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Point of interest for BPSO? TYPO changed my life.


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When i joined a meagre 4 years ago, after doing all of my medical, i was declared fit for armoured. Upon reading my final file, though, they arbitrarily changed my vision from a V3 V4, thus causiing me to reconsider my trades. Longstory short i got stuck with what i got.

Now, after putting my remuster in the very second i got my 48 months in, and being upgraded to a V3. I was upgraded because, according to the MO, there was a TYPO on my initial file that some secretary moved a decimal point and screwed me for 4 years.

Is this something i should bring up during my BPSO interview? Because had it not been for this mistake, i would have gotten the job anyways, and i would be a crewman.

I already have a strong case for my employability as a crewman, but this would add a little more weight.

Also, I realize it's based ona merit list, but is there a "first come, first served" element to it?

Thanks for any help!
What is done is done and it doesn't really matter what happend in the past or why you are where you are.
You can mention it in passing but making it the basis of your re-muster would be a bad choice.

If I were you, I would be more concerned with gathering background  information on the trade I was  going into and preparing myself for the BPSO interview.

BTW you made a few typos yourself  .....its I and not i.  ;D
You must watch that "Mover" guy. He is quick. I see him at work once in awhile.  ;)

I don't discount that an error may have been made when you were assigned a V4 category, however the explanation which you relate that the MO gave you does not make sense to me.
according to the MO, there was a TYPO on my initial file that some secretary moved a decimal point ...

The basic eye examination that is used to assign the vision category is well known;  read the letters from a Project O Chart or Snellen Test Chart.  The results are  recorded as a fraction always with 6 an the numerator and as the demoninator, the lowest line on the chart that can be read without error, 6/6, 6/9, 6/60 etc.  There are no decimals used.

If the decimal point was in relation to a refractive error, I can only surmise that it was in the "spherical equivalent" refractive error that would be provided by the opthalmologist, or in other words on a prescription for corrective lenses. Eyeglasses Prescription Explained (Note: Spherical equivalent is equal to: (cylinder/2) + sphere.)

According to the reference, A-MD-154-000/FP-000, only one standard of refractive error is used to assign a vision category
As long as the refractive error does not exceed plus or minus 7.00 dioptres (+/– 7.00 D) spherical equivalent in the better eye.
This applies regardless of the corrected vision of the person and would result in an assigment of V5.  In other words if you managed to read the chart such that it would normally get you assigned a V2, V3, or V4 but your refractive error was changed by typo enough to change your vision category, it would have been to a V5.

Thanks for the info. And the MO said something about a decimal, i didn't check, was too furious.

And i did just mean using that in passing as i am aware this is the army and things are far from perfect.

Regardless, thanks one and all.
Gyarrr 2.

I will capitalize my I's if you stop being such a nerd.
Aries said:
I will capitalize my I's if you stop being such a nerd.

Is there something wrong with expecting clear communication, including proper English grammar and spelling?

One is judged on many things. Communication is one of them.
Aries said:
Gyarrr 2.

I will capitalize my I's if you stop being such a nerd.


Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, Sentence Structure, Presentation

Topic: Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" or poor writing versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Grammar and Sentence Structures - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31327.0.html

Re: Grammar and Sentence Structures - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/31327/post-340105.html#msg340105

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

The way you write may not be indicative of how smart and capable you really are, but it is indicative of how smart people are going to think you are.

I can't find any rules regarding being a "nerd".

Milnet.ca Staff
Aries said:
Gyarrr 2.

I will capitalize my I's if you stop being such a nerd.

What no smiley face?
So you really mean I am a nerd.  :-[
Oh well. My daughter calls me that on a regular basis. I guess its better than being called a douche bag.
I just thought it kind of ironic that you were stating that your current situation was originally cause by a typo and yet you had a bad habit of not using capital letters when required.

Good luck with the BPSO. Keep us informed how everything works out for you. 
Not much going on right now. The OT is in Borden and I have no general clue as to when the messages are coming out on acceptance or denials.

Guess I'll just sit tight and wait out. I was told March 1st was when the board was starting, but no timeline on when it is concluded.

And by the way, GYARR is just something we use at work 'cause we ain't allowed to swear. Our female Sergeant instituted a swear jar. Gyarr...
Aries said:
And by the way, GYARR is just something we use at work 'cause we ain't allowed to swear. Our female Sergeant instituted a swear jar. Gyarr...

Let it go folks,......but Aries, seriously, get a grip.

Profanity is the inability of a feeble mind to fully express itself.
Aries said:

And by the way, GYARR is just something we use at work 'cause we ain't allowed to swear. Our female Sergeant instituted a swear jar. Gyarr...

For fuck sake, it's "we aren't allowed to swear."

A secretary -- you will never make; even one of the "female type" (I say that because I know a male MCpl who keeps a swear jar -- he hates it when I come to his office because he loses money big time [I'll be damned if I buy him a boat before I get myself one]).

Frostnipped Elf said:
:warstory: Pirate grunt - Johnny Depp, Black Beard, Long John Silver :threat:

LAME-O!!            Come on, Steve The Pirate - from Dodgeball
Typos have changed a lot of people's lives - promotions eligibility dates among other things.  A keyboard requires an operator, thankfully operators are usually human, not neccessarily humane.  Swear jars are an ineffective means for correction inappropriate behaviour.  From personal experience with them, pirate grunts are eventually just as annoying as (if not more so than) the occasional unsuccessful search for an appropriate word like an adjective that doesn't start with fu.  Recently, I overheard a Para Coy WO debriefing troops outside a Petawawa building, it was apparent that some things have not changed in the last 20 years.  When leaders set such a standard in public (every 3rd word began with fu), it is hard to expect differently from subordinates.