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Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

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Biggoals2bdone said:
lets agree to disagree.

i'm also of the school of thought of no stretching before exercises...just a warm-up.

Don't forget there is "static" stretching, that we all know and love, and have probably done at some point since we were in kindergarten, and "active/dynamic" stretching which can involve a myriad of different things (and what people usually refer to as a 'warm up', usually mimicking the intended exercise by way of no weight or light weights working up to your actual "work sets".  Example a few sets of full ROM airs squats before front/back/overhead squads (gradually adding weight up to my work set).

This personal how I operate, active stretching/warm up before working out, followed by static stretching afterwards.
Kratos said:
It's not really a matter of opinion...
Sure it is, everyone and there mother has an opinion, and the so-called experts can't even agree, it seem like every other month/cycle of the moon, there is a new study that is either pro/con stretching before/after workouts, and usually takes the opposite opinion/conclusion of whatever the previous study said.  Result mass confusion all around, so really the only thing available is one's own opinion based on their experience and training, and its usually in relation to what works best for them.
I never stretch or warm up/cool down. Doesn't seem to effect me that much.
Now, I despise running, but I realise how essential it is. I get plenty of strength exercise from both my work and from exercises that I do on my own (usually 30-100 pushups a day and 50-150 situps), so I need to work on running, especially endurance running, most of all. I'm planning on joining a rugby team in the spring, since rugby is about the only sport which can make running fun for me, and rugby has a LOT of running, but I think running on a treadmill or at a gym might also be worthwhile to pursue.

Anyone have any advice on good running routines for someone who hates running, and how to keep running interesting even when I'm not on the rugby field?

EDIT: I seem to have put this in the wrong topic. Could a mod please move it over to the Running topic?
Pro Stretching before


There are many many article and pages, and links to study for all three categories, so given the ambiguity of whether or not stretching is or is not beneficial, the making profound hardline statements either way (pro/con) is irresponsible.  Do what works for YOU. 
From one of the links in your "Pro-stretching before" list:

"Stretching before your workout will put your Central Nervous System (CNS) to sleep to increase your range of motion. It will result with less gain than improvement on the muscle part. The CNS naturally provides resistance by stimulating antagonists muscles when you flex a muscle to prevent it from being too stretched and tear your conjunctive tissues. Never stretch prior to workout, and always do it after."

Just sayin'.

I do some SMR before I go to the gym, but I never stretch before I lift on lifting days, because it makes me feel weaker.

I never stretch before testing my limit strength (1RM) because it makes me weaker.

I can't generalize that to everyone, but I'm pretty sure if you stretched and then went and maxed your squat or deadlift, you would be weaker than if you had not.
Does anyone have a link to a Rep max chart (don't need the calculator) that at least goes up to 15RM?

I did a google search and the highest I could find was 10.
Task said:
Does anyone have a link to a Rep max chart (don't need the calculator) that at least goes up to 15RM?

I did a google search and the highest I could find was 10.

Can you be a bit more specific?
something like this http://www.criticalbench.com/weight-training-chart.htm ?
Sure... I have several exercises that I know my 1 Rep Max ie Bench 275lbs,  Squats 265 (I know, disproportionate ;) )

The routine I have started requires me to use the weight of my 15 Rep max for each ex.

This is just a training aid and is more inaccurate with more reps but it is helpful to take a quick look and gauge what I have to push when there is many consecutive exercises .

Ie.    If my (already tested) 1 Rep max for bench was 176 lbs and my routine requires me to do 10 then I would choose 135lbs for my workout.

Reps   10    9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1

  lbs  135 143 147 151 156 159 163 167 171 176
        145 154 158 162 167 171 175 180 184 189
        155 164 169 174 183 188 192 197 202 207
        165 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215
        175 186 191 196 201 207 212 217 222 228
        185 196 202 207 213 218 224 229 235 241
        195 207 213 218 224 230 236 242 248 254
        205 217 223 230 236 242 248 254 260 267
Hatchet Man said:
something like this http://www.criticalbench.com/weight-training-chart.htm ?

Thats the one, thanks a lot Hatchet Man.
No problem, I am quite bored right now, and it gave me something to do. ;D
The only reason to stretch is if your muscle are tight and you cant operate with a full range of motion. Everyone should do warm up sets, I do an empty bar x 5, 90x5, 135x5 then my work sets...

If you want to stretch after workout go ahead, Its pointless but it wont kill you. If you keep working out your body will get used to the DOMS and you'll feel fine.
No, stretching after working out helps your muscles heal and re-cooperate quicker, along with eating well and drinking lots of water and a good POST stretch your muscles healing process will be quicker.

canada94 said:
No, stretching after working out helps your muscles heal and re-cooperate quicker, along with eating well and drinking lots of water and a good POST stretch your muscles healing process will be quicker.


I agree with the above except, for post stretching. I have yet to see any empirical evidence showing faster healing. Also don't forget sleep, rest is the most important healing process.
Jebus said:
I agree with the above except, for post stretching. I have yet to see any empirical evidence showing faster healing. Also don't forget sleep, rest is the most important healing process.

No. A proper cool down stretch helps your muscles "cool" or become less stressed (tense) and allows the muscles to heal quicker, allowing you to continue with a workout quicker and more frequent.

So, Jebus, if my pecs are tight after benching, I shouldn't stretch them so, after a couple weeks, I can walk around with hunched shoulders? That's really goof for your shoulders...

Also, if my hamstrings are really tight and causing my too lose lower back tightness when squatting, I shouldn't stretch them to fix the problem?

Sense. You make none.