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PM Not working...


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I would of rather sent a PM about this but that's what's not working for me!

It keeps saying (on a different screen) Method Not Implemented <POST to /forums/index.php not supported.>

Can this be fixed or is it my computer  ???
You broke the internet!  ;D

Seriously though - according to the posts here, it's probably something in the text that is catching on the filter.  Try a simple PM to someone; if that works, then there's a weird letter combination that you were typing (like the abbreviation for Acting Leading Seaman example I gave) that is triggering the post filter, and you need to experiment to find out what it is.
Wow you were right... i took out all the slashes / in my message and it was sent just fine... hmmm.... wierd  :P
Similar to this, has anyone had problems with the Report to Moderator button?  When I use it, the page just seems to continue loading forever.  Eventually, it may go, or comes up that it's timed out.

It seems to have been doing it since the upgrade.
Hope you weren't trying to report what I was writing!

And yes i had that problem but the Milnet Staff said that they still got the complaint it just didn't show confirmation...  :)
Jingo said:
Wow you were right... i took out all the slashes / in my message and it was sent just fine... hmmm.... wierd  :P

My bill is on the way.    ;)
woah woah... i thought your work was pro bono publico!

Meh I hope you except Vuza or Mister Card.... ;)
On the Report to Mod button.  It seems to occasionally send out two notifications within minutes of each other.

The first time it happened, I assumed that the reporter was being impatient, and sent off a PM asking them to hold their horses.  However, it seems to happen fairly often - too often to assume that everybody is sending the same report within two minutes. 

To whoever it was that I PMd, I'm sorry - it does appear to be a system error of some kind.
Roy, I got to the point where I just use the Contact Staff drop down menu and report things that way.
PMedMoe said:
Roy, I got to the point where I just use the Contact Staff drop down menu and report things that way.

That works, too - the Report to Mod generates an email to all DS.  I've set up my email program to play a distinctive sound when one of these emails shows up.  Even if I'm not online, I'll hear it (usually - depends on which machines I'm running).
Roy Harding said:
I've set up my email program to play a distinctive sound when one of these emails shows up.

Let me guess:  The theme from Dragnet, Jaws, or The Twilight Zone??    ;D  ;)
The Report to moderator button actually does work... although it doesn't always give that impression when you use it, so most people submit two or more times, trying to get their report through.