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Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverhorse86
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Depends on your exact goals.

You're above average in all fitness categories so passing the test is no problem. However, if you want to really excel at ONLY the fitness criteria judged by the CF, then practice pushups, situps, beep tests (that's what you get assessed on I believe), and grip strength.

As for a routine to get better at those particular exercises, well, try doing 3 beep tests per week on non-consecutive days and the pushups, situps, and grip work on the other days. 3 sets of each exercise to failure should do the trick.

Now, if you want to improve your TOTAL fitness as well as doing well on this test, then look no further than www.crossfit.com. It is an excellent workout regimine for complete fitness (strength, speed, power, endurance, flexibility, agility, etc.)

Good luck
What are your opinions on this routine.

Start off jogging for 20 mins and then rowing 20 mins, maintaning a 70-90% pulse rate. move onto abs and then into weight lifting..

The cardio comes first to build endurance and remove extra fat. Abs comes second to give myself a break but not wasting time while keeping my pulse rate up. Lasly comes the weight lifting so that I'm forced to work harder at the same weight. Should increase mental toughness and muscle endurance during times of exhaustion.
B0nes said:
What are your opinions on this routine.

Start off jogging for 20 mins and then rowing 20 mins, maintaning a 70-90% pulse rate. move onto abs and then into weight lifting..

The cardio comes first to build endurance and remove extra fat. Abs comes second to give myself a break but not wasting time while keeping my pulse rate up. Lasly comes the weight lifting so that I'm forced to work harder at the same weight. Should increase mental toughness and muscle endurance during times of exhaustion.

Sounds solid to me! Find out at which point cardio starts actually burning muscle and not fat, which would definitely not be good. I think your well within safety with 40 minutes. Don't forget to rest properly between sets too, which is very important. Remember that when you go through the basic training phase you will lose a lot of weight and your muscle will decrease as well. Good muscle training before this is a great idea because I found you do not get many opportunities to lift weights nor would you want to if you could as your so goddamn exhausted anyways.
alright now im a total weakling jus to get that out of the way but im getting there (i work out at least once a day)

im not asking to be spoonfed im just looking for a cf members advice as i no longer have any cf members in my family

so heres the info

im 17 i weigh about 175 im not chubby or nothing im rather skinny actually

i can do about 17 or 16 cf standard pushups on a good day but then my hands and arms begin to shake and i feel like im going to collapse. Not pass out just like drop

i can do the 19 situps in about one minute i havent tried actually timing it yet but the last one is rather difficult though

i havent tried chin ups yet

running i cant improve on but at a fairly normal jog rate i can only go for about 15 minutes and im out of breath (i know that doesent give you guys an idea of how fast im running but i cant think of any other way to describe it )

im in very poor shape i know

my questions are

is there anyway i can stop the shakes when i do pushups? i try every day but i can never get past 17

is there any very basic tips i should know?

my goal is reserves be ready by this summer at least

any advice is welcome and if you must flame please be gentle


I'm looking for a pdf copy of the authentic RCAF 5BX fitness plan- I'm finding the internet has lots of knock offs, but not the real deal. Does anyone have a copy or a link to this plan?

NSfirefighter said:
alright now im a total weakling jus to get that out of the way but im getting there (i work out at least once a day)

im not asking to be spoonfed im just looking for a cf members advice as i no longer have any cf members in my family

so heres the info

im 17 i weigh about 175 im not chubby or nothing im rather skinny actually

i can do about 17 or 16 cf standard pushups on a good day but then my hands and arms begin to shake and i feel like im going to collapse. Not pass out just like drop

i can do the 19 situps in about one minute i havent tried actually timing it yet but the last one is rather difficult though

i havent tried chin ups yet

running i cant improve on but at a fairly normal jog rate i can only go for about 15 minutes and im out of breath (i know that doesent give you guys an idea of how fast im running but i cant think of any other way to describe it )

im in very poor shape i know

my questions are

is there anyway i can stop the shakes when i do pushups? i try every day but i can never get past 17

is there any very basic tips i should know?

