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President George W Bush

FUBAR, I AM a book author. I was published in November 2003 after years of writing and research into the subject matter of Quebec Secession. The book is called "Flashpoint Quebec." I have a post under the Canadian Army Author‘s Forum. Please go take a look for more information. I also placed an advertisement in this website that helps pay for your anti-semitism free speech. So, I have nothing to brag about because I AM. Click below my signature for a direct link to my website.

I‘d say the motivation to wipe out the terrorist organization that killed somebody‘s uncle who died in 9-11 is completely justified whether it‘s from an 18-year new recruit or not. Or whether I knew anyone or not. They are still my fellow citizens who were just banging out a days hard work to get by like you or me. It‘s still about defending your country from further attack by going after the enemy that declared war on you and doing it in his own back yard. Seems reasonable, eh?

I suppose the 18-year old in WWII who joined up to stop Hitler from invading Britain or the 18-year olds that joined up to stop Japanese Imperialism or the 18-year old Jew that joined up to stop the extermination and deportation of his people are wrong as well?

You are a student and a new military recruit FUBAR, I challenge you to buy my book and enlighten yourself. Although it is fiction it is based IN reality and events that have actually happened and may happen in the future. It directly plays off of politicians like your man CLinton and how they can screw things up for the groundpounders.

I would also suggest, as a student, you major in Military History, especially Israel‘s history of warfare and then you‘ll learn what survival instinct and defending your people mean instead of subscribing to conspiracy theory of Jews ruling the world.

I mean Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft, has the most money in the U.S. so why not go after him. He virtually controls all of the operating systems on our computers. Is that not real power. Oh, he‘s not a Jew. Sorry. He must be okay then.
I believe what you‘re saying is true and I agree with you that all forms of terror must be suppressed and eliminated, but the Bush crew is going after the wrong people and producing no results in the war against terrorist organizations.

And please stop accusing me of anti-semitism, I have noticed that anyone who raises the issue of powerful jews is labeled anti-semitic. I admire those people because they are very smart and united. Also I do not support any of those far-fetched "Zionist NWO" theories. But these people do have significant influence on the US government (hence billions of dollars in military aid to Isreal).
I will stop that accusation -that‘s not fair. But please be careful in some of your writings - maybe preview or edit your post before adding it because some of your statements can be construed that way. I agree there is a heavy level of influence/lobbying. In fact that is where much of the corruption of politicians does come from - hence reform after reform. But you know, it‘s always been there. ANyways, good debate even though it got heated these forums are are still a great way to toss ideas back and forth without shots or fists fired.

Truce Mate.
Yes quite a "lively" debate. I sincerely apologize for comparing you to an 18-year old army recruit.
but the Bush crew is going after the wrong people and producing no results in the war against terrorist organizations
Ok Henry Kissinger, what is the right way to go about eliminating the Anti-Western strain of Islamic militancy.
If you‘ve figured it out, I encourage you to send it to president@whitehouse.gov
Most of the Muslim pop. is just an average joe as said above. I have many friends from countries such as afghanistan, and pakistan. The problem is that its corrupt to the core in those places. With enough money you can controll peoples everyday intakes on society especially foreign society through the one n only.. media. Theres a huge diff. in how people take "American troops have invaded iraq to oust Saddam Hussien" and " American troops have invaded Iraq ". Anyways to solve the problem in the middle east.. then wouldnt we need to control the media just as it is here. Ahh were all victims of society and its ideologies which is controlled by the media. Personally I think america is the only nation showing a little balls gettin rid of terrorists....... " One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. "

This murderous rampage you talk about that the criminals went on in Quebec, how many people were killed? One? Five? Where is the whole movement now?
non of what I am saying is ANTI American but it is definately anti MULTI-National big business. One chap said that the trouble with the Russians invading Afganistan started in the 80‘s wrong! the Afgans with CIA help began raiding the Russian oil patch 15 years before the Russians invaded Afdganistan. The russians invaded to try and stop the killing of their oilfield woers and their families, by the time they invaded more than twenty thousand civilian casualties had occurred. All of this is in the public domain, CBC just had two programs one of which was Guatamala. All of these so called wars have been by the same people about the same **** thing OIL!
I agree with tmbluesbflat, as someone mentioned earlier crude oil is a strategic resource for the industry, and without it, our Western civilzation would crumble. This is widely known and accepted, so get over it. You like you‘r GMC Envoy? Well you can afford it only because the US fought for it in 1991 and 2003.
FUBAR, TM blues. Right on the head. Rightly put about oil. Ya see we agree on something. it is very very troubling that rich elite corporations pull the strings of war in this world. ALways have. Alas, what can a poor boy do? But Oil is just a recent resource worth fighting over. Among other things the Somali warlords in early nineties fought over control of food distribution because it was a RESOURCE that controlled the population. The early North American settlers and explorers fought over control of the trade routes for a RESOURCE called fur or animal skins to supply the demand for fashion in Europe. The Native Americans fought back to keep control of their RESOURCE of hunting grounds that allowed them to survive. The early American colonists, not only fought for independent rule, but also for free trade with other nations of their RESOURCES.

So, my point is, look at what history tells us and don‘t just criticize oil as the cause of war but the DEPENDENCY on such a resource as the cause. It‘s not hard to imagine a scenario in the near future that war is fought over fresh water supplies. I can hear the anti-war protesters now - "No Blood for Water!"

Some even say there is a conspiracy by oil companies that they buy up the patents, or threaten the inventors of alternative sources of fuel because it will make oil dependency obsolete. Although I haven‘t seen direct evidence for this I tend to agree with this. Afterall, oil conglomerates and their executives don‘t want to lose their cheese do they?

Padraig, one murder of an innocent is enough of a rampage for me. I‘d say the whole secessionist movement is somberly sleeping now according to polls but that doesn‘t mean old passions are dead. In fact, in my book all it takes is a charasmatic leader to galvanize an entire population into a ultranationalistic frenzy and you can have the movement reawaken. But hey, my book is only fiction, right?
You ask me for references of these things, well one would be http:www.granma.cu/ingles, another would be any Bilderberger site and there are dozens. Some of these sites get ridiculed as conspiracy etc. but think for a second,(no need to take a lot of time here)if there was not a lot of truth to them they would be shut down by the courts. The business of the Russians and the Afgans began in the 70‘s with cross border incursions by raiding paries destroying pipelines/refineries etc. thie information was in the newspapers of the day and is still there, as a matter of fact the Washington post ran several indepth articles at that time.
I just read this entire thread, it‘s exhausting.

To my mind, there are questions about the motivations for invading Iraq. The President is resposible to his people to account for those actions, the reasons provided to date are insufficient. It‘s a matter of evidence, there is a lack of crucial evidence. It continues to be promised as forthcoming. That should be a priority for his administration, but if it doesn‘t surface, then take responsibility and the people will most likely accept that.


Not enough information, too much rhetoric. This was a poor attempt at placating the people. As for why he should have to, it is his job.

It‘s all quite simple really.

You may resume the jousting.
What most people have trouble with is making for themselves a decision based on fact and truth in situations such as Iraq. Given the degree of veracity emerging from the President and his henchmen, who can blame them?
This last couple of years is a classic example of "WAG THE DOG" mostly fantasy and bull. By the way, try to rent the movie " WAG THE DOG" if you can get it you will recognize the script, however it is very hard to come by, or was I‘m not certain at this point, but for the last year I have been told that it was "UNAVAILABLE". I wonder why?