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PMQ Help

Now, I have heard of the Stickers on the back of the headboards and under the bed, but the best had to be the DEUs in the closet.
George Wallace said:
Now, I have heard of the Stickers on the back of the headboards and under the bed, but the best had to be the DEUs in the closet.

- Back when we wore them all of the time?
Sgt  Schultz said:
Okay... all the 9D's are fighting on my road. What do I do? It's all ... he/she said so and so...
Almost some cheap shots at my 9D.. I'm just sick of coming home and facing this. I"m so close on giving the MP's a call. You never seen this in Oromocto!

Schultz Out

My husband and I have lived in the PMQs of an air force base for some time. We never had any major problem with other people on our street. The reason why (according to me): I wasn't interested at all in hanging out with the military wives on our street and I never did. I had my own group of friends and I hung out with them only. We were always very polite and courteous with our neighbors, but never more than that. I firmly believe that is why we never had problems with them; when you keep a distance with people, they don't feel as comfortable to try to drag you into their personal drama.

However I have to say we were quite lucky; on our street there were only 2 families of complete jerks/morons (the type whose yard looks like hell and who let their children believe that ALL the pmq's yards are their own personal playground), but the other families were fine.
Oh and another thing, you shouldn't count too much on MPs to help you solve your problems... from what I've seen where I used to live, asking MPs for help gave the same result as asking nobody for help...

Good luck !!
As has been stated before, what exactly would you like the MPs to do?  Tell them that sticks and stones story.  Seriously.  Being a jerk to your neighbor isn't against the law no matter how much we would all like it to be.  ;D 
jonstarks said:
So is there a bright side to living in the PMQ's?  and with a family?

There are many great things about living in PMQs.  You are surrounded by others in similar circumstances - they understand when someone is deployed that extra help may be needed around the house/yard, etcetera.  They understand the military culture and share in it.

We spent a fair amount of time in Q's, and only occasionally experienced the "Adams Family" type of scenario.  We did eventually acquire a mortgage and never went back, but that was an economic decision - not because we didn't like life in the Q's.

For what it's worth, I've had civilian neighbours who qualify as the "Adams Family" as well - the phenomenon is not limited to military folks.  This explains why I now live on a rural acreage with VERY FEW (two) visible neighbours.
Roy Harding said:
This explains why I now live on a rural acreage with VERY FEW (two) visible neighbours.

And chances are, they're only visible with binoculars, eh?  ;) Best kind of neighbours!!!
PMedMoe said:
And chances are, they're only visible with binoculars, eh?  ;) Best kind of neighbours!!!

I have found that my small refracting telescope works best when viewing the blond who resides in the house to the east of us.  Naturally, I discovered this purely by accident  :D
Roy Harding said:
I have found that my small refracting telescope works best when viewing the blond who resides in the house to the east of us.  Naturally, I discovered this purely by accident  :D


Sure you did!  ;)
beach_bum said:
As has been stated before, what exactly would you like the MPs to do?  Tell them that sticks and stones story.  Seriously.  Being a jerk to your neighbor isn't against the law no matter how much we would all like it to be.   ;D 

Well then why do MPs exist if it's not to help the military population deal with their problems ?? I agree with you that calling them about things like "the way my neighbor mows is lawn gets on my nerves" or "I had an argument with another military wife" is ridiculous and childish, but what if you're having serious issues with a stubborn neighbor and you've tried to resolve them but nothing seems to work ?? Personally I've never been in a situation where I had to call them, but I have friends living in the PMQs who had serious problems with their neighbors (example : neighbors kids vandalized some of their stuff like their car) and the MPs did nothing. That's just not right.
I wasn't saying you shouldn't call the MPs if there is an illegal act going on.  Vandalism is illegal.  Being a knob isn't.  Whether or not the MPs react isn't the topic of this thread.
And I didn't say people should call MPs every time they have a neighbor being a knob  ;) 
