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Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maniac779
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IRSpouse said:
will the CF cover the lease breaking penalties?

Lease Liability 

IRSpouse said:
we're going to Toronto)

Lease Liability for Ontario IRP 

IRSpouse said:
I've seen a few questions about furnished vs. unfurnished accommodations, will we be allowed a small move of things to furnish an apartment, or do we have to get something furnished?

IR - furniture rental 

Reply #6
"If you're going to Toronto, I give high recommendations to IR Solutions."
I know this has been beaten to death but has anything come down the pipes regarding changes to PLD or a current list of PLD rates?
putz said:
I know this has been beaten to death but has anything come down the pipes regarding changes to PLD or a current list of PLD rates?

No changes have been announced yet (although changes are expected, eventually).

The rates are as published in CBI 205, no change from Tcm621's post two years ago.

The independent review was due 1 Apr 15. We'll see revised rates probably not before 1 Apr 16, or pushing into Apr 17. Thus is Treasury Board.
Thanks. Do you always have the choice to live outside or is it base depending? Covers heat, lights, etc?
Newfie72 said:
Thanks. Do you always have the choice to live outside or is it base depending?

Depending on the area, but some places are really cold outside in the winter.
Lol...how did I know that would be a reply....let me try again. Do you have the choice to live off base or do you have to use military accommodations?
Newfie72 said:
Thanks. Do you always have the choice to live outside or is it base depending? Covers heat, lights, etc?

Best to check with the base you're going to.  997(7) says quarters if they are available, though I don't see how they can obligate you live without cooking facilities as they are not contributing a cent toward your food bill.

997.9 - Non-Commercial Accommodations - does include utilities and furniture rental, but the total of rent and those other expenses is still capped at the rate posted for your city. I remember seeing a list somewhere that defined what furniture you were allowed to rent; pretty standard fare, you couldn't choose to go cheap or skip entirely on some things so that you could squeeze a hot tub rental into the budget.

I opted to go the furnished apartment route, and found a basement suite in someone's house that included washer and dryer, cable, and internet, and still came in under the rent ceiling. I didn't want to be incurring any more extra monthly expenses, as there's no way around the fact that you'll be spending more to feed your family out of two kitchens than one.

Newfie72 said:
Lol...how did I know that would be a reply....let me try again. Do you have the choice to live off base or do you have to use military accommodations?

I apologize, but sometimes low hanging fruit just can't be left on the tree.
Newfie72 said:
Lol true. If you are on IR do you get PLD?

Not for the new location, though you continue to collect it at the old location (if it is a PLD area). Also, from a tax perspective, CRA deems you to be a resident of the province where you have most residential ties, so if your home and your family are in the old province, and you're renting an apartment in a new province, you should likely be filing under the old province. (Ultimately up to you where you file, but if they catch something they don't think is right...)

Where are you going from / to?  PM if desired.
Hello everyone. I am hoping someone out there is familiar with Restricted posting (Service Couple) Everybody calls it IR, but it isn't apparently. Anyway, I am posted to Comox, and my wife isn't. I am being told there is no requirement for a HHT as there are quarters available. Where can I find the type of quarters required for IR? I am pretty sure there's a kitchen requirement but I can't find the reference. I have a few more questions specific to Service couples, but they are specific to my situation, so if someone would be willing to off line comms that would be great.
kj_gully said:
Hello everyone. I am hoping someone out there is familiar with Restricted posting (Service Couple) Everybody calls it IR, but it isn't apparently. Anyway, I am posted to Comox, and my wife isn't. I am being told there is no requirement for a HHT as there are quarters available. Where can I find the type of quarters required for IR? I am pretty sure there's a kitchen requirement but I can't find the reference. I have a few more questions specific to Service couples, but they are specific to my situation, so if someone would be willing to off line comms that would be great.

K, you're right that it technically isn't IR when it comes to an MSC split to different locations.  Some call it SB-YOYO (sorry buds, you're on your own) for the manner in which the CAF cares for MSCs.  It its coldest, pure factual dealing with the situation, the CAF considers you and your spouse as independently self-supporting family members, so I'm not sure you get much more than a "you can get a free room in the shacks if you want, if there are some available," but when I was last at a line unit (on IR - got free shacks, but nothing else (SE/separation expense was long dead at that point) - at lease we were eventually allowed to opt out of the stupidly expensive base feeding meal plan when R&Q was officially decoupled) 

I recall what you are referring to about the kitchenette, etc... but I think that now applies only to IR (not separately locates MSCs on Restricted Posting), so you may be getting as much as you're going to get with the "We have shacks, take it or leave it, no HHT/DIT....although I thought DIT still applied....best to check, but I believe CFIRP 2009-2016 still applies:  Section 4.03

4.02 Purpose
The purpose of a DIT (destination inspection trip) is to:
- visit the new place of duty and provide the opportunity to:
  • inspecting replacement residences
  • inspect purchased property
  • finalize school arrangement
  • arrange specific medical requirements / specialized care; or
  • make administrative arrangements related to the pending relocation

4.03 Entitlement

CF members who have ...are entitled to ...
- not secured accommodation at the new place of duty   
- already secured accommodation, purchased property, or officially contracted for the construction of a replacement residence
- an HHT.- a DIT.

That said, it is more than a year since I had to go rummaging through the policies on this one, so some other folks may be closer to the pulse on current policies of 'support', K.

Good luck and thanks for your continued service doing what you do! :nod:

Hello all, digging up an old thread for a question.

Trying to prove what I already know.

You can request an RFD date 30 days on either side of your COS date.

Where is the reference for this? I checked a few of my incoming personnel's posting messages, and it's not on any of them.

Please assist.

Military Human Resources Policy Manual...something like that.  I have it at work but am on leave this week.

If you are on the DIN...do a DWAN search for Report For Duty date or Change of Status, COS.  I believe it was in Ch 7 of the ref.  It's been several years since I requested a delayed RFD and I don't have a copy of my memo on my home PC.

Hope this helps get you into the ballpark at least!

Edit -  the pub reference is A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Chap 7, Annex A, Appendix 4, Para 16 (according to my change in RFD memo from a few years ago).

Haven't looked at the ref in a few years, but when I did this, you could move your RFD 30 days left/right of your COS date with agreement between losing/gaining units COs.  Anything beyond 30 days required a new COS date.  That meant a new posting message from Careers, and a new file to be opened with IRP and start that process from Square 1 again.  PITA, I opted for the change in RFD.