my goal is reserves be ready by this summer at least

any advice is welcome and if you must flame please be gentle


First things first, improve your grammar.  Second what is your diet like?  If you're eating crap, then your body will respond accordingly.  Diet has a HUGE impact on your fitness levels.  As for your PT search the multitude of threads here lots of info and advice on how to create programs, go to www.crossfit.com or google the Army Fitness Manual.  To get you started:  to increase your push ups, do variations (ie triceps, wide, on a medicine ball, plyos etc.)  use different set/rep combos (ie pyramiding or that thread on pathway to 50).  Sit-ups again variety is your friend (reverse, twisting, with wieghts etc.) and don't forget to work your lower back as well or you get imbalanced.  Chin-ups now is as good a time as any to start.  Running you CAN improve, everyone can always improve something.  If you are out of breath after 15 minutes you either a) have medical issues, or more likely b)you are running to damn fast.  Pick a distance, say 5km, now go out and try and run that at a pace that won't leave you winded by the end.  Record your time, and repeat, trying to GRADUALLY increase your speed.  Thats just keeping things simple.  There is more advanced stuff you can do, once you get a grip on the basic stuff.
Ive gone from having a spare tire to having a spare bicycle tire in the past few months. My PT isn't what I'd like it to be, but circumstances being what they are, I think Ive done well in dropping 20 or so pounds.

I've also more than quadrupled my upper body strength, from doing 3-5 pushups and it hurting bad (I had repetitive stress issues that were rooted in my shoulders, thought that doing nothing would help keep the pain at bay). After near 2 years of doing nothing upper-body wise, I said screw the pain and went all out, well, started a personal regime. The pain is gone, has never returned, and I can now nearly get all my pushups off that I need (19) and want to get more in.

Cardio is my bane right now, I just can not get enough in daily or even weekly. I get out walking for 20 minutes a day while at work and try to get out when I'm home with my son as often as I can, but it's never a real solid workout (I live in dogpatch, and there's 0 decent areas to run / jog / etc, and the woods are swampy muck at the moment). Im not in horrid shape, but no where near where I used to be which is a shame. Winter hits people in my area hard in regards to exercise :(

The only thing you can do is try, and keep working on it 1 day at a time, and before you know it you'll look back and say "Wow, I've come a long way!". 
Let's see! I can run 1.6 kilometers in about 5 or 6 minutes at my fastest. I can do 50 push ups perfectly fine, and up to 100 if I pushed myself, and am as fit and healthy as an ox! I should ace everything here, commandos!
Here's my schtick:
As a 50 year old reserve infantryman, I have to do PT just to keep up wtih the young ones.
I walk....lots.....stamina for 13 km BFT
Weights/resistance training
Some cardio, but not to be overdone.
Pushups....only if I have to
Situps..rarely but I do have an abdominal routine.
I completed 13 km in 2 hours 5 minutes last fall.
Steve_Rogers said:
Let's see! I can run 1.6 kilometers in about 5 or 6 minutes at my fastest. I can do 50 push ups perfectly fine, and up to 100 if I pushed myself, and am as fit and healthy as an ox! I should ace everything here, commandos!

WHO the frack are you?!

And Steve so you can't say you have not been warned. Read the follwoing:

Army.ca Admin Stuff:

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
· Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
· Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)
Army.ca wiki pages
- http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

RTaylor said:
Ive gone from having a spare tire to having a spare bicycle tire in the past few months. My PT isn't what I'd like it to be, but circumstances being what they are, I think Ive done well in dropping 20 or so pounds.

I've also more than quadrupled my upper body strength, from doing 3-5 pushups and it hurting bad (I had repetitive stress issues that were rooted in my shoulders, thought that doing nothing would help keep the pain at bay). After near 2 years of doing nothing upper-body wise, I said screw the pain and went all out, well, started a personal regime. The pain is gone, has never returned, and I can now nearly get all my pushups off that I need (19) and want to get more in.

