signing up so all my identification was void... Dont sweat the small stuff... You will get your card in a couple more weeks and then you can start the longer process of waiting to be hired. If you can actually tough it out and pass the physical in the first place... Dont worry about it soon enough you will be in the Army and you wont even remember how long it took...
You could use your school ID card, TTC card or anything else with your picture on it...
Where did you get the idea it ahd to be issued by teh government? I mean you can apply for teh forces at 15 if you will be 16 before you start, and you can‘t get your liscence till your 16, right? So ofcourse there has to be other cards that people can use.

(Edit to add info)
I had my SIN card and Birth Certificate, and they accepted that at my CFAT. Even though they asked for photo ID..
Find out how long it would take for them to mail you a BC ID.
I don‘t think they would exept school ID because it can be easily forged.
I think when I went I used my SIN card, but that doesn‘t even have a photo.

On second thought, don‘t they just need something with a signature?
I‘m going to call tomorrow and beg her to let me get by with my original birth certificate, SIN card, old health card, visa card, high school transcript, diploma, my old high school ID which has my pic on it, and my old TTC student card...

I don‘t have passport because you need 2 peices of official photo ID just to get that.

Im not sure what a BC ID is.

I can pass the PT test easy, I can do 35-40 pushups, 40-50 situps/1 minute, stepping is no real problem, and the grip test wont be too hard I dont think. CFAT should be easy cause I‘m not that dumb.

I‘ve heard hurry up and wait lots...and I‘m prepared to do so when things are out of my hands. I was just wondering if there was some way for me to remedy the situation, as I didn‘t know if it was completely out of my hands.
Originally posted by RJG:
[qb] I think when I went I used my SIN card, but that doesn‘t even have a photo.

On second thought, don‘t they just need something with a signature? [/qb]
She did tell me photo last time, but if I explain my perdicament maybe I will catch her on a good day.
That grip test is annoying, when I did it, the thing kept slipping towards my palm. I sitll doubled the requirement, but it is very disconcerting trying to squeeze the cr*p out of something that is slipping.
10 Weeks for a license card to be mailed? When I first got mine it took them 2 weeks to mail it. The standard time they said it would take is between 2-6 weeks.. never heard 10 before.
I was told it would take around 4 weeks, and I believe I got it around the 3rd week.
Originally posted by RJG:
[qb] That grip test is annoying, when I did it, the thing kept slipping towards my palm. I sitll doubled the requirement, but it is very disconcerting trying to squeeze the cr*p out of something that is slipping. [/qb]
Haha, I know exactly what you mean.
Yeah 10 is pretty insane I thought as well...I talked to my friends and they all said it took them about 2 weeks when they had it done a few years ago...

And my brother told me when he went to get his new health card they handed it right to him in about 15 minutes...but they tell me I have to wait 6 weeks for them to mail it...
Crazy. When I was in Alberta and first got my learners permit (quite a few years ago), I got my ID the same day I wrote the test. It took about 10 minutes to get the card printed. When I got my drivers license, same deal. I though it was bad that it took a week here in Saskatchewan when I moved here last year. Even at that rate, for something like 10 bucks extra I could‘ve picked it up the next day.
you can get a passport in 10 days (faster mostly now, and you can rush it too, if you wanna pay)..

good to have a passport anyway.
get a provincial ID.... go down to the place where you write the test (in Nova Scotia it‘s Access NS) and ask where you can get photo ID... they should ask for birth certificate and health card, and they should print you up a photo ID right there...
Provincial ID thanks thats a good idea...my friend from Boston told me she got a state ID card, but I didn‘t think we had provincial ID cards in this country...I‘ll look into that...

In other related news I called CFRC Toronto today and as I was listing all the documents I had (birth certificate, SIN card, old health card, old student card, high school diploma...lots more) he just says "Uhh yeah, just bring all that stuff down, its no problem".

So you see boys and girls, no need to stress over things when you haven‘t even called up the CFRC to check. Frankly when you make threads about how unlucky you are when it comes to provincial government matters, it seems a little desperate and silly and is an embarassment to the good citizens of this internet forum like me who have to sit through and waste our precious time reading it. Just triple check with the CFRC next time ok, nbk?
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