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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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You're not wrong. Thanks Gryphon!

Just one addendum however, once my 10 months is up how do I address the past use going forward? I assume it may come up in medical and/or interview?

Basically the form on past use I found super weird. It doesn't really give a good look at specifics. Basically, I fell in with the wrong sort in high school and smoked it up without much care about it. After high school was much the same until 2013. In 2014 I cut down a lot and I quit completely in 2015 (just bored of it) only beginning to smoke again in social situations in 2016 & 17. So I put on the form 1-5 x week for 2008-13 and then 0-3 x week going forwards. I smoked at a birthday party in May so last use was recent unfortunately then I made the decision to quit completely again so I could join.

Long story short I only smoked in social situations as something to do, I can and have left it behind without issue in the past. I know it doesn't look or sound good, I have no justification for it. Vancouver has a huge marijuana culture and I suppose group think contributes to the fact that no one here really sees issues with it. I know the onus is on me I guess I'm just wondering how to show them I'm willing to own my past and ease worries about future use as I know it won't be a problem but they obviously will have reservations. 
7thghoul said:
You're not wrong. Thanks Gryphon!

Just one addendum however, once my 10 months is up how do I address the past use going forward? I assume it may come up in medical and/or interview?

Basically the form on past use I found super weird. It doesn't really give a good look at specifics. Basically, I fell in with the wrong sort in high school and smoked it up without much care about it. After high school was much the same until 2013. In 2014 I cut down a lot and I quit completely in 2015 (just bored of it) only beginning to smoke again in social situations in 2016 & 17. So I put on the form 1-5 x week for 2008-13 and then 0-3 x week going forwards. I smoked at a birthday party in May so last use was recent unfortunately then I made the decision to quit completely again so I could join.

Long story short I only smoked in social situations as something to do, I can and have left it behind without issue in the past. I know it doesn't look or sound good, I have no justification for it. Vancouver has a huge marijuana culture and I suppose group think contributes to the fact that no one here really sees issues with it. I know the onus is on me I guess I'm just wondering how to show them I'm willing to own my past and ease worries about future use as I know it won't be a problem but they obviously will have reservations.

Honesty is always the best policy. If you intentionally left something out and it became found about later, it could be much worse.

As some point in your career you will have to get security clearance. Depending on the level required they might look over your past with a bit more interest. If something came up then that contradicted your statements, it would put your clearance in doubt, your career lost, or even worse.

I think the current policy ( and I don't think it has changed much since I got in) is very realistic. The military and its recruiters know how socially accepted many drugs are. They know if they had a zero tolerance view with the 'lighter' drugs they would be hard pressed to hit recruitment goals, in fact almost impossible.

Really it don't matter your reasoning for using the drugs, only it matters that you proven to both yourself and them that you can stay away from it.

Don't be surprised if you get a drug test before you are sworn in, just to prove you are honest. Also they can and will happen throughout your career. Usually a blanket one is done before a deployment. It's rare to have individual ones done unless they suspect something or the person has been caught before.

In the end, if you are honest through out, there will be no surprises to them or you going through.

Thanks Gryphon!

I'm good then as I haven't left anything out. I know I can stay clean no problem, just gotta wait now!

Thanks so much for all your help!
7thghoul said:
You're not wrong. Thanks Gryphon!

Just one addendum however, once my 10 months is up how do I address the past use going forward? I assume it may come up in medical and/or interview?

Basically the form on past use I found super weird. It doesn't really give a good look at specifics. Basically, I fell in with the wrong sort in high school and smoked it up without much care about it. After high school was much the same until 2013. In 2014 I cut down a lot and I quit completely in 2015 (just bored of it) only beginning to smoke again in social situations in 2016 & 17. So I put on the form 1-5 x week for 2008-13 and then 0-3 x week going forwards. I smoked at a birthday party in May so last use was recent unfortunately then I made the decision to quit completely again so I could join.

Long story short I only smoked in social situations as something to do, I can and have left it behind without issue in the past. I know it doesn't look or sound good, I have no justification for it. Vancouver has a huge marijuana culture and I suppose group think contributes to the fact that no one here really sees issues with it. I know the onus is on me I guess I'm just wondering how to show them I'm willing to own my past and ease worries about future use as I know it won't be a problem but they obviously will have reservations.