Cardio is my bane right now, I just can not get enough in daily or even weekly. I get out walking for 20 minutes a day while at work and try to get out when I'm home with my son as often as I can, but it's never a real solid workout (I live in dogpatch, and there's 0 decent areas to run / jog / etc, and the woods are swampy muck at the moment). Im not in horrid shape, but no where near where I used to be which is a shame. Winter hits people in my area hard in regards to exercise :(

The only thing you can do is try, and keep working on it 1 day at a time, and before you know it you'll look back and say "Wow, I've come a long way!". 

Hey there
speaking as someone who frequently gets beat down by old man winter;
It is definitely hard keeping in shape during the winter.  I live in London Ontario which is in an area known as the snow belt.  The key is to use indoor cardio as well as outdoor.  Walks are good - but you should try to go to a gym maybe 3 times a week.  If running is hard on your joints, use the elliptical, which has no impact.  Really the key is to get into a routine - the hard part isn't really sticking with it, I find, it's starting it up.  I personally have not great knees, so I use the elliptical generally.
I have an extraordinarily hard time gaining weight, I eat roughly six pounds of food during one normal dinner sitting, except my metabolism is  extremely fast.  I work out but don't seem to gain all that much weight if any do you guys have any tips for someone in my situation... and no i don't have tapeworms?
whiskey601 said:
I'm looking for a pdf copy of the authentic RCAF 5BX fitness plan- I'm finding the internet has lots of knock offs, but not the real deal. Does anyone have a copy or a link to this plan?

Try this site http://www.gettingfitagain.com/5bx.php
I can run 1.5 miles on treadmill in 11 min 6 sec but went out to run  1.5 outside not on a treadmill and didn't make it very far.  What can i do to change this?  I am guessing it's like this because on the treadmill it sets my pace but when i go run outside i give it my all to go the 1.5 miles. Any advice is appreciated, i have my medical 2 april 21 then once i get through that it's my fitness test for the MP res.
Will.......thats all I ever use when I'm running just keep going and run as fast as you can while not exerting all your energy at once :)  now if your having trouble running off the treadmill I would suggest maybe finding a friend to run with (that's relatively fast), a little competition goes a long way.  (which is why you should be fine when they're doing testing  because most likely it won't just be you running)

best of luck to you :)
Thanks for the reply shadow, i understand what you mean but is running on the treadmill a good means of building my cardio or just impractical and i should be running outside, i seem to do better on the treadmill that is all.
davidsonr_91 said:
Thanks for the reply shadow, i understand what you mean but is running on the treadmill a good means of building my cardio or just impractical and i should be running outside, i seem to do better on the treadmill that is all.


If you take some time to read the whole topic, as well as the whole of other topics on Physical Fitness/Training and Running, you will get some better information from some very informed people who have answered these questions in detail a long time ago. 
Hey everyone,

I'm scheduled for BOTP at the start of May, and I have a few questions on how I can improve my physical training.
Currently I'm running 5 days a week (5km) and working out at the gym 2-3 times per week. There I do 30mins on the ergometer and then hit the free weights for about 45 mins. After everything I do some abs and hit the road. I feel as though I'm in pretty good shape.
However, and this was even a problem during IAP, I have trouble with my breathing and heart rate. I was prescribed a puffer while on IAP, but rarely use it now...may have been the poor ventilation in the MEGA. The biggest problem (and I think my breathing will improve once this issue is resolved) is my disgustingly high heart rate.  Resting I'm usually at about 70-80bpm...if I'm nervous it could be as high as 100 sometimes. You can imagine that when I work out my heart rate sky rockets to over 150. High heart rate has been pretty normal to me all my life, however I think it's conflicting with my ability to improve my physical fitness.
I have never experienced chest pains or anything like that, just breathing difficulties.

Any suggestions? Some heart conditioning techniques would really be appreciated.
Thanks everyone!