You have a chance to talk more about something that someone else might not.

You have a chance to demonstrate that, while you have made some mistakes, you seek to improve yourself.

You have a chance to show that you make no excuses and do not try to provide logic to a behavior that is forbidden.
Scott said:
You have a chance to talk more about something that someone else might not.

You have a chance to demonstrate that, while you have made some mistakes, you seek to improve yourself.

You have a chance to show that you make no excuses and do not try to provide logic to a behavior that is forbidden.

And so my watch begins.
Was reading through the earlier pages of this thread and came across a post saying nicotine and caffeine are on the past drug use form. I don't remember seeing them though? Does anyone know if they are there and if so should I call my CFRC and ask them to update my file for coffee drinking daily and red bulls sometimes + smoking cigarettes?
7thghoul said:
Was reading through the earlier pages of this thread and came across a post saying nicotine and caffeine are on the past drug use form.

There are 1225 posts in this discussion. For reference, can you tell us which one you are referring to?
Lajeunesse said:
Yes you have to sign a declaration stating which drugs you‘ve used (including caffine, nicotine..ect.) how many times you used/use and then you sign the bottom stating that which you have written is truthful to the best of your knowledge. Oh and after you sign this in the case you get caught using you can/could be charged federaly and you can ruin your chances of ever getting into the army again.
Hope that helps some. Oh and make sure you tell the truth its really not worth the puishment, if your caught lying. I know they do the initale pee test at your medical but do they do another after you‘ve started Basic...just curious

This was the post I was referring to.

I did however call a file manager this morning and he told me not to worry about it. Figured I'd ask in the interest of being transparent in that I didn't want to seem like I was omitting anything, which he said was fine and again to not worry as they really only look for non-prescribed and illegal narcotic use.
Hello everyone,
i'll start by thank you for taking the time for reading and hopefully replying. I have read several form posts on similar topics but none of real aplication because they were outdated. Some background first. I originally applied for ROTP in the beggining of my victory lap of High School (2016) and did not meet my CFAT requirments. I took the time off, worked, grew, and came back to write in January of 2018; where I sucessfully met all the standards I whished to achieve. My medical exam is coming at the end of Febuary and I am not worried about my fitness or any health hazards except for this one issue. When I orignally applied i filled out my substance questionaire form honestly; a single previous use of Marijuana. Wanting to be open and honest on my new questionaire I added some for the use of which I took on my year off. This number was a total guess and (14) as I was no where near a frequent user and I didnt want to be caught in a situation where it looked like i was lying to I highballed. Upon making the decision to re-apply in (around august-september) I stopped all together which honestly wasnt a real issue seeing as I wasn't a very frequent user anyway. A couple of weeks ago, in late January, I was at a party at my University and was slipped something I was unaware of based on my level of blood alcohol level. I later found out it was an edible and am horrified that this history and accident is going to stop my entrance into the CAF. If anyone has any advice, ideas, or even just a general comment on my stupidity here it would be much appreciated.
Thanks again.
Regardless of how you took drugs, you still took drugs. Disclose everything, if you don't and they find out...not good news.
Hello, hoping to get some information in regards to what my chance's are of getting past medical with what I dealt with in my past. In my teenage years I used lots of drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with troubles in life because I was raised in a hostile home with domestic abuse. At about 21 years old I was admitted to CAMH for what they initially diagnosed as Schizophrenia. I was prescribed Olanzapine(Anti-psychotic medication) which I was on for some years. Fast track to now and I am 32 years, medication free since 2013, married, have a 7 year old daughter and have been steadily employed for many years and a mortgage, car and all that fun stuff. I have been drug(street drugs) and alcohol free for about a decade now and have constantly been in contact with my family doctor. In her opinion, she believes that I had been misdiagnosed and what I was going through was just related to the many drugs I had used in my younger years. I am curious if the is grounds for an automatic failure when it comes to medical. I have been preparing myself physically, mentally and intellectually for the past year but have been hesitant to send my application based on the above reason. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated as this is something I have been interested in as a child but never pursed in my younger years due to low self esteem at the time. Thanks in advance.
Greeneie said:
In my teenage years I used lots of drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with troubles in life because I was raised in a hostile home with domestic abuse. At about 21 years old I was admitted to CAMH for what they initially diagnosed as Schizophrenia. I was prescribed Olanzapine(Anti-psychotic medication) which I was on for some years.

You can search our discussions for the highlighted words.

For readers unfamiliar with Centre for Addiction and Mental Health ( CAMH )

As always, Recruiting ( Medical ) is your most trusted source of official up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

mariomike said:
As always, Recruiting ( Medical ) is your most trusted source of official up to date information.

I always love mariomike's quote. Take particular note of the "Medical" part of that quote.

Here is my standard Recruiter type response when faced with medical questions:

"During the application process, our recruiting medical personnel will assess your unique medical situation. A complete medical examination is necessary when assessing medical fitness for the Forces. At this time, the Fe Forces will be able to determine if any existing medical conditions would preclude you from joining. This is also important when restrictions may limit the career choices being considered.

If you have specific medicla questions you should contact the recruiting detachment nearest you and ask to speak with a member of the medical staff directly."

I applied once before quite a few years back, it wasn’t the right time for me. Anyways when I applied the first time it was closer to my high school/post high school years and I could remember the drugs i had tried recreationally. So years later I’m applying again, because it’s the right time, and I wanna give the best life to my daughter. I don’t do drugs anymore. Not that I did them full time back then. Anyways I reapplied and am comfirmed for a NPD (Applicant Pre-Enrollment Substance Use Questionnaire). What exactly is that testing? Also I can’t remember the exact dates or anything.. because I put it all behind me. But I don’t wanna seem like I’m lying when I go in to do the NPD. I was honest before during my first application years ago, so are they just able to go by that if I say I can’t remember? Thanks
Littleone25 said:

I applied once before quite a few years back, it wasn’t the right time for me. Anyways when I applied the first time it was closer to my high school/post high school years and I could remember the drugs i had tried recreationally. So years later I’m applying again, because it’s the right time, and I wanna give the best life to my daughter. I don’t do drugs anymore. Not that I did them full time back then. Anyways I reapplied and am comfirmed for a NPD (Applicant Pre-Enrollment Substance Use Questionnaire). What exactly is that testing? Also I can’t remember the exact dates or anything.. because I put it all behind me. But I don’t wanna seem like I’m lying when I go in to do the NPD. I was honest before during my first application years ago, so are they just able to go by that if I say I can’t remember? Thanks

No they can't go off your first application; from the sounds of your post it was a LONG time ago which means the documents are in archive or possibly destroyed (the government only keeps things for so long).  Be honest to the best of your memory. 

If high school was 10 years ago and it was only for 1-2 years after high school then you can say with all honesty that the last time you touched anything was 8+ years ago.  Be honest to the best that you can be and it'll be fine for the interview/questionnaire.
Apologies if this has been answered already, but does anyone have any information as to whether legalization will affect the whole "wait six months after smoking to apply" rule?  I understand THC metabolites are carried in fat cells for a long time - it can be months for a chronic smoker to completely eliminate all traces of THCA, but they certainly won't be feeling the effects, even just two days later. 

I would happily abstain from day one of enrollment, but having to twiddle thumbs for six months can certainly dampen the enthusiasm.
robjvan said:
Apologies if this has been answered already, but does anyone have any information as to whether legalization will affect the whole "wait six months after smoking to apply" rule?  I understand THC metabolites are carried in fat cells for a long time - it can be months for a chronic smoker to completely eliminate all traces of THCA, but they certainly won't be feeling the effects, even just two days later. 

I would happily abstain from day one of enrollment, but having to twiddle thumbs for six months can certainly dampen the enthusiasm.
That won't be determined until the CDS announces the new rules for CAF members.

If you would find abstaining for six months prior to enrollment, if that is what is required, would dampen your enthusiasm, then perhaps you need to rethink a few things.
The official stance of the CAF that recruiters have been informed to state is that it still not legal.
Until such time as it is made legal the CAF will not announce what it's policy will be.
As such the current NPD policy stands.
Question for the people that have gotten their offers for bmq. When does the drug test happen, asking for a friend.

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Canadian_beast said:
When does the drug test happen, asking for a friend.

Drugs thread - previous use, testing, etc..[MERGED]
50 pages.

Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)
28 pages.